Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Live Unwavering

During a drive to work one morning, the sun began to rise over the tree line to the East.  No fog in sight.  Vision clear for miles ahead.  A perfect drive.

As a car approached in the opposite lane and flashed their bright lights.  Road talk for “brighting’ someone could be perceived as a warning for danger ahead.  Deer ran rampant at this time; therefore, I thought the driver could be cautioning of deer ahead.  I slowed down slightly and scanned the surroundings.  No deer in sight. 

Another possible warning is a cop ahead.  I was not speeding so no worries there.  Oooh, maybe they were warning of a wreck and to take caution around debris.  Nope!  Not a wreck in site.

The only conclusion I could muster up is the driver believed I should turn on my headlights.  I did not feel the need to illuminate the path ahead at this time of day, being that the sun provided plenty of light for driving.  The weather conditions showed no indication of extra lighting required for safe driving.  Do I really need to turn my headlights on?

The people pleasing character I possess forced me to turn the headlights on despite my belief that it was not necessary. 

Hmmmm?  Have you ever faced a moment in life when your beliefs, morals and character choose one direction while the world screams another direction?  Have you ever had authority strongly suggest an action that you don’t feel comfortable performing?

Why do we allow others to manipulate decisions, actions and beliefs?  Why do we feel compelled to “fit in” with others by conforming to worldly patterns?

 Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewal of your mind, that by testing you may discern what is the will of God, what is good and acceptable and perfect.  Romans 12:2

The world is broken.  Hurting people hurt people.  Opinions don’t equal truth. 

God did not create carbon-copy individuals.  God created each of us uniquely and wonderfully.  He created each with a purpose and mighty plan.  God did not plan for our character to conform to the broken world; yet, he commands we mature through the renewal of our mind.  Referring to God’s Truth on a daily basis lays a foundation on which to stand.  This foundation grows our spirit and allows us to walk the path laid for our lives. 

My plan looks different from yours.  If I tried to tailor daily decisions based on your purpose, plan and persuasion, I would lose sight of God’s Truth for my life.  God created uniqueness in hopes we all work together to build His Kingdom.  He provided wonderful gifts inside everyone to use in this world.  He desires teamwork.  He provided the same Spirit to all.

Now there are varieties of gifts, but the same Spirit; and there are varieties of service, but the same Lord; and there are varieties of activities, but it is the same God who empowers them all in everyone.  1Corinthians 12:4-6   

Spend today recognizing your gifts that God placed in you at creation.  Use those gifts for good.  Avoid conforming to other’s opinions.  Stand firm on Truth.  Do not waver in this broken world; hold fast to Hope, for He is faithful.

Let us be strong in this world.  If we don’t want to turn on our headlights during daytime hours, let’s not allow someone else’s belief to change our decision!  😊

Live life. . .One Day at a time! 
Sheree Craig