Tuesday, January 3, 2017

Comfort Behind Closed Bars

Typically, each night mirrors the previous one.  I spend time preparing supper and planning for the next day.  Once supper finishes, cleanup follows and the bedtime rituals begin.  Kids complete the checklist for the evening and we all gather for prayer.  One family member plays no particular role in the nightly mayhem.  This member moves from room to room, simply observing while keeping out of the way.  The member listens in on any arguments (I mean teaching moments), enjoys the occasional love touch and waits for three little words. . .

“Go to bed.”  At such a command, our lovely little dog scurries to her cage and waits patiently for the door to close and lock in place.  Some evenings, she is nowhere to be found while we run amuck finishing up the routine. . .we call her name, search the typical spots and hope she was not left outside.  Then, we find her!  She realized the time arrived in the day for everyone to prepare for bed and took it upon herself to wait in the cage patiently without the command.  Such action resulted from intense training night after night.  Such routine behavior brings comfort to our little dog.

The cage becomes the place which our dog feels comfortable, expected to reside and a haven created just for her to spend the evening.  To change such routine would require repeated intense training and reversal of all she ever understood to be set rules over her existence.  She feels her purpose in the evening is to lay patiently behind closed bars while we receive a little shut eye.  Then, as the alarm blares, she receives the privilege of escape and freedom.

Listen closely. . .take time in the quietness of the morning. . .is there an alarm blaring?  Is the alarm intended to wake you, release you from behind closed bars and provide freedom?  I am not speaking of simply exchanging one bad habit for another less detrimental habit.  I am not referring to short lived resolutions.  I am talking about true freedom!

Since Adam and Eve fell to the serpent’s evil schemes, a spiritual war exists inside EVERY. SINGLE. DAY.  The serpent slithers into our daily routine, hissing one command after another.  Each hiss builds a cage within our thoughts.  Each cage entices comfort, routine, purpose, survival, etc.  Ironic enough, the cage becomes our escape. . .

We hear the command (hiss) of this world and run to our cage, waiting patiently for the enemy to close the door and lock it.  Time after time, eventually, we run to the cage without hearing a hiss.  We feel as though the cage is home. . .until we hear the alarm.  God provides the alarm.  God provides Truth.  God speaks over the hiss.  God commands to follow Him.  In doing so, cage after cage will vanish.  Freedom truly occurs.  Release the hold the serpent has on your life.  Open your mind to Truth.  Change happens from deep within first. . .followed by elimination of all those addicting, detrimental habits we work diligently to change every year.

The alarm blares for YOU today. . .step out of the cage, never to return.    

It’s DAY THREE. . .what Truth will overpower the hiss today?
Live life. . .One Day at a time!
Sheree Craig  

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