Wednesday, February 28, 2018

National Eating Disorder Week

At least 30 million people of all ages and genders suffer from an eating disorder in the U.S.

Eating disorders have the highest mortality rate of any mental illness.


Whether running to food for comfort or running from food due to overwhelming fear of weight gain. . .FOOD becomes the common tool used by our enemy to entice and destroy our purpose in life.  The enemy runs rampant in society, unbeknownst to its prey.  The mighty tool surrounds, consumes the hours in our day and engages all our senses making it quite difficult to resist. 

Food becomes more than a substance to nourish our beautiful bodies.  Food becomes a way to seek control in a chaotic world.  Food becomes the escape after a difficult day.  Food avoidance becomes a way to feel accomplished.  All the while, we use these behaviors to feel a sense of emotional survival; but, we are killing ourselves day by day.        

30 million people – an average count due to the individuals yet to seek help in the day to day suffering.  This mental illness is real and the only cure is finding Hope, Love, Grace and Truth.  Placing hope in this world leaves a person empty; thus, eating disorder behaviors fill the void.  Seeking love from people in this world creates disappointment; thus, eating disorder behaviors build satisfaction.  Longing for grace in this world keeps an individual sitting in shame; thus, eating disorder behaviors supply needed esteem.  Truth. . .we need more Truth to stand firmly on my dear friends. . .

31 To the Jews who had believed him, Jesus said, “If you hold to my teaching, you are really my disciples. 32 Then you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free.”  John 8:31-32

Truth reveals God’s mighty love for each of His children.  God is Hope, Love and provides abounding Grace.  God laid out Truth to imprint on our hearts while here on Earth.  The Truth will guide, guard and protect from the enemy that prowls around in this world.  Turn your eyes toward God.  Place your trust in our Savior, Jesus Christ.  It is through Him we find freedom. 

Is it easy?. . .NO.  This world is hard.  That being the reason we run to eating disorders or other mechanisms for daily survival.  This world overwhelms the spirit.  BUT – GOD HAS OVERCOME THIS WORLD.  He defeated the worldly evil.  He comes out the Conqueror in the end.  Stick on His team. 

Reach out and help others that struggle in this world.  Be His shining light.  Eating disorders, among other mental illnesses, do not just go away once someone chooses to fight for recovery.  The thought patterns and behaviors remain an option for that person daily.  To resist travelling the old, comfortable escape path is very difficult.  Be a shining light, allow our Savior to use you as a vessel to guide another down the healthy path.  Speak His Truth into another.    

Wednesday, February 14, 2018

My Heart Overflows

I recently attended a women’s retreat centered solely on relaxation.  The day began with meditation and restorative yoga – both which my body desperately needed.  Through guided meditation, deep breathing and quietness I discovered an area in life needing attention. 

Meditation guided toward focus on the heart.  I absolutely adore the heart (as an organ).  Before you write me off as crazy and completely weird, hear me out.  God placed a heart in all of creation as the sustaining organ for life.  Without the outpouring of blood traveling, via a brilliant pumping system, to the rest of our body we would die.  The beat, created by a beautiful ‘electric’ system, keeps the pumping system functioning properly. 

The heart works constantly 24/7 supplying oxygenated blood to the rest of the body.  This concept in and of itself is amazing.  God, our Maker, placed a fabulous organ at the center of our core to sustain life while here on Earth. 

We equate love to a heart.  Why?  Well, the heart sustains life.  Love sustains life.  Without love, we are nothing spiritually.  God is Love; therefore, without God, we are nothing spiritually.  We are but a mere presence on this Earth, here today and gone tomorrow. 

Okay, Okay, let’s get to the part where I see an area needing major attention in life.  Love – what is it?  How do I get it?  What if I find it and then it leaves?  All these questions have led to burial of any love and walls constructed to prevent receiving love.  I feared rejection.  I put my trust in too many people in this world (where love is temporary) and felt rejection.  The rejection hurt and to avoid such hurt, I buried love. 

When I came to know God, I could not imagine Him loving me ‘just because’.  I felt a need to earn His miraculous love.  Remember – God is Love.  Therefore, when accepting Jesus as Lord and Savior over our lives, we receive Love.  Even still, I kept guard on giving and receiving love.

Then God sent an individual along the path that had the whole love thing figured out.  He displayed all the characteristics of true love.  Even still, I kept guard on giving and receiving love.  I did not believe someone here on this Earth could love me for who I am at my core. 

The closer I grew to know God, the more I realized the power of His love.  The more I realized His love, the clearer I could see the love of the amazing man God sent as my teammate in life.  Even still, I kept guard on giving and receiving love. 

No more holding back.  I want to love despite fear of a broken heart.  I want to express the feelings that dwell inside.  I want to open my heart and allow all this buried love to flow freely.  I want the keep my heart healthy – pumping out love powered by the emotional ‘electricity’ felt towards others!  24/7 outpouring love on this world to sustain life!

How can a heart work properly when damaged severely?  Years of mistreatment, failed nourishment and neglect cause hearts to give out leading to disease or death.  Well, I must make an appointment with the Great Physician and learn ways to restore my heart.  It is possible.  By strength only found in His Word – one by one, He will speak clearly to my heart and begin repair.  He will clean the gunk out, allowing love to pump freely through and outward.  He will provide the power to overcome the lies and keep love present in my heart. 

He is Love.  He is Life.  He will sustain me.
21Do not let them out of your sight,
    keep them within your heart;
22 for they are life to those who find them
    and health to one’s whole body.
23 Above all else, guard your heart,
    for everything you do flows from it.  (Proverbs 4:21-23)

Live life. . .One Day at a time! 
Sheree Craig  

Wednesday, February 7, 2018

Basic Foundation

While cleaning up the house and organizing the office, I came across the first book I opened in nursing school.  This book contains core, basic knowledge which began building the base of my career.  Multiple tabs stick out, marking pages I deemed important information needed while caring for individuals.  Each page serves a purpose, guiding a caretaker in fulfilling the role set before them.  Each page presents a memory for me of a difficult, yet rewarding time in life.  Each page cherished as I continue this path in healthcare.

I thumb through the pages, soaking in the basics and strengthening the foundation of my career.  Since receiving a diploma and, shortly after, a license stating I completed the necessary steps to become a nurse, I have experienced a variety of positions in the field.  All required a sturdy foundation; but, each unique in skills performed. 

Getting back to the basics means remembering the important things pertaining to whatever subject is at hand.  The basics: elementary, fundamentals, essentials, necessities, etc.  The time comes in life when getting back to the basics is necessary for survival.  As this new year began many created a list of goals which lead them back to the basics in life:  eating “right”, exercising to enhance the function of the body, sleeping the necessary hours at night, visiting loved ones more, working diligently on improving unwanted behaviors, etc.  Many also decided to tackle the Bible, setting a goal of reading it all in one year. . .

The goals set January 1st begin to fizzle and old habits creep back into our everyday moments.  Of all goals, reading the Bible is one not to be taken lightly or pushed to the side due to a busy schedule or any other excuse we provide for veering away from set goals. 

Reading the Bible daily brings us back to the basics.  The core of life remains in the pages written for us to follow.  The Bible serves as a guide for every day decisions.  It is not required to read a specific amount within a specific timeframe.  God’s Word provides what you need in the moment set before you. 

Placing the pressure of reading a certain chapter or in an order setup by a ‘read the Bible in a year plan’ may take away from the actual speaking of God through His Word to your hearts.  Let God guide your reading daily.  He knows what you need to hear in that moment.

Yes, understanding the history and backstory of lives depicted in the Bible helps God’s Word make even more sense and weave into you’re here and now; but, God wants to speak directly to your heart daily through a variety of stories within His Word.  One day a Psalm may be used to help pick up a broken spirit.  The next day a parable spoken from the mouth of Jesus to His disciples may be used to direct a lost soul toward the Cross.  Even still, days come when God’s Word strikes a nerve to bring discipline to a sinful situation. 

God’s Word is precious, beautiful and necessary for life.  God’s Word provides the fundamentals to be in this world and serve a purpose set out before our creation.  God loves you and I enough to lay His own Son down to die in order to redeem/save us.  He places His Power within each of His Children.  Whether we accept/ignite/use His Power is up to the individual.  Upon acceptance, His Power strengthens as we impress every Word written in the Bible on our hearts. 

Get back to the basics.  Remember Who created you.  Dwell on His Word to guide every step every day!       
Live life. . .One Day at a time! 
Sheree Craig