Monday, January 30, 2017

Speak His Name

Most pop right back up after tripping over a painted line.  Juggling an item, resulting in a drop cause most to quickly pick up item and hold tightly.  An error leads to most finding a solution prior to anyone else discovering the mistake.  Being stuck between a rock and hard place, most still find it difficult to ask for help.

Why do we fear judgement?  Why do we fear failure?  Why do we fear?

Being clumsy, I fall into the pattern of tripping over painted lines often, running into walls (I swear they jump out at me) and multiple other occasions of injury.  Bruises remain, pride demolished and frustration at the time it takes to recover from pain.  I feel embarrassed.

Multi-tasking leads to dropping many of items daily.  I work to balance all the groceries to make less trips (from trunk to house is less than 10 steps).  I try to carry all the spices required for a dish from the pantry to oven to hurry along supper.  I end up cleaning mess after mess, causing delay in task completion.  I feel overwhelmed.

Mistakes lead to disappointment.  If I am asked to complete a job and I screw it up, then the chance stands for those to choose someone else.  I feel like a failure.

Pride prevents reaching out.  I sit in a bind, no way out and all I want to do is throw a pity party.  Reaching out would be a burden on another.  Reaching out shows weakness.  I feel a depressed.

Feelings overpower the spirit and lead to loneliness.  I am working diligently to move toward vulnerability.  It scares me.  Vulnerability in the past led to rejection and ridicule.  I am working diligently to move toward acceptance of self.  It scares me.  Acceptance of self is foreign territory.

Putting aside fear of opinion will move me from hidden to humble.  Putting aside shame will move me from failure to freedom.  Putting aside failures will move me from worry to worship.

Let us work together to build each other up daily.  If one should fall, pick them up, dust them off and love them along the path.  If one should carry too big a load, step alongside and offer to help.  If one should error in life, offer the grace desperately needed in the situation.  If one should hit rock bottom with nowhere to turn, be that hand that reaches down and pulls them up with love, grace, acceptance and strength.

Embrace who God created!  That includes the one staring back from the mirror.  I am clumsy.  I take on too many tasks at once.  I make mistakes.  I don’t know how to ask for help.  BUT, I am a child of the One True King.  I am given another day to live for Him.  I am offered grace to cover any error faced today.  I am NOT a mistake.  I know the name to speak to receive the help needed in any and every situation – Jesus!

One step at a time. . .I just shared my story for a group of individuals only known for a short while and it was difficult.  I accepted food unknown of the ingredients or nutrition content and it was difficult (oh but it tasted so good!).  I took on a career full of life changing decisions and it remains difficult.  I struggle daily, approaching the Cross and picking up recovery to live for the day and it remains difficult.  I stumble and fall and life comes with difficulty!

We were not created to live in easy!  In this world, trial and tribulation will exist.  Let us work together with God as our Leader.  Let us tear down any evil tactic of the enemy by praying harder than he can work.  Let us live this side of Heaven in peace and joy, knowing full well this is temporary.

Today move from hidden to humble – reveal His Light in your life.  Today move from failure to freedom – experience the joy, peace and love He offers.  Today move from worry to worship – just say Jesus!

It’s DAY THIRTY. . .Just say Jesus!

Live life. . .One Day at a time!
Sheree Craig  

Saturday, January 28, 2017

Pressure Increase

Try fitting a peeled, hard-boiled egg into a bottle neck container.  No way this could happen, right?  The egg could be shoved into the bottle, leaving a mess of crushed up egg in the bottom.

Heat must be applied inside the bottle.  The pressure inside the bottle decreases as the heat rises causing the greater pressure outside to push the egg into the bottle.  Unharmed, yet a little shook up the egg sits in the bottom.  How to get the egg back out?  Pressure must be increased inside the bottle to release the egg back into a less pressured environment.

What if the egg were an individual, the bottle stood as life and the pressure differences representative of society standards?  The whole scenario expresses the life of an introvert.  Keep with me here and it will begin making sense (I hope).

Society creates standards of behavior acceptable for situations.  Society create pressures outside greater than pressure inside to stand firm on our created character.  The heat rises and we begin forming ourselves into the standards to fit in life.

An egg is not created to be sucked into a bottle as a science project.  You were not created to fit into societal standards and live as everyone else.  Characters vary in difference just as the thousands of snowflakes falling in a blizzard.  Characters come together to create beauty in all of life.  One characteristic society frowns on is introverts (at least this is how we feel).  Introverts do not fit in to life as society requires.  Introverts like quiet, low drama, calm environments and avoid socializing at all costs.  Society creates standards of norm: fill the calendar with social events, never be alone, hold huge parties, join a group, see and be seen, etc.

For years, the pressure of society shook me to the core.  I worked to fit in here and fit in there.  All the while losing the very characteristics God created for a purpose.  Walking away from each situation exhausted, anxiety sky high and far from the straight path, I lost myself.  I began to think God messed up in my creation.  Why didn’t He make me to be comfortable amongst people?  Why didn’t God give me peace in conversation with others?  Why didn’t God provide joy in life?

He held greater plans for Sheree.  He held meaning to every characteristic applied in the womb.  He held a purpose for every part of my being.

I try to explain such to my extroverted husband.  I explain that even an hour at an event with more than 5 people leaves me exhausted at the same level of him running a marathon.  Introverts must work to refuel and process life.

I found an article listing a few points explaining introverts. . .

Under appreciation – due to avoiding conversations amongst many, when gaining enough energy to talk, we feel unheard.  Having difficulty constructing words in a conversation due to anxiety, we feel misunderstood.  We walk away under appreciated.

Parties bring anxiety, especially in your own home – the home is a safe haven for introverts.  Bringing society into our home takes away the only area where complete peace can be found.
A feeling of loneliness is greater at a large event than sitting alone somewhere – introverts love one on one, deep conversations.  At events, all you get is countless small talk with lots of people.  This is exhausting.

Thinking comes with difficulty in a large group – introverts’ thoughts run 90 mph trying to figure out a strategy to survive the night.  Meanwhile, focus cannot be found.  Processing life comes much easier in a quiet, calm environment.

Secretly, you wish you were an extrovert – events bring condemnation due to feeling the difference in everybody versus you.  If only peace could come in conversation, life would be easier.  If only you craved group settings, then others would not look at you differently or think you to be a snob.
If only. . .

Just these few points hit home for me.  I love people, but not more than a couple at a time.  I love life, but not too much at once.  I need time to process, refuel and refocus.  I have discovered God did not mess up!

 It’s DAY TWENTY-EIGHT. . .accept and embrace the varied characteristics!

Live life. . .One Day at a time!
Sheree Craig  

Friday, January 27, 2017

Which Consumes you Currently?


We all had one growing up.  Some in the form of a backhand to the face.  Others a wooden paddle.  And yet others a branch found in the yard.

You know the scenario. . .as a child, we grow through various attitudes disliked by the adults in our lives.  We walk in attitude displaying actions ‘too big for our britches.’ (please closely look at the last word typed!)  Every time the attitude went too far, the words spoken too harsh or the decision too far from the ‘right one’ - in came the attitude adjuster.

Mine came in the form of a fly swatter or the words, “Come here so I can smack ya.”  None of this was in abusive form.  Oh, I deserved a smack on the face (never leaving a mark) or a swat on the leg for sure.  I will promise you, it only took one time and I quickly examined the attitude leading to such discipline.  I learned respect, patience, filtering of words and decision making skills thanks to the attitude adjuster.

As an adult, I have yet to experience a moment where someone chases me with a fly swatter or asks to smack me.  Yet, countless moments do occur when the attitude adjuster would do me some good.

Can anyone relate?  We walk around with attitude – good or bad – every day!  
Which consumes you currently?

Attitude comes in forms of being owed something, resentment, pride or misery.  Attitude comes in the form of a servant’s heart, humility, forgiveness or joy.  Which consumes you currently?

The adults in our lives no longer hold power with an attitude adjuster.  But, my dear friends, our Father holds mighty power in our lives.  He cannot work with such negative attitude displayed on most days.  Attitude makes all the difference in the impact we can make in this world.  Attitude determines the next step taken in life.  Attitude will open or close doors in life.  Which consumes you currently?

Peek at your attitude today.  Are you thankful for health, the very breath provided, a place to go and receive financial support in this life and loved ones nearby to experience life together?  Are you thankful for this world, full of joy and pleasure?  Are you thankful for the unexplainable peace provided by our Creator?  Are you thankful?  Or are you thankless?

Trials in this world can taint our attitude.  The enemy will arrive at the perfect moment to begin promoting negative attitudes.  Negative attitudes then consume and cover every moment in darkness.  Reach for the attitude adjuster today.  Reach for Truth to bring light to every situation.  Reach for God to overrule the enemy and help you examine your attitude.  God will provide respect, patience, a filter and help in every decision through His Truth (attitude adjuster).  Embrace such and experience joy/peace beyond what you can imagine.

4 Rejoice in the Lord always. I will say it again: Rejoice! 5 Let your gentleness be evident to all. The Lord is near. 6 Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. 7 And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.

8 Finally, brothers and sisters, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable—if anything is excellent or praiseworthy—think about such things. 9 Whatever you have learned or received or heard from me, or seen in me—put it into practice. And the God of peace will be with you.  Philippians 4:4-9


It’s DAY TWENTY-SEVEN. . .are you in need of an attitude adjustment?
Live life. . .One Day at a time!
Sheree Craig  

Wednesday, January 25, 2017

Good Ol' Sun

I am fed up!  I cannot take it anymore!

These words I express loudly as another day passes full of clouds.  The sun obviously forgot how to shine.  Failing in its duty, the lack of sunshine steals motivation.  Gloomy, dark days set the scene for cuddling in bed with a good book/movie.  Gray atmospheres lead to dampened spirits.
This girl is ready to move south!  The warmth, sunshine and bright atmosphere fills this girl with joy.  Beauty can be found when the sun decides to shine.  Sunsets create picture worthy moments.  Sunrises set the scene for going into the world and experiencing life.

So, maybe I suffer slightly with Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD).  I HATE being cold.  I HATE lack of sunshine.  I HATE the darkness old man winter provides.  So, yes, I do suffer slightly from SAD.  Named rightfully so, those suffering feel sad.  The science behind SAD, which I will not bore you with, brings much interest to me.  Cool part about it all – the body can find other ways to create the same feelings that the good ol’ sunshine provides.

I know I am not alone in the struggle.  I will let you in on a little secret I learned over the years of suffering.  First, increase Vitamin D3!  Then, find your own sunshine.  Okay, warmth may not arise on the surface; but, finding your own sunshine will provide warmth from within.  For example, forcing movement!  Even if it is walking around the house cleaning – MOVE!  This increases neurotransmitters (sorry, the science part of it) that will enhance the happy in you.  Movement can come in playing with the kids as well.  These little guys are very creative inside the house with a few blankets, boxes and chairs!

Sunshine surrounds my day, though gloom hovers over outside.  I work with a wonderful staff, one in particular, that shines daily.  She holds no judgement, listens at ANY time, smiles, greets every morning and helps ALWAYS.  I live with sunshine.  All three of my loved ones shine daily.  The love expended toward me fills my heart completely.

That is all fine and dandy; but, what if those individuals have a day where the sun chose not to shine in them?  What if I have a day when I see none of my sun shining people?  I cannot rely on this world to be my sunshine.

God shines always.  His light never fades.  His love never fails.  His spirit forever lives.
I place God’s Light in every room I enter; therefore, the sun shines all day long.  I have booklets of Scriptures written to read at each moment.  I pray continuously as having a conversation with my best friend.  I place the armor required for each day carefully over my body.  I trust that God will shine despite the gloomy environment.  I may have to look REALLY hard in most situations; but, trust me, He is there shining brightly.

Just when my shoulders begin to slump, eyes well up in tears, giving up seems the answer and gloom takes over, God shows up!  Preparing our spirits before facing the day allows God to overpower any gloom.  Trust Him to shine on today.  Be amazed at all the people He uses and the unique ways He finds to prove His presence in your situation.  Find your sunshine today!  
It’s DAY TWENTY-FIVE. . .where will your sunshine rise?

All that being said, I still would love to be anywhere but in the middle of winter gloom right now. . .

Live life. . .One Day at a time!
Sheree Craig  

Tuesday, January 24, 2017

Why Complicate it?

A cardboard box holds precious cargo.  A cardboard box supplies delight to the receiver.  A cardboard box provides a versatile environment.  Thousands anticipate the arrival of a cardboard box daily.

Simple, yet a prize in the eyes of children.  I believe all understand the joy children express at the site of an empty cardboard box.  Endless possibility exists in a world of cardboard boxes.  Did you know a house constructed from a cardboard box holds higher value than one of bricks?  Did you know a vast fort can arise out a few old cardboard boxes?  Beautiful artwork appeared in our home on many occasions – presented on a cardboard box.

The items inside matter none to a creative child.  I have found children hiding from one another, imagining driving on a busy highway and even sleeping inside a cardboard box.  To throw away a cardboard box is to throw away the dreams of a child.  My children would raid the recycle bin (still do) to compile boxes and let the imagination run!

Okay, why all the gibberish about boxes?  I mean, who cares?  Well, I believe we make things to complicated.  Somewhere between playing with cardboard boxes to purchasing cardboard boxes, we complicate life!

Children could care less about the product within the box.  They just want the box.  Plain.  Simple.  Box.  Why mess with the work required to assemble the product when much can be done with the box?  Often, the box stands sturdier and lasts longer than the product itself.  Forget the product, focus on the box.

Sometimes we focus too heavily on the world, trying to fit it into the Bible, when we need focus on the Word presented in the Bible.  His Word – Plainly written – Simply applied – Much to be done!  Why mess with manipulating the world to fit into His Word?  His Word stands firm despite the varied world.  His word stands sturdier despite the crumbling world.  His Word stands consistently despite the fickle world.  We complicate His Word.

Somewhere between childlike faith and adultlike worries, we complicate Truth!  Keep your eyes on the prize and not the mess inside the world.  The Bible holds precious Words to place in your heart.  The Bible supplies delight to those receiving each Word.  The Bible provides vast opportunities to conquer each day.  The Bible holds the prize.  Forget the world, focus on Truth!  It is then, God’s creativity will shine for all to see.

His Truth leads to unimaginable results.  His Truth guides, guards, protects and pursues your heart.  His Truth holds endless possibility.  We complicate it!  Let us move from complicated to simple.  Focus on His Word, not the world.  

The world represents the short-lived products purchased daily.  Broken.  Unreliable.

The Word represents the sturdy cardboard box used daily.  Complete.  Stable.
It’s DAY TWENTY-FOUR. . .will you focus on the stability of the cardboard box?
Live life. . .One Day at a time!
Sheree Craig  

Monday, January 23, 2017

Never a Doubt She Loved

With each day passing, the respect held for my mother increases.  From watching my child suffer in ways I cannot fix, conversations about the ‘birds and bees’ and misunderstanding the lingo of their era to pushing through the day when patience sits on the brink of breaking or desiring to hit the snooze button endlessly due to feeling ill.  I respect my mother now more than ever.
She did whatever it took to assure our needs were met daily.  If we became ill, she fulfilled every single request spoken from the couch.  She listened, provided advice and loved wholeheartedly.  Never a doubt she loved us.

She sacrificed countless times.  She set the example of giving to others above self.  She walked alongside those in need and provided whatever care required at that time.  She loved others wholeheartedly.  Never a doubt she loved others.

She took care of her own needs amongst all described above.  She set an example of appreciating the body given.  She provided dinner each evening for all to sit, talk and enjoy.  She taught how to care for the home, work outside the home and still love every day.  She loved the life given wholeheartedly.  Never a doubt she loved life.

To follow in such footsteps can be difficult on most days.  Life flies by, I battle selfishness, work drains any energy left and time cannot be found to seek others in need.  I want to call in sick today.  The world would be just fine without Sheree for one day, right?  I want to pull up the covers, roll back over on my side and sleep for hours upon hours.  Being a mom drains.  Being a wife exhausts.  Being in this world breaks my heart.

Pity party anyone?  How did my mother do it?  If I could love even at half the level mom did, I would be doing well.  I begin the day great, loving my children as mom loved.  Then, the clock reveals time to leave and no one is ready to walk out the door.  Anxiety rises and life begins.  Coming home drained, little remains to pour love onto my two beautiful children.
Loving others takes time.  I find excuses stemming from a busy calendar to withdraw myself from volunteer positions.  I think, ‘someone else will do it’.  I fail to step out and help.

I run too hard, too fast and end up being sick.  My immune system screams ‘ENOUGH’ and down I fall.  Moms can’t take sick days, right?  Well, better care need be taken so I can be healthy; but, how?

Ever struggle in such ways?  Well, dear friends, let me tell you my mom’s secret. . .prayer!  She knew Who to turn in times of exhaustion.  She knew Who could fill her draining spirit.  She knew Who could keep her heart whole.  Scripture reminds us the flesh is weak.  We must not live by flesh.  We must live by the spirit.  Who fills the spirit to bring strength and endurance?

God.  God worked through my mother to shine light onto her children.  God worked through my mother to impact countless lives (and continues to do so).  God worked through my mother, keeping health and happiness to spread throughout the day.  God worked through my mother!

And He will work through you and I as well!  He loves to shine His power onto every situation.  We must come to the Cross daily, pick up His Truth and live in Truth all day long.  Every. Single. Day.

I admire my mother more than she may ever realize.  Thanks for the example mom!  You Rock!  
It’s DAY TWENTY-THREE. . .will you go to the Cross today?
Live life. . .One Day at a time!
Sheree Craig  

Sunday, January 22, 2017

Right Here, Right Now

Every morning holds new opportunity to begin anew.  Yesterday remains in history.  Tomorrow sits in the distance.  Where is your focus?

Focus on new opportunity provides hope, purpose and joy.  Focus on history keeps one in bondage.  Focus on the distance fills one with anxiety.

The here and now requires full attention.  You are needed in today.  You are needed in this moment.
Our minds run 90MPH trying to assure all things are completed.  Calendars fill with plans to come.  Preparation required for upcoming events, vacations, meetings, etc.  The world works diligently to steal our attention from the here and now.  In doing so, we lose out on strengthened relationships, opportunity, memories and peace.

Keep focus – easier said than done.  I am one that constantly thinks about the next step before taking the current one.  This flaw usually results in error, accidents and failure to enjoy the moment.  I know I am doing it, but just cannot find the slow down button in my mind.  Speeding through life causes pain, sickness, loneliness and sorrow.  So, what causes me to continually speed through?

FEAR!  Fear of failure.  Fear of rejection.  Fear of being found out.  

I work too hard to reach perfection (which never comes).  Perfection becomes my worst enemy.  Perfection never will describe a day.  In striving for perfection, I miss life.

I hide behind a mask to fit in society.  I hover in the corner, trying not to be seen and avoid criticism.  If others can’t see me or hear me, then they cannot judge.  Judgement breaks me down.  Criticism tears me apart.  In avoiding others, I miss relationship.

I run from the past.  The past labels consume my thoughts.  I see them each as mistakes.  In keeping the past hidden, I miss ministry.

The above paragraphs describe an older version of me.  I have grown through His Word and realize I am who I am!  God created my inmost being.  He knew what He was getting when choosing me to come into this world.  He knew every flaw, failure, mistake and misery I would encounter.  Yet, He still chose me to come into this world and serve Him.

The same is true for YOU!  Failure – no need to fear it, for it will occur.  Rejection – no need to worry, the world will reject you just as they did to Jesus.  Being found out – no need to hide, for history writes the story God will use in mighty ways.  Believe me dear friends, God will use you right here, right now.  Focus on the opportunity of today.  Give full attention to this moment.  The past is history used in today.  The future is yet to come and God will provide all you need to face it.
Psalm 139!  Print it out, read it over and believe His Truth.  

You are here, right now for a might purpose.  Every moment lived thus far holds meaning.  The world needs you, 100% attention, at this moment.      

It’s DAY TWENTY-TWO. . .will you cherish this moment?
Live life. . .One Day at a time!
Sheree Craig  

Friday, January 20, 2017

Thanks God for Sharing!

The first moment I saw him, he stole my heart.  The first moment he saw me, he refused to share a smile.  I knew I could not live without him within the first hour of meeting him.  He wasn’t so sure about my presence in his life during that first hour of meeting him.  The first moment I saw him, I didn’t want to leave his side.  The first moment he saw me, he moved in the opposite direction as fast as he could.

Well, despite the first impression, he had no choice but to allow me in his life.  Months of one-on-one time opened a door of trust.  Countless nights of pacing the halls together until sleep occurred created a deep bond.  Cuddling during times of illness helped him realize the love felt for him.  Meeting basic needs day in and day out brought comfort.  He began to share his smile with me daily.  He began to run with open arms toward me.

About 13 years ago, a little man provided the best gift I ever received – his heart.  Memories stack up to display a beautiful life thus far.  I cannot fathom life without such joy, laughter and growing moments throughout the day.  This little man grew too fast right before my very eyes.

My son, 13 years old, standing near face to face with me, holds my heart in his hands.  I love him to pieces.  I thank God for writing me into my son’s story.

4 Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. 5 It does not dishonor others, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. 6 Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. 7 It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres. 1 Corinthians 13:4-7

My son’s story may not reflect a classic fairytale.  My son’s story reads a little rough from time to time.  My son’s story flows just as God intended.  What the enemy meant for harm, God transformed into beauty.  God brought my son and I together through an amazing love story.  Everything planned by God!  I hold absolutely no doubts we belong together.
My son taught me what love truly means.  My son taught me patience and continues to do so currently.  Patience comes in love.  Loving this little guy every day required placing his concern over mine.  Moving from selfish to selfless built patience.

My son taught me kindness, humility, confidence and respect.  His smile lights a room.  His funny quirks and quick comebacks formed the laugh lines on my face!  In humility, I face the position of being mother daily.  In kindness, I try diligently to keep my cool in tough situations.  In confidence, I walk the path God planned for my life knowing full well He will provide the tools required for completion.

My son taught me to demolish my resentment box.  No more listing one’s wrongs to be used against them later.  We all fall short of His Glory daily.  Grace is the answer!

My son taught me true protection, meaning of trust, hope for tomorrow and perseverance.  To provide protection means to be a safe place to fall.  I cannot hover over every situation (which I would love to do), but I must send him in this world with the foundation built on love.  God provided this boy for me and God will be with him always.  He is God’s first; I am simply blessed to share this boy with God.  I look forward in hope to all the memories and lessons that lay ahead in our story.

My son taught me love.  Thank you my dearest boy for teaching me!  Thank you my dearest boy for bringing joy back in my life!

It’s DAY TWENTY. . .what a glorious day to celebrate?
Live life. . .One Day at a time!
Sheree Craig  

Thursday, January 19, 2017

Time is of the Essence

Can I release you of a large burden today?

You do NOT need to reach perfection.  You do NOT need to use extreme measures to meet standards set by society.  You do NOT need to feel shame/condemnation this side of Heaven.
In Ecclesiastes 3, the Word reveals a time for everything (all in moderation):
2 a time to be born and a time to die,
    a time to plant and a time to uproot,
3     a time to kill and a time to heal,
    a time to tear down and a time to build,
4     a time to weep and a time to laugh,
    a time to mourn and a time to dance,
5     a time to scatter stones and a time to gather them,
    a time to embrace and a time to refrain from embracing,
6     a time to search and a time to give up,
    a time to keep and a time to throw away,
7     a time to tear and a time to mend,
    a time to be silent and a time to speak,
8     a time to love and a time to hate,
    a time for war and a time for peace.  
Ecclesiastes 3:2-8

Time is of the essence.  Each of us receive a specific amount of time here to live fruitful lives.  None know the exact time life will end this side of Heaven; therefore, time is of the essence.  Remaining stuck in the same rut day in and day out will lead to insanity.  There is a time for everything.

A time to be born (obviously physical birth already took place for you and I) – spiritual birth takes place the moment you accept Jesus as Lord and Savior.

There is also a time to die.  God allots specific time for His Children to complete a mission.  Whether taken too early in the sight of society or taken much later in the lifespan, all lives serve a mission.  God knows what He is doing and when He desires to hold His Children back in Heaven.

A time to plant and time to uproot – the soil must be perfect for planting to produce plentiful harvest.  People must stand firm on perfect soil (His Word) to produce plentiful harvest (building His Kingdom).

A time to weep, laugh, mourn, dance – emotions come daily and it is okay to feel each.  God desires pleasure this side of Heaven; but, our spirit will never be comfortable in all aspects here.  We will long for the day we enter Heaven and return Home.

A time to be silent and a time to speak – oh, my dear friends, this one is huge in building relationships and shining Jesus on the world.  I used to speak more than remain silent.  Daily I sat in regret, sorrow and failure.  The words spoken cannot be erased from another’s memory.  I would work for others to hear my opinion or thought, all the while failing to listen.  I remind myself daily there is a time to be SILENT!

A time to love – show love to one another daily.  Provide action to back up the words spoken in love.  Place another above yourself.  The flesh desires self-satisfaction, but the spirit desires to shine Jesus.  Live by the spirit.

A time to hate – hate the SIN NOT THE SINNER!  Sin consumes this world, just watch the news.  Hate the evil in this world enough to change it!  Seek God for power in every situation to overcome personal sin and set an example for all to see.

My dear friends, today is your day!  Today holds a time for everything.  Enjoy all spectrums of emotion, situations and people!  For we never know what hour will be our last.

It’s DAY NINETEEN. . .what will the day bring?

Live life. . .One Day at a time!

Wednesday, January 18, 2017

The Time is NOW!

Day in and day out, millions spend 24 hours completing required tasks, searching for a place in this world, battling for physical life, overcoming emotional struggles or just skating right along.  The places traveled and the people met hold special meaning in our hearts.  Memories accumulate year after year.  As time passes, the reality of life being but a short span comes to face.

Without Christ, the short span of life holds no meaning.  With Christ, the short span of life overflows with purpose.  See, we were chosen to come to Earth at this time in history!  Chosen by the Creator of the Universe and everything in it.  He decided He needed you and me to accomplish an important mission.  The mission begins in the home and extends outwardly as progress occurs.

God did not create you to make worldly history books.  God did not create you to shine on the big screen.  He created you to wake up each morning focused on a planned mission.  A mission set only for you.  I will go through the day, hour by hour, living moments planned for my life.  You will go through this same day, but live moments planned for your life.  I cannot fulfill your purpose; You cannot fulfill my purpose.

Stop comparing your purpose to another’s.  Leave a legacy by shining His Light on one person at a time.  Share past hurts, lessons, joys and memories all in light of His purpose.  Every part of you holds purpose.  Every character trait qualifies you for the purpose He plans.  All you need to do is wake up every morning and say yes!

13 Now listen, you who say, “Today or tomorrow we will go to this or that city, spend a year there, carry on business and make money.” 14 Why, you do not even know what will happen tomorrow. What is your life? You are a mist that appears for a little while and then vanishes. 15 Instead, you ought to say, “If it is the Lord’s will, we will live and do this or that.”16 As it is, you boast in your arrogant schemes. All such boasting is evil.17 If anyone, then, knows the good they ought to do and doesn’t do it, it is sin for them.  James 4:13-17

Procrastination, comparing to another’s purpose, lack of confidence and carelessness open the door wide open for the enemy to deter fulfillment of your purpose.  Waiting until tomorrow to touch the life He planned for you today could be too late.  Send that letter, call that person, smile to all you meet, take time for another in conversation and keep your eyes open to where He wants you to make a difference today.

Allow others to fulfill their purpose and praise God for such.  If we work to fit in the mold of another, everyone loses: the lives meant to hear our testimony and see God in us lose out on the opportunity and we lose out on maturing in Christ.  Stick to your plan.  Say yes to God, not status in this world.  Your purpose here may never place you in a history book, send you up the corporate ladder or be acclaimed best ___________; but, seeking His plan for you will lead countless to Heaven.  You will hear, “Well done good and faithful servant!”  Those words overpower any status here on Earth.

Wake up and place confidence in God.  His Grace covers anything faced this day.  His Grace provides exactly what you need to fulfill today’s purpose.  Trust Him, not yourself, to do good works today!  Care enough about the life given to give life to another through His Truth.  Share what Truths He provides today!

You know the good you ought to do today!  Say yes and go fulfill such!  We do not know of our last hour!  Make each one count toward His plan for YOU!  
It’s DAY EIGHTEEN. . .will you say yes?
Live life. . .One Day at a time!
Sheree Craig  

Tuesday, January 17, 2017

The Power in Love

Before sharing a current characteristic of each child, let me declare that my heart overflows with love for both!  Now, keep that in mind as I share the following statements.  My daughter loves to persist (nag)!  My son loves to instigate (annoy)!  Put both characteristics together in one room and this mom wants to run the other direction.

Let us begin with the persistent child. She will ask a question twenty different ways within a five-minute span until the answer desired is received.  We can be in any store and she will discover a “needed” item.  We will not walk out of the store without said item because my precious angel will diligently work to break down our spirit until we cave.  A thought enters and she believes it to be the only way.  Teaching her comes with difficulty for she cannot accept truth if she believes different.
Moving onto the instigator.  He possesses a radar which discovers what action will push another’s buttons to the point of frustration.  Once the button is pushed, it’s as if he holds down his finger forever.  The scenario always ends with child 1 crying and child 2 stomping off.  Child 1 holds the potential of hitting child 2 in hopes to stop the pushing of buttons.  Then, child 2 receives reprimand for instigating, which results in child 2 feeling slighted and “always the one getting in trouble.”  The scene turns ugly fast.  All in an uproar, separation occurs until cool down is reached.  Then, we wait until he discovers another button to push.

Point of the story: My love for these two overpowers undesired moments mentioned above.  My love for each provides strength to remain even when insanity would like to take over.  My love sees the beauty in growing moments which shape each child’s character.  Now, don’t get me wrong, I blow up too often and overreact in most scenarios.  But, my love does not falter or decrease.  Once cooled down, I embrace and try to teach of a different outcome the next time the same scene rolls around.

The love a parent holds for their child pales in comparison to the love God holds for YOU!  Confession: I portray the same characteristics mentioned above when it comes to speaking with God.  I persist.  I instigate.  In the end, God’s Way always occurs and works much better than my perceived ideas.  So, why does my hard-headed nature resist His Way?

The flesh is weak, but the spirit is willing.  Our weak flesh persist in prayer until the desired answer is received.  Our weak flesh works diligently to receive a “need” in this world.  Our weak flesh becomes set on a thought/idea and cannot see beyond.  God works diligently to teach, guide and mature such weak flesh.  All the while, He loves us!

The flesh is weak, but the spirit is willing.  Our weak flesh instigates God in hopes to bring about change in our lives.  Our weak flesh hones in on desired idea and pushes continuously to fulfill our plan.  When things don’t go our way, the flesh feels slighted and throws a pity party.  God works diligently to open our eyes to His Will.  God works to bring peace, love and joy to such weak flesh.  All the while, He loves us!

Let us take a stand today against our weak flesh and listen to God.  Allow God to teach His Way.  Allow God to guide in Truth.  Allow God to mature our spirit so it may overpower the weakness found in our flesh.  Allow God to bring peace to a situation in which our flesh continuously pushes to have it our way.  Allow God to soften our hard-headed attitude and bring joy to each day.  Allow God to change us in love!

Fight the weak flesh with your willing spirit.  Pour Truth into your spirit each day by reading His Word.  Stand firm on the Truth!  Avoid nagging God for what the flesh desires.  Avoid instigating in situations where surrender is desired.  Lay it down at the Cross and be amazed at the power in His love!  Life will flow void of ugly scenes, separation and unteachable hearts.  God can work mightily with surrendered lives.
It’s DAY SEVENTEEN. . .will you allow God to strengthen your willing spirit?
Live life. . .One Day at a time!
Sheree Craig  

Monday, January 16, 2017


Think of your favorite movie.  You know, the one that can be viewed repeatedly without boredom.  The emotions suitable for the scene arise with each viewing.  Whether on the edge of the couch waiting for a pivotal decision to occur, holding the tissue box in anticipation of tears, laughing out loud, cuddling next to a loved one or any other emotion stemming from events right before your eyes; movie producers work diligently to cause such through written story line.
Now think of a movie you despise.  You know, the one that sits in the back of the drawer or you avoid anytime movie night rolls around.  The emotions related to such a movie remain undesirable.  Whether it be sheer terror due to horror of the film, constant ‘stupid humor’, the story line too close in sync with reality or any other undesired emotion stemming from events right before your eyes; movie producers hope to avoid such feelings toward the film. 
Producers, actors/actresses, writers and all staff members required to complete a film work to entice viewers to purchase the finished production.  They gleam at the increase in ratings, purchases and positive critiques.  A film worth watching keeps all involved employed and successful.

Hang with me here. . .

Does your story, characters involved, scenery viewed and emotions consuming create a favorite movie or despised movie?  Looking scene by scene, do you need a tissue box, a loved one to cuddle with while viewing, flood with terror or still in too much pain to view?  Do the constant mistakes cause shame/guilt?  Or, are you sitting on the edge of the couch in a pivotal point waiting for a decision?

Whatever part of the story chosen to view, determines the emotion felt for the day.  The scenes come in through memories.  The emotion attaches to each memory.  The reaction uncontrolled due to the flood of emotion.

I recently caught myself smack dab in part of my story I despise.  I watched the movie over and over and over until each emotion felt resolved through healing.  I tucked this movie away in the back of the drawer and chose to leave it.  But, unbeknownst to me, the film began playing.  Current situations hit the play button and the memories flooded.  Emotions came as if the scene were really happening.  I did not have the tools to push stop. . .

So, I felt each emotion, presented them to God and determined to only view such despised movie.  As I watched closely this time around, I noticed added lines to the story.  I could see God this time in every aspect of the movie.  His grace covered all undesirable decisions.  His hands grasped tightly in times of terror.  He caught every tear that fell.  He was there.  He is here.  He will always stay near.

What part of your movie do you choose to view today?  Give God the remote and watch whichever scene with Him cuddling next to you.  He will help with every emotion arising due to content.  Your story may not be a favorite of yours.  But, dear friends, whatever the story line, God works it all out for good as you choose to love and follow Him.  He will show you great and unimaginable results from every scene.  The blinders must be removed before viewing such film.  Will you allow Him to help you see clearly today? 
It’s DAY SIXTEEN. . .what scene will you view today alongside God?
Live life. . .One Day at a time! 

Sheree Craig    

Sunday, January 15, 2017

Feeling Behind the Face

If your face could be a constant emoji, which would you choose?  The flesh does a fantastic job covering true emotions.  Broken heart – the face just smiles to hide the pain.  Fury – the face just looks the other way.

The face presents a facade when the heart screams for help.  Why?  Pride.  Too often we worry about judgement from others.  As a child, you may have experienced a time when parents said, “Suck it up.”  Friends throughout the years may have spoken the words, “Just get over it.”  A boyfriend/girlfriend/spouse may have used the words, “You are just too sensitive,” or, “There you go again on an emotional roller coaster.”

The list could be endless with words condemning expression of emotions.  Others fear emotions.  They may not know how to respond, feel offended or may begin to stir emotions within themselves.  Why do we run from emotions?  Why must we continually strive for euphoria?

Texts, emails, Snap-chat, social media and all the like created a way to express emotion while hiding behind a device.  Emoticons!  They are fun and I use them often when conversing through a device with my husband.  My children have numerous pillows with emoji expressions.  But, are we still avoiding true expression of emotions?  Are we still allowing a face to create a facade?

In this life, there will be trials and tribulations.  Our hearts were not created to remain euphoric.  Our eyes were given tear ducts.  Our face was given numerous muscles to enable varied expressions.  Our arms were created with ability to wrap around another person.  Our lips/tongue was formed to allow words to flow.  Our ears were given to listen and seek out another’s heart.

We were created to process life.  God does not intend for emotions to bury deep within while the face presents a constant smile.  The enemy slithers his way into the deepest darkest corners where emotions remain.  He uses such darkness to keep us bitter, resentful, angry, sad, etc.  While emoticons are fun, we need not hide behind them.

Find a way to dig deep, process that emotion and make amends with someone if required.  It is okay to have emotions – embrace each one – love the process – mature in Christ.  Pull out all the emoticons and choose accordingly which will be worn today.  Allow others into your heart to help in processing.  Assure that individual looks to God for Truth to process life.  Truth must be present in the process or darkness will remain.  Truth brings healing, praise, peace, comfort, joy. . .euphoria back to any situation.  First place the situation before Him at the Cross, then He will provide others to help and Truth to heal!    

It’s DAY FIFTEEN. . .what Truth will help you with your current emoji?
Live life. . .One Day at a time!
Sheree Craig  

Saturday, January 14, 2017

Whittle a Little Today

Friday the 13th was blame someone else day!  Really?  We don’t need a day for such action; it happens by human nature without thought.  When bad things happen, we push blame.  When bad decisions create less than desired results, we push blame.  When life looks grim, we push blame.  Blame eases the unknown.  Blame releases guilt/shame.  Blame gives reason to brokenness.

I see blame daily; either from self, kids or those encountered daily.  Just the other day my daughter blamed everyone in the house for losing HER watch.  She chose to remove the watch at a basketball game and place it on the bleachers.  I failed to receive the instructions to keep a constant eye on HER watch.  Ergo, HER watch now sits inside the bleachers, in the garbage or on the wrist of a happy child.

Mistakes, chaos and unfinished tasks consume the work day.  Why?  Poor planning on our part?  No way!  Reason for such exists in another’s failure to allow the time for us to complete required tasks.  Chaos comes due to others getting in the way of our itinerary.  Mistakes appear because the world keeps demanding our attention.

Misery consumes every hour at work, flood of emotions drowns the heart at home and life continues void of peace.  Why?  Poor attitude radiating from our heart?  No way!  Coworkers/the boss fail to meet our needs, appreciate every little job well done (which is the whole reason a paycheck comes bi-weekly) or make our life easier.  Loved ones fail to fill our love jar Every. Single. Day!  The world fails to revolve around our needs and create a happy place daily.

BLAME!  BLAME!  BLAME!  Placed in the wrong direction only leads to a destructive path.  

I spent years blaming circumstances for misery.  I spent years holding onto grudges/resentment as blame for addiction.  I spent years blaming anyone/everyone for flooding emotions.  I spent years looking to God for an answer to all the misery in a blaming manner.  What did I receive living in blame?  Misery, addiction, negative attitude, flooding emotions and fear consumed Every. Single. Day!

Friends, blame cannot be in the presence of God!  Humility allows God to work in unimaginable ways!  Look in the mirror today, face the two planks sticking out of your eyes.  The planks did not appear overnight.  The planks came, one speck of dust at a time, one blaming moment at a time.  The planks prevent humility.

I am not promoting self-condemnation.  I am promoting honesty with self.  I am promoting a good look in the mirror, taking time to dig deep into your heart and find the underlying decisions which led to such misery.  We live in free will.  Our spirit is willing to choose God, the straight path and peace.  BUT, our flesh is weak and, void of God’s Truth, we remain weak.

Live by the flesh = live in blame = live feeling ‘owed’ something.  
5 Those who live according to the flesh have their minds set on what the flesh desires; but those who live in accordance with the Spirit have their minds set on what the Spirit desires. 6 The mind governed by the flesh is death, but the mind governed by the Spirit is life and peace. 7 The mind governed by the flesh is hostile to God; it does not submit to God’s law, nor can it do so. 8 Those who are in the realm of the flesh cannot please God.  Romans 8:5-8

Years of looking in the mirror, still pieces of the plank remain.  I whittle away, day by day; but, still catch myself playing the blame game.  The blame game comes when I play the complaining card, attend the ‘pity party’ and sit in a negative attitude about the situation at hand.

Thankfully, I am surrounded by loved ones holding me accountable for such attitude.  I am surrounded by a team of individuals loving me enough to keep my feet heading down the straight path.  God remains at the center of our home.  God fills our love jar daily for each of us to love one another as He desires.  God is not to blame for any brokenness in this world.  Free will, fleshly decisions, hurting hearts and floods of emotion are to blame.  Running full force to the Cross leads to humility and happiness this side of Heaven.  Lay it all down!  

It’s DAY FOURTEEN. . .will you look in the mirror today and begin whittling away?
Live life. . .One Day at a time!
Sheree Craig  

Friday, January 13, 2017

Be Sincere

I love you!

Another response that rolls off the tongue too easily.  The phrase used too loosely.  Often spoken automatically in return to another speaking such words.  What does it truly mean?
Love can be spoken in manipulation.  Love can be spoken out of routine.  Love can be spoken in hopes of repair.  Love can be spoken void of meaning!

Easier spoken than done!  LOVE is a verb!  LOVE comes through action!  LOVE holds power!
Sadly, we use love when sharing passion toward inanimate objects and then the same word attaches to relationships.  How can the same word express varied ideas?  Love allows expression of the enjoyment of ‘things’ in this world.  Love also allows expression of the adornment of another individual.

The difference is love of inanimate objects falls under the noun tense; while, love of an individual stands firmly under the verb tense.  Love is a verb.  A verb expressed through action.  We must love one another as our Heavenly Father loves us.  He sent His Only Son to die for you and for me!  The gift of love given through sacrifice of His Son.  The gift given FREELY.  Go out in this world and display such love to one another daily.

Love in Action
9 Love must be sincere. Hate what is evil; cling to what is good. 10 Be devoted to one another in love. Honor one another above yourselves.11 Never be lacking in zeal, but keep your spiritual fervor, serving the Lord. 12 Be joyful in hope, patient in affliction, faithful in prayer. 13 Share with the Lord’s people who are in need. Practice hospitality.

14 Bless those who persecute you; bless and do not curse. 15 Rejoice with those who rejoice; mourn with those who mourn. 16 Live in harmony with one another. Do not be proud, but be willing to associate with people of low position.[c] Do not be conceited.

17 Do not repay anyone evil for evil. Be careful to do what is right in the eyes of everyone. 18 If it is possible, as far as it depends on you, live at peace with everyone. 19 Do not take revenge, my dear friends, but leave room for God’s wrath, for it is written: “It is mine to avenge; I will repay,”[d] says the Lord. 20 On the contrary:

“If your enemy is hungry, feed him;
    if he is thirsty, give him something to drink.

In doing this, you will heap burning coals on his head.”[e]
21 Do not be overcome by evil, but overcome evil with good.  Romans 12:9-21

Put down the phone.  Shred up the ‘to do’ list.  Clear the calendar.  Show love to one another!  We each feel love in varied ways.  Take time to discover the pathway to loving your spouse, children, dear friends, family, coworkers, boss, etc.  Take time to invest in another’s life.  Look to love others today.

Allow the power of love to override the need for the flesh to feel comfortable.  Allow love to supersede people pleasing.  Allow love into your heart to then overflow onto others.

It’s DAY THIRTEEN. . .How will you show love today?

Live life. . .One Day at a time!
Sheree Craig  

Thursday, January 12, 2017

Broken Pieces

"I forgive you!"

I believe this response rolls off the tongue too easily.  The phrase used too loosely.  Each word comes freely in conversation, almost automatically.  Our wiring prompts such words in the same manner that responding “fine” to the question, “How are you doing?”  Or in the same manner of responding “hello” back to another met along the way.

Often the flesh responds before the emotions weigh in the situation.  The flesh holds power over feelings.  The flesh hides our hearts just as clothes hide nakedness.  With years of relying on flesh to keep the heart covered, individuals lose ability to feel true emotion.  The heart withers and dies.  Oh, it keeps beating to sustain physical life; but, emotionally and spiritually, it dies.

Depending on the version used, the Bible mentions forgiveness anywhere from 56 – 74 times.  We know God commands such response to this broken world full of hurting individuals.  But, how often do we throw out an “I forgive you” while our heart breaks into a thousand pieces.  We leave the pieces crumbled on the floor, harden our flesh and walk forward.

The hardened flesh protects the deadened heart by pushing everyone away, never to get close enough for the same hurt to repeat itself.  One individual’s action (done from a hurting heart itself) leads to hundreds of lost relationships.  We decide no one else will hurt us ever again!  We lose!  The other person walks away, feeling forgiveness and continues with their life.

God does not command restitution with others.  God commands forgiveness.  He forgave our sins by sending His Only Son to die.  He forgave when we placed idols higher in ranking than Him.  He forgave when our hurting heart hurt one of His children.  He forgave you and He forgave me!
To shine the light of Jesus on others, we must truly forgive.  How?  A realm of steps can be taken depending on the situation.  First and foremost – lay it at the Cross.  A humble heart can begin restoration.  A heart after God can come alive even stronger than before it broke into a thousand pieces.

I walked for years, hardened flesh, broken heart, weak spirit.  I walked for years fuming in anger.  I walked for years feeling ‘owed’ something due to the hardships in life.  I walked around lost, throwing ‘pity parties’ left and right only to find no one attended – not even God.  Yes, God hurt when I hurt and He wanted to bring healing.  But, with the hardened flesh, resentful thoughts and weak spirit, He could not remove the blinders.

Truth by Truth, the flesh softened.  He began picking up the pieces and the Holy Spirit strengthened.  I began to let others come closer.  I learned how to let love in.  I understood true release of resentment.  No more anger.  No more rejection.  No more pain.

Hurting people hurt people.  Forgiveness can be reached as we approach the Cross humbly and see the other person through God’s eyes.  Their actions come from a hardened flesh, broken heart and weak spirit.  Forgive them just as God forgave you when you stood in that same position!  Forgive them so they too may find the Cross and humbly approach Him!  It is through your example that others will find God.  God will take them and bring healing.

Leave ‘it’ at the Cross today.  Humbly approach God.  Stand on Truth and begin softening the flesh.
It’s DAY TWELVE. . .who needs your true forgiveness today!
Live life. . .One Day at a time!
Sheree Craig  

What happens when humility meets the Cross. . .







Wednesday, January 11, 2017

The Waters are Hot

WARNING:  Do not try this at home!  An innocent little frog cannot save itself from boiling water.  I am sure you have heard such a story – throw a frog into boiling water only to find an immediate escape of the frog jumping out and far from such danger.  Now, take the same frog, place it in lukewarm water while slowly increasing temperature one degree at a time and the frog will remain until boiling water takes the very breath out of it.

Dumb frog, right?  Why in the world would the frog remain as temperatures created an unbearable environment?  And, just a side note, who in the world would want to boil and innocent little frog?  The frog serves a mighty purpose in this world AND it does not involve death by boiling!  A person would need to eat numerous frogs to reach protein requirement for one meal.  It just doesn’t make sense to choose a frog as protein.

Dumb frog, right?  Well, my dear friends, looking at our everyday lives will reveal the same exact decision making as the above scenario.  We step into lukewarm waters through one decision.  We remain day in and day out making the same decision.  The water begins to increase in heat one degree at a time and our very breath is taken, suffocating life.  All the while, we stand in boiling water judging others standing around in their own pot of boiling water.  We question as to why they won’t jump out, escape from such torture and begin making healthy decisions to avoid suffocation.

Let us look down at the waters surrounding US.  Let us find an escape from OUR boiling pot. 

See, it all begins with choosing to step in the lukewarm water.  A decision appears enticing, the way out of a situation, the coping mechanism for an emotion, etc.  Then, day by day, the same decision begins to answer any problem/situation arising.  Over time, we suffocate.  We decide enough is enough. . .

The problem occurs when no escape route exists.  The water too deep, too hot!  The answer comes through surrender.  Reaching up and out!  God will hear your still small voice in the hottest of waters.  He will send His angel army to rescue.  He will stop the heat!

Will there be damage?  Yes, my friend, wounds consume the body – physically and spiritually.  But, God holds the ultimate healing ointment for any wound brought to the Cross!  Truth by Truth, He will provide another route and keep you from boiling water.  You serve a mighty purpose in this world AND it does not involve death by boiling!  Your purpose involves freedom, peace, joy and carrying the light of Jesus around for all to see.  This cannot happen in a pot of boiling water.  Escape today!  Jump out into God’s arms!  He will carry you far from danger.

The boiling pot varies amongst humans: addiction, debt, heartache, pride, etc.  Name your pot.  Identify the triggers used to turn up the heat!  Take a stand today on His Truth to avoid the boiling waters!  You are worth it!  

It’s DAY ELEVEN. . .name your pot!
Live life. . .One Day at a time!
Sheree Craig