Friday, March 15, 2019

My Inspiration

She loves the morning hours, fresh coffee, a Honey Bun and talking with our Lord.  She loves people, sitting calmly, enjoying all the little ones new to the family and lifting up loved ones to our Lord.  She dresses with style, makes a friend with anyone she meets and follows the plan our Lord places in her life. 

She is inspirational, joyful, loving and the most beautiful woman I know (sorry mom).  Each day she lives, she improves the life of another.  I aspire to be like her.  Being in her presence makes life feel simple, manageable and joyful.

My MeMaw outshines any other this side of Heaven.  Just thinking about her brings a smile to my face.  The memories fill with warmth, love and joy.  She would wake early in the morning to prepare breakfast; not just a small meal, but bacon, eggs, biscuits, etc.  Lunch at her house would be delicious.  Her homemade yeast rolls were priceless.  They melted in your mouth.  She worked hard, loved even harder and managed a home full of children in her years.  She never drove.  She lived simply. 

My MeMaw appreciates others.  She makes you feel like you are the coolest thing since sliced bread!  Come as you are, and she will love you with all her heart. 

My heart breaks to see her struggle.  I want to drive 90MPH to be at her side and hold her hand in hopes to bring comfort to this physical struggle going on in her.  She is strong.  She is also tired.  She has lived    840,960 hours blessing this world.  She has lived 35,040 days loving countless individuals.  She has lived 4,992 weeks taking this life as it comes. 

Life seems complicated as we trudge through each day.  The alarm rings, we roll over in dread of another work day.  Small issues arise, one after another, stripping the potential joy in life.  Our focus remains on the struggle, hardship and petty drama arising.  The enemy breaks in our thoughts and enlarges negativity.  Truth quiets while the enemy shouts louder.  Take a step back!  Look at what really matters.  Stand firm on Truth demanding the enemy to leave.

In the grand scheme of it all, people matter in this world.  Not if we get a raise.  Not if our team wins the national championship.  Not the number of compliments received each day.  Not ‘what’ we get done.  What matters in life my dear friends is ‘who’ we live alongside.  People matter.  Shining love in other’s day matters.  Enjoying other’s presence matters.  Life is hard, hardships happen, and the struggle remains.  We need each other.

My MeMaw exhibits the above.  She displays true love.  Her smile lights a room.  Yes, she experienced hardships (many).  Yes, she stressed out as a mother and wife.  Yes, she managed a busy schedule with working in the corporate world, handling a home and raising kids.  But she did all this with love. 

She is amazing.  End of story!

Live life. . .One Day at a time! 
Sheree Craig