Wednesday, February 27, 2019

You are Worth it

I love the theme of this year’s NEDA Eating Disorder awareness week. . .

The theme feels inviting.  It is a theme I would love to present each day to those I meet.  I want invite others into my life in a ‘come as you are’ manner.  Zero judgement.  Zero expectations.  Zero negativity.

We all come with burdens, sadness, wounds from the past and overwhelmed in life.  Some possess greater coping skills than others.  Some protect self from effects of the world.  Some keep strong, steady movements down the path laid for their lives.

BUT, some have no clue how to cope, manage life, protect their thoughts or remain steady each day.  It is a learning process in life.  If no one exists to educate during the formidable years, an individual goes at life on their own.  They may have friends and even have excellent parents; but, when life hits them and they lack coping skills, a risk exists for destruction.

In comes depression, eating disorders, addiction, anxiety, suicide, etc.  The struggle is real.  People hurt every day.  Life only increases in difficulty.  Coping skills remain nonexistent. 


Zero judgement
We can not judge another because we are one decision away from entering the path they travel.  Life could hit us in the same way.  We have no clue the pain felt or the life the other experiences.  Stop the judgements.  Accept others, love them to where they need to be for optimal health and simply give them a smile.  Everyone needs to receive at least one smile a day.  😊

Zero expectations
Failure is a given.  No one is perfect.  In recovery, failure appears often.  Stop expecting the other person to be ‘fixed’ overnight.  It took years, days, months and hours of struggle for the other person to have reached a point of such destruction and pain.  Offer grace with every encounter.  Open your eyes to their progress, desire and tiny glimmer of hope.  There is hope for everyone; love them so they can see that hope.

Zero negativity
Even when you want to pull your hair out as you watch the other person take a step toward destruction AGAIN; stay positive for them.  The last thing the other needs is ANOTHER negative thought or comment placed in their minds.  Speak life into them.  Speak joy into their situation.  And when words just won’t come, embrace them.  Your loving touch will be exactly what they needed. 


Broken.  Bruised.  Battered.  Depressed.  Destroyed.  Discouraged.


You are NEVER too far or too much for recovery.  You deserve recovery.  You deserve to live.  There is a mighty purpose in life for you.  Remaining in silence prevents the beautiful life planned for you to come to fruition.  Reach out.  Speak out.  Help is available and you are loved!  You are worth it!


Live life. . .One Day at a time! 
Sheree Craig

Monday, February 25, 2019

Awareness: Risk for Relapse

Thousands of illness and disease exist with new conditions arising yearly.  Each diagnosis presents with a unique set of signs and symptoms, shifts in blood work, or test results.  Various treatment plans take place.  One commonality does exist. . .

Recurrence or Relapse

Once a diagnosis claims a life, the risk for exacerbation to occur again increases.  High blood pressure?  Medicines can control; but, situations in life could overpower the medicine effect.  Cancer?  Chemo can kill all the cancer cells; but overtime good cells may end up losing the battle again.  Depression?  This condition could feel like a roller coaster even with medication; times are good, symptoms remain at bay; times get rough, symptoms take over a life. 

Eating disorders are not exempt from relapse or recurrence.  Life can hit hard and the individual walking down the road of recovery can crash.  Standing back up, shook by life’s struggles, the individual may veer back down a familiar, comfortable path.  The only coping mechanism known involves food.  The coping methods result in self-abuse; but at least the individual avoids the emotions from the struggle in life.  Numbing out is the goal.  Comfort, though unhealthy, is the desire. 

Remaining in recovery is hard enough.  Throw in a hardship in life and the individual is pushed beyond their limits.  Something has got to give!  Relief must be found in some way, shape or form!  Life cannot be manipulated or changed.  Hardships enter beyond any control of the individual.  Therefore, the eating disorder takes over again.  The individual can control food intake, exercise regimens, thoughts of self, purging, binging, etc.  Or so they think!

The eating disorder lures an individual in and gives a sense of control.  Emotions begin to numb.  At first, the individual feels in control while the world around spins out of control.  Over time, the individual actually possesses no control.  The eating disorder takes over Every. Single. Thought.  Relapse sneaks in, grabs the healthy individual and holds on tight.

Just because individuals walk the path of recovery for X amounts of years, does not mean they aren’t fighting each day to remain on that path.  It takes strength to remain steady in this rocky world.  It takes perseverance to choose healthy habits.  It takes courage to continue speaking out when life becomes overwhelming.

The longer one travels on the road of recovery, the stronger they become.  A keener vision develops with ability to recognize triggers.  It doesn’t make them exempt from relapse.  Keep supporting, praying and remain in friendship with those recovering.  Stay aware of relapse signs.  The quicker we can catch one from falling; the greater a chance exists for them to get back up and remain on the path to recovery.

Recovery from an eating disorder can take months, even years. Slips, backslides, and relapse tend to be the rule, rather than the exception. Re-learning normal eating habits and coping skills can take a long period of time and often requires lots of support from professionals, friends, and family. Moving forward is key, however slow it might be.

People struggling with an eating disorder have to address any immediate medical concerns caused by their disorder, work on reducing or eliminating eating disordered behaviors, address co-occurring issues like depression, anxiety, or trauma, and then develop a plan to prevent relapse. Some psychologists call recovery the process of creating a life worth living. Overcoming food and eating concerns during recovery is a central goal, but it’s far from the only task of recovery.

Live life. . .One Day at a time! 
Sheree Craig

Sunday, February 24, 2019

Awareness: It is a Must

It seems there is a national week or day for multiple concerns in this world.  The week exists in hopes to bring awareness, save a life, heal a soul and/or prevent pain.  I am in 100% support of awareness; but, I on the same note, I believe awareness is a daily act. 

Individuals struggling with illness, whether mental or physical, experience effects daily.  The pain is not limited to one week a year.  Hardships follow them through each moment lived.  Medications may deaden the effects, support groups provide strength, praying produces healing, friendships possess support; but the daily grind continues to push and pull at those struggling. 

We need all those things mentioned above.  We were created to experience this life together.  We also need awareness.  Healthy individuals, survivors and those a little further on the road of recovery can assist in awareness.  Daily! 

Eating Disorder awareness week begins today.  I am in strong support of bringing awareness to such a tormenting illness.  I sat in this prison of my for 10 years before surrendering to full recovery.  I now have been walking the road of recovery for 10 years.  I would not be here today without support, prayer, friendships and awareness.  Each play a pivotal role in recovery.

Recognition of an illness does not equal recovery/remission.  It takes a daily effort to reach optimal health.  It takes people gathering to encourage, strengthen and love you with each step.  Support keeps your feet aligned and your body upright. 

God sees our struggle.  He wants to remove the pain, suffering, lies and illness.  He cannot do so without an invite.  Prayer invites God into the recovery journey.  Speak out, find prayer warriors and talk to God daily.  Again, not an instant healing takes place with prayer; but true and lasting healing begins one day at a time. 

To know you are not alone in struggle wins half the battle.  Friends love and support.  They may not fully understand what you are going through; but they love you just as you are, supporting you to where you are headed. 

It is a must!  Without knowledge, the three resources above cannot exist.  I am all about taking a week and learning about Eating Disorders, help and recovery.  Let us take that learning and apply it each day for the following 51 weeks. 

Even in recovery, struggles remain, triggers exist, and pain follows.  After ten years of healing, I still need support, prayer (LOTS of it), friendships and awareness.  For me, awareness reminds me I am not alone, there is help and to recognize when my thoughts begin veering down the wrong path.  Awareness reminds me how important healthy decision are to remain in recovery. 

Be aware.  Eating disorders are rampant in the world.  Reach out!  Speak out!  Help bring healing!

Eating disorders are serious but treatable mental and physical illnesses that can affect people of every age, sex, gender, race, ethnicity, and socioeconomic group. National surveys estimate that 20 million women and 10 million men in America will have an eating disorder at some point in their lives.
While no one knows for sure what causes eating disorders, a growing consensus suggests that it is a range of biological, psychological, and sociocultural factors.   

Live life. . .One Day at a time! 
Sheree Craig

Tuesday, February 12, 2019

No Better You - You are Enough

“There's a hope that's waiting for you in the dark
You should know you're beautiful just the way you are
And you don't have to change a thing, the world could change its heart
No scars to your beautiful, we're stars and we're beautiful
Oh-oh, oh-oh
And you don't have to change a thing, the world could change its heart
No scars to your beautiful, we're stars and we're beautiful”  Scars To Your Beautiful ~Alessia Cara

You are beautiful just the way you are. . .

I love that line from this song.  I love the song in its entirety; but, that line says it all.  Our Creator knit together a beautiful person.  Every.  Single.  Time.  Perfection?  NO.  Beautiful?  Wonderful?  YES.

We get caught up in this world.  The hardships and emotions bury us in a dark hole.  We grasp on to anything just to numb out of the pain, escape from the darkness and feel part of the ‘norm.’  We hide who we are for fear of rejection.  My dear friends, you are beautiful just the way you are. 

There is always room to mature in character; but the past mistakes do not define you.  The flaws society loves to point out do not define you.  You were beautifully and wonderfully made!  That does not change over the years lived.  The push for perfection in society screams the message, “NOT GOOD ENOUGH!”  The images plastered all over this world screams, “YOU DON’T MEASURE UP!”  The next generation battle with airbrushed images, filtered social media posts and their peers hiding behind masks.  Comparing the inside of ourselves to the outward appearance of others leads to destruction.

Slowly, we pick apart the very character that God intended to use in a mighty way here to build His Kingdom.  We slip further from the path paved by our Creator Himself.  The enemy grabs hold, suffocates and then drops us in the darkest of pits; leaving us to become our own worst enemy. 

“She has dreams to be an envy, so she's starving
You know, Covergirls eat nothing
She says beauty is pain and there's beauty in everything
What's a little bit of hunger?
I could go a little while longer, she fades away
She don't see her perfect, she don't understand she's worth it
Or that beauty goes deeper than the surface
Oh, oh
So to all the girls that's hurting
Let me be your mirror, help you see a little bit clearer
The light that shines within”
  Scars To Your Beautiful ~Alessia Cara

My dear friends, eating disorders are real, self-abuse is increasing, suicide on the rise and depression/anxiety overtaking our society.  We must fight the enemy.  We are a powerful part of the team to defeating the enemy.  God will win the spiritual battle as we pray, speak out, shine His light onto all we meet and simply love others.  I am slowly working on a novel – based on my true story (names are changed) – depicting the spiritual battle that came darn near close to ending my life way too early.  Below is a small excerpt. . .

The nurse continued to gather vital signs; all revealing a sick, malnourished body.  She was kind, gentle and free of judgement.  Once completed, she softly said, “The doctor will be in shortly.  It was wonderful to meet you all.”  The door closed behind her and Izzy wanted to run the other direction.  ED wouldn’t give up the fight easily.  Izzy was too weak to move; but, her thoughts screamed at her to leave.  Escape!  ED pulled tightly the chains surrounding Izzy, holding on to every part of her.  Izzy felt like a tug-o-war battle taking place in her mind.  She was so tired.  Tired of life’s battle.

A few minutes later, which seemed like hours, the doctor entered the room.  His face revealed concern; but, he greeted all with a kind smile.  Looking over the numbers, talking a bit with everybody and reading notes from the counselor, he then provided a treatment plan.  He spoke many words; but, only one sentence soaked in for Izzy.  “You need to be admitted to the hospital.”  He provided reasoning for the decision.  If Izzy continued living as such, she would soon die.  The only way to survive was stay at the hospital, receive nutrition, counseling and rest.  With that, he left to allow time to decide. . .stay and begin healing, or leave and die slowly?

Her parents thought the question was a no brainer.  Izzy begin the tug-o-war game again in her mind.  Her parents held Izzy’s hands tightly and began reaching out in prayer.  They knew Izzy was too weak to decide.  The family needed a Greater Power than they possessed.  As the prayers continued, Izzy could not make out the words; but, she felt the power in those prayers.  Izzy felt an unexplained release; as if a demon left her frail body.  She felt 100 pounds of pressure lift off her body.  Tears flowed uncontrollably.   (side-note:  ED is the abbreviation given for eating disorder)

Will you be the one to speak out to a hurting soul?  Are you that hurting soul, the one unable to see the light in the darkness surrounding you?  Take any energy you have left and reach up.  Speak out to anyone that can hear you.  Asking for help will bring light to the darkest of moments.  You are not alone. 

Live life. . .One Day at a time! 
Sheree Craig

Tuesday, February 5, 2019

Tears of Joy

She heard the news.  Her heart overflowed with joy.  Her mind found it difficult to process the news.  She stood speechless, tears of joy trickling down her little cheeks.  The countdown began as she anticipated the day her dreams would come true. . .

My daughter loves basketball.  I do not use the word love lightly in this situation.  If she is not playing the game, she is watching it or talking about it.  Over the years, she has followed UCONN women’s basketball religiously.  She admires the skill of one player and respects the decisions of the coach.  She wears the gear, cheers on her team and fills her room with UCONN décor.  Her goals in life lead to stepping on UCONN’s court and joining the team in college. 

We live in Indiana. . .Connecticut is miles away.  The cost of a plane ticket and game ticket are not in the budget.  One evening, our daughter found an upcoming game to be played in Cincinnati, OH.  Researching more into the cost and date, the event was feasible.  Keeping the idea a secret, our excitement grew knowing our daughter’s dream could come true. . .to see these women play in person.  My husband had a connection at the home court and sweetened the deal by landing an opportunity to meet the women and obtain signatures.

As the date neared and tickets were purchased, we told our daughter part of the plan.  We let her in on the secret of attendance; but, did not mention meeting the women.  Simply telling her we would go to the game caused tears of joy to stream down her face.  She began the countdown and planned her outfit for the day.  All conversation revolved around seeing UCONN play.  We bought her a picture of UCONN’s home court to take “just in case she met the girls and got signatures”.  More tears of joy came just thinking of the possibility to meet the players. 

Have you ever felt this excited?  Have tears of joy touched your cheeks while anticipating a future event?  Have you heard news that brought overflowing joy to your heart?

You can feel that joy every single day regardless of circumstances here on Earth.  Our Father in Heaven revealed the secret to peace thousands of years ago as His Only Son hung on the cross to eradicate our sins.  He filled with excitement knowing He could offer such a gift to His children. 

As we hear the Truth, the capacity of God’s love is difficult to process.  There are times I stand speechless as I watch the mighty work of God in a situation.  The amount of care He places in even the smallest of moments is unexplainable.  He waits in anticipation for the day to meet us in Heaven.  In the meantime, He desires to walk alongside and guide us through life.
22 But now that you have been set free from sin and have become slaves of God, the benefit you reap leads to holiness, and the result is eternal life. 23 For the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life in[a] Christ Jesus our Lord.  Romans 6:22-23

11 And this is the testimony: God has given us eternal life, and this life is in his Son. 12 Whoever has the Son has life; whoever does not have the Son of God does not have life.
13 I write these things to you who believe in the name of the Son of God so that you may know that you have eternal life.  John 5:11-13 

Eternal life. . .a gift. . .a dream come true.  We wait.  We live out each day.  We trudge through the darkest of moments knowing full well God will bring good out of the situation. 

My daughter loves UCONN, follows UCONN and learns from UCONN.  She will one day play at UCONN!  This is her hope, her goal.

We hold many hopes and goals here on Earth; but, ultimately, the things of this world do not matter.  What really matters is where our hearts reside.  Love God.  Follow God.  Learn from God.  One day you will meet Him in Heaven.  Eternal life in Heaven offers overflowing joy.  The kind that will cause tears to touch your cheeks.

Live life. . .One Day at a time! 
Sheree Craig

Friday, February 1, 2019

He Shows Up Every Time

Don’t Miss It!
The glimmer of a snow-covered field.  The feeling of warmth under a blanket while drinking hot chocolate or coffee.  The family of deer off in the distance.  The vibrant paintings in the sky as the sun rises and sets.

In this life, we will experience trials and tribulations; but, take heart, God has come and defeated the darkness of the world.  He defeated sin.  God cannot associate with darkness.  He provides the grace to cover our sin. 

First, we accept this Truth.
Our eyes open to see His Light.  We activate the ability to recognize Him in this dark world.  The craziness swirling all around won’t touch our hearts; for, we are filled with a peace that passes all understanding. 

Don’t Miss It!
The sun hitting our face after a long winter’s season.  The introduction of Spring in the form of beautiful colors blooming all around.  The sound of birds singing joyfully.

This life is but a small glimpse of time.  We live in the world but must avoid conforming to the world.  God holds mighty plans for each; plans to prosper and provide hope in each day to come.

Second, we believe He gave His only Son to die for our sins.
We surrender, throw open our arms and invite the Holy Spirit to be a part of us.  The Holy Spirit speaks to our hearts.  Our hearts speak louder than the lies roaming in our minds.  Our minds communicate to our bodies, guiding them in the right direction.  We follow the Holy Spirit as we believe and accept the Truth provided.

Don’t Miss It!
The refreshing sensation of water on a hot Summer’s day.  The sounds of nature in the darkness of night.  The clear sky revealing the light provided at night.  The countless stars appearing right alongside the light.  Longer days.  A snow cone, popsicle or ice cream on the hottest of days.

Third, we confess our sins and follow God. 
We cannot be perfect.  Ever.  Believe you me, I have tried diligently.  I have failed completely.  God loves us, accepts us and desires a relationship just as we exist.  He does not ask for perfection.  We all fall short of His glory and sin daily.  Confess those sins.  Ask for guidance and strength to avoid repeating such sins.

Don’t Miss It! 
Vibrant colors of changing seasons.  Campfires on a cool, crisp evening.  Pumpkins growing uncontrollably in fields all around.  The joy in wearing jeans and hooded sweatshirts!  Hot apple cider!  Pumpkin spice everything!

In this world, we will have trial and tribulation.  In this world, life will never be perfect.  In this world, we will not feel comfortable.  We will shed tears, feel physical pain, stand in the middle of violent storms and our hearts will break into a thousand pieces.  BUT we can feel peace amongst all this pain and sorrow.  Filled with the Holy Spirit, taking one step at a time on the path God planned, inviting God into every moment and praying continuously allows peace to wash over any situation.  God shows up!  Always!

He wants us to experience joy every day.  Whether it be a visual reminder, physical reminder or emotional reminder; He shows up!  He provides that person to give you a hug when needed.  He displays the beauty all around to produce a smile on your face.  He offers a time of rest when your body cannot take anymore.

I have been in the deepest of darkness.  Sitting in a pit, seeing no signs of relief from life.  God sat down, never left my side and used that exact moment to strengthen me.  Acceptance of Truth, Believing in Him and Confession of sins does not guarantee a problem free life.  It offers so much more. . .becoming a Christian and following His Truth offers strength in the struggle.  He provides peace in the pain.  He brings blessing to every battle.  He wins.  Every.  Single.  Time!

Don’t Miss Him! 
Seek Him in every situation.  Resist the devil and he will flee.  Our God is bigger than anything in this world.  And keep sight on the ultimate prize – Eternal life with God!

Live life. . .One Day at a time! 
Sheree Craig