Wednesday, April 5, 2017

Balancing Act

I feel compelled to maintain physical health.  Balancing exercise, food and rest cannot be easily attained.  The extreme measures taken in the past distorted any reality to the meaning of balance.  I worked diligently over the past few years to figure out balance. . .

Unfortunately, balance cannot be found in a book, on the news or in a plan.  Balance changes based on the environment and circumstances.  My regimented character frustrates at the thought; a+b should always equal c!  Well, it doesn’t. 

If I choose a long run for exercise today, I need increased amounts of nutrients and water versus a day I choose to take a leisurely walk.  If I take a vacation full of rest, I do not require the same amount of food as I would after a 5k.  Routine provides comfort.  Knowing exactly what to do and what results occur provides peace. 

I battle between right and wrong daily.  Discernment is a virtue to be desired.  The years a person learns navigation in life were consumed with extreme measures taken to survive.  I leaned the scale (no pun intended) heavily one way.  All my days focused on minute to minute survival. 

Coming to know Christ brought discernment.  I no longer had to figure things out.  The Holy Spirit within became my voice, guide, support and encouragement!

After the newness of my relationship with God lessened, I fell into the same old extremist patterns.  I began to apply the a+b=c regimen to my foundation of faith.  If I prayed, read my Bible, attended studies and met the “requirements” to be a Christian, I could remain in a relationship with God.  If I refrained from “bad, sinful” actions, God would not reject my plea for a relationship.  I worked daily to maintain status!

I WAS SO WRONG!  A relationship has, is and always will be two-sided.  I cannot work to be in perfect condition to be accepted by God.  Yes, God is perfect.  No, He does not require perfection to approach the Cross.  God accepts prayer backed with faith.  God accepts daily conversation and invitation to walk alongside.  God accepts YOU and ME as we take Him as our Lord and Savior.  Balance must be applied to all areas in life – physical, emotional and spiritual.

A few things I have learned in seeking balance:

Daily temptation will occur; but, temptation does NOT equal failure.
            The enemy prowls around, working diligently to cause Christians to fall, to reject God and steal any relationship built.  Temptation is inevitable.  Our reactions to temptation is the key to building a relationship with God.  Choosing old patterns causes distance (not to be confused with rejection) between Christians and the Cross.  Choosing the straight path builds faith and strengthens the foundation built on Truth.  Learn from temptations.  Avoid condemnation.  God provides grace!

Each situation is unique; yet, a strong foundation of Truth will withstand all situations. 
            The actuality remains that whatever variable a or b present in the equation, c will remain constant if God provides the answer.  Taking situations to the Cross, seeking God in prayer and relying on the Truth laid out in the Bible will always result in strengthened faith.  In this life, trial and tribulation will occur.  God already won the battle through shedding of blood and death of His Only Son.  God provides love!

Perfection remains out of reach; thankfully, God desires imperfection.
            Striving to reach perfect leaves us exhausted.  God takes imperfect people and uses them in mighty ways to build His Kingdom.  Where humility meets the Cross, there you find freedom.  Is this easy? Not even the slightest bit.  Our world promotes being the best at something, anything, everything!  Pride feeds perfection.  Humbly reach your hand out to God.  God provides peace!

Balance is key.  Maintain a relationship with God through daily prayer and worship.  Listen for what He has to say about situations.  He does not want perfect. . .He just wants YOU!  Balance health spiritually, physically and mentally.  This will look different from one person to the next.  Avoid comparing your balance to another’s balance.  Focus on your path.  Live to enjoy your journey!

Live life. . .One Day at a time! 

Sheree Craig