Saturday, January 14, 2017

Whittle a Little Today

Friday the 13th was blame someone else day!  Really?  We don’t need a day for such action; it happens by human nature without thought.  When bad things happen, we push blame.  When bad decisions create less than desired results, we push blame.  When life looks grim, we push blame.  Blame eases the unknown.  Blame releases guilt/shame.  Blame gives reason to brokenness.

I see blame daily; either from self, kids or those encountered daily.  Just the other day my daughter blamed everyone in the house for losing HER watch.  She chose to remove the watch at a basketball game and place it on the bleachers.  I failed to receive the instructions to keep a constant eye on HER watch.  Ergo, HER watch now sits inside the bleachers, in the garbage or on the wrist of a happy child.

Mistakes, chaos and unfinished tasks consume the work day.  Why?  Poor planning on our part?  No way!  Reason for such exists in another’s failure to allow the time for us to complete required tasks.  Chaos comes due to others getting in the way of our itinerary.  Mistakes appear because the world keeps demanding our attention.

Misery consumes every hour at work, flood of emotions drowns the heart at home and life continues void of peace.  Why?  Poor attitude radiating from our heart?  No way!  Coworkers/the boss fail to meet our needs, appreciate every little job well done (which is the whole reason a paycheck comes bi-weekly) or make our life easier.  Loved ones fail to fill our love jar Every. Single. Day!  The world fails to revolve around our needs and create a happy place daily.

BLAME!  BLAME!  BLAME!  Placed in the wrong direction only leads to a destructive path.  

I spent years blaming circumstances for misery.  I spent years holding onto grudges/resentment as blame for addiction.  I spent years blaming anyone/everyone for flooding emotions.  I spent years looking to God for an answer to all the misery in a blaming manner.  What did I receive living in blame?  Misery, addiction, negative attitude, flooding emotions and fear consumed Every. Single. Day!

Friends, blame cannot be in the presence of God!  Humility allows God to work in unimaginable ways!  Look in the mirror today, face the two planks sticking out of your eyes.  The planks did not appear overnight.  The planks came, one speck of dust at a time, one blaming moment at a time.  The planks prevent humility.

I am not promoting self-condemnation.  I am promoting honesty with self.  I am promoting a good look in the mirror, taking time to dig deep into your heart and find the underlying decisions which led to such misery.  We live in free will.  Our spirit is willing to choose God, the straight path and peace.  BUT, our flesh is weak and, void of God’s Truth, we remain weak.

Live by the flesh = live in blame = live feeling ‘owed’ something.  
5 Those who live according to the flesh have their minds set on what the flesh desires; but those who live in accordance with the Spirit have their minds set on what the Spirit desires. 6 The mind governed by the flesh is death, but the mind governed by the Spirit is life and peace. 7 The mind governed by the flesh is hostile to God; it does not submit to God’s law, nor can it do so. 8 Those who are in the realm of the flesh cannot please God.  Romans 8:5-8

Years of looking in the mirror, still pieces of the plank remain.  I whittle away, day by day; but, still catch myself playing the blame game.  The blame game comes when I play the complaining card, attend the ‘pity party’ and sit in a negative attitude about the situation at hand.

Thankfully, I am surrounded by loved ones holding me accountable for such attitude.  I am surrounded by a team of individuals loving me enough to keep my feet heading down the straight path.  God remains at the center of our home.  God fills our love jar daily for each of us to love one another as He desires.  God is not to blame for any brokenness in this world.  Free will, fleshly decisions, hurting hearts and floods of emotion are to blame.  Running full force to the Cross leads to humility and happiness this side of Heaven.  Lay it all down!  

It’s DAY FOURTEEN. . .will you look in the mirror today and begin whittling away?
Live life. . .One Day at a time!
Sheree Craig  

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