Saturday, March 31, 2018

Where are you Headed?

A line from a movie eluded to the idea that your heart indicates the path ahead and your face reveals the path already walked. 

You cannot judge a book by the cover.  Glancing through the plethora of books sitting within the walls of a library, how would you choose?  Would you search for that one a friend mentioned in conversation the other day?  Would you seek out a specific genre?  Would you choose randomly?

Most choose a book or movie by glancing over the front cover and reading the summary on the back cover.  The front cover rarely supplies enough detail to comprehend the structure of a story.  Each story captures the heart of the reader with a beginning that sets the scene.  Moving forward, the reader digs into the rising action running full force toward the climax.  Once the climax is read, the reader cannot put the story down for the desire to know the outcome is too strong. 

You cannot judge an individual by their face.  Glancing through the plethora of people in this world, how do you choose?  The most popular?  A specific category of individuals?  Randomly?

Most choose individuals that look, act and/or believe like them.  But, the fault comes when we first seek out the front cover before learning more about the individual.  The front cover, or face, speaks volumes to the story within an individual.  Society works to negate anything less than perfect.  The anchor placed by society with which we use to judge comes in an airbrushed form.  Using such anchor, we miss out on relationships, love, spiritual maturity and joy.  We miss out on a good story that would build our character and impact the chapters within our own. 

You cannot judge an individual by their summary.   Glancing through the newspaper, Facebook, Instagram and any other social media source, how do you choose?  The one with the most likes?  A specific group?  Randomly?

Most conform to the drama found in social media.  We all love a good story, right?  We admire pictures with captions explaining the greatness of a family or individual.  The trap of comparison kills.  A true summary of an individual (the one not blasted on social media) helps to explain the person behind the face.  Society weaves into the summary, editing anything less than perfect.  We hide, bury and distort our summary to fit in this world.  All the while, missing out on our purpose, lasting relationships, love and joy.  We shorten our story and fail to build up unique chapters to reveal our true self. 

But the Lord said to Samuel, “Do not consider his appearance or his height, for I have rejected him. The Lord does not look at the things people look at. People look at the outward appearance, but the Lord looks at the heart.”  1 Samuel 16:7  

Your Heart!  That is it!  True friendship can be found in the heart of another.  A definition found online for the heart - the central or innermost part of something.  The innermost part of you and me. . .the heart, the spirit, the thoughts/emotions, the driving factor for our lives. 

13For you created my inmost being; you knit me together in my mother’s womb.  14 I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful, I know that full well.  Psalm 139: 13-14

Our innermost part, He created.  He created our innermost being beautifully, wonderfully for all the world to experience His greatness.  He loves you and He loves me enough to carefully touch every fiber of our being, lacking nothing. . .EXCEPT. . .

Him!  He left one area open for us to choose.  He does not want to dictate or force a relationship.  He wants to hold us in Heaven by our choosing.  He wants our heart to reveal where we are headed by accepting, believing and confessing.  Accept Him as Lord and Savior.  Believe He is our Creator and Lord.  Confess to the world His Truth.  Live from your heart.  Look past the cover and summary of others.  Learn another’s true story.

Live life. . .One Day at a time! 
Sheree Craig  

Monday, March 26, 2018

Pssst. . .Watch Out for the Phony

Fear is a Liar, by: Zach Williams.  Every lyric speaks loudly to my thoughts.  The chorus captivates my situation, bringing clarity to the struggle. 

Fear – he will take your breath.
Ever had a panic attack?  Oh, you would know if one occurred.   These attacks literally take every breath and multiply it by five.  Heavy breathing, intense emotion, overwhelming hot flash and spinning environment.  The only thought running through the mind is the one planted by fear.  When I stand face to face with the liar, I panic.  Suffocation comes and I see no escape.

Fear – he stops you in your steps.
When the liar enters the situation, I freeze.  I enter the “what if” zone and push away reality.  I stand frozen on the path in life.  What if I step forward?  The situation ahead looks scary, overwhelming and I just don’t want to walk through a storm again.  I will play it safe and remain standing in fear. 

Fear – he robs your rest.
Captivating every thought, the liar won’t quit until he wins.  The physical body could be exhausted; but, the mind cannot rest.  The liar shows up in my dreams, wakes me throughout the night and then eventually leads to me throwing in the towel and beginning another day earlier than desired. 

Fear – he steals your happiness.
The liar wants nothing more than misery to lead me away from God.  God will not bring chaos, misery, pain, worry or hatred to your thoughts.  God is peace, love, comfort, healing and forgiveness.  When I allow the liar into the situation, a fog enters in that moment, blinding me of Truth.  I lose happiness in that moment.  I miss out on a good memory in that moment.  I surrender my moment, one by one, to the liar. 

Fear entered the scene at birth.  I feared being alone as a child.  I feared other’s opinions in this world upon entering the school years.  I feared failure.  I feared the dark.  The liar was present from the get go. 

Over the years the fears changed and conformed within each chapter.  The liar remains. . .

The difference now?  Fear lingers around every corner; but, my God promised to calm the situation.  My God promised to love over fear.  My God promised to comfort, to heal and forgive when I let fear dictate decisions. 

I realized Who provides the breath of life!  Then the Lord God formed a man[a] from the dust of the ground and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life, and the man became a living being.  Genesis 2:7

I realized Who prepares the way for each step taken in faith.  Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways submit to him, and he will make your paths straight.  Proverbs 3:5-6

I realized Who offers peace, allowing rest unlike anything this world can provide.  27 Peace I leave with you; my peace I give you. I do not give to you as the world gives. Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid.  John 14:27

I realized Who allows joy to overflow even in the toughest of storms.  11 You make known to me the path of life; you will fill me with joy in your presence, with eternal pleasures at your right hand.  Psalm 16:11 

Does fear still enter the scene and throw lies my way?  Of course; but, I grab God’s Hand a bit tighter when the lies creep in and replace each one with Truth.  Some situations take a whole lot more Truth spoken before fear loses; yet, some situations fear cannot even touch due to the Truth that killed the lie over the years. 

FEAR – HE IS A LIAR!  Cast your fear, lay it at the Cross, take God’s Hand and let Him speak Truth into your mind.  This world wants to tear us down, let us walk this journey together building one another up and redirecting each other toward God in every situation.

Live life. . .One Day at a time! 
Sheree Craig  

Saturday, March 24, 2018

Slow Down and Walk

Our church recently completed a journey.  The journey, though short-lived, left lasting impact.  God presented this journey in a timely manner within my story.  A climax moment woven into an unexpected chapter in my story. 

Obsess: to dominate or preoccupy the thoughts, feelings, or desires; to think about something unceasingly! 

The journey titled Obsessed walked us through various questions and promptings to discover what dominates our thoughts.  What desires overtake each decision?  What feelings dictate each step? 

The preacher honed in on three ‘C’ words to categorize common obsessions among individuals; Comparison, Control and Comfort.  Once completing a collaboration of questions, the answers placed you in a category.  To no surprise, mine fell in Comfort.

Comfort: to soothe, console, or reassure; a state of ease and satisfaction of bodily wants, with freedom from pain and anxiety!

The problem does not exist in being comforted; but, it is the source of the comfort that becomes the issue.  Where do I run when emotions rise and times get tough?  How do I handle uncomfortable situations? 

Over the years, I used any available source in this world to find comfort, numb out, avoid emotion and run from pain.  Whatever the source, it brought comfort. . .temporarily.  I continued this roller coaster for years.  I hit rock bottom and fell in exhaustion of running after comfort.  I came to the realization that comfort was not something to run after; but Comfort was something to embrace.  I found a Source that extended comfort in ALL situations, walking me through rather than taking me away from this life.  Through prayer and faith, I began to find comfort in a lasting Source. 

Step by step on this new path, I grew in strength.  Life didn’t hurt as much anymore.  People did not control my reactions as much anymore.  But, through this recent journey, God revealed a portion in life that I still run after comfort.  In the literal sense. . .I run after comfort.  I run until life makes sense again.  I run until all emotion is left in the dust.  I run and run and run until I feel good about me and strong enough to handle the hurts in this world.  All the while I am running, God is trying to speak louder than the pounding on the pavement.  I hear Him from time to time; but, unceasing thoughts of exercise and remaining “good enough” for this world overpower Him. 

See, I equate my worth with my health.  Why?  Because, over the years all the compliments from others revolve around my discipline to exercise and eat “healthy” foods.  Others even desire to sit and hold conversations pertaining to health and wellness.  Others desire to hear the knowledge I gained through obsessing over food, exercise and balancing the two.  Others desire to be in my presence based on my level of health. 

In the beginning, I used the balance of food and exercise to become healthy and recover from my eating disorder.  But, over time, I simply replaced restriction with “healthy” living.  Obsessed for sure!  Mind blowing information here, I know right?  I knew the obsession existed; I just did not want to face it.  I convinced myself it is okay and I must keep exercising to maintain and be worthy of existence.

This ends NOW!  I made my mind up during the journey to stop this madness. I took steps along the way to eliminate tools that allowed this obsession to continue each day.  I opened up to others and spoke of such obsession.  I brought it to God.  I said No More!  

Ironic enough, shortly after the last sermon in this series, I received information that will force such obsession to be eliminated from my story.  I will soon have a surgery that will knock the whole exercising down a notch or two.  I will be receiving a hip replacement, forcing me to give up running.  I must now slow down and walk through life. 

Walking through this life will not happen alone.  I am slowing down, taking God’s hand and walking with Him.  Instead of running ahead and away, I will walk alongside and be comforted by the One leading me through.

What is your obsession?  What dominates your thoughts everyday?  Walk with me in this journey called life and allow His Truth to overpower obsession in this world.       

With love my dear friends. . .

Live life. . .One Day at a time! 
Sheree Craig  

Wednesday, March 14, 2018

The Name Above All

When complaints enter – Jesus
When comparison saturates – Jesus
When conflict destroys – Jesus

“What a beautiful Name it is
What a beautiful Name it is
The Name of Jesus Christ my King

What a beautiful Name it is
Nothing compares to this”

Complaints enter the minds of every human being.  Complaints manipulate the thoughts of human beings.  Complaints place a wedge between human beings and the Cross. 

Comparison saturates the minds of every human being.  Comparison takes over as judge of all scenarios a human being experiences.  Comparison creates a barrier between human beings and the Cross.

Conflict destroys relationships among human beings.  Conflict brings with it pride.  Pride blinds human beings from seeing the Cross.

Guilty on three accounts.  I visit the complaint department the moment I come home.  I hold everything in all day long and spew it out to my husband when returning home.  Nothing good comes from complaining.  I do not feel any better about a situation and no problem can be fixed by speaking concerns behind closed doors at home.  It is easier to complain than to figure out a solution and present it to the involved parties. 

Comparison runs rampant in my mind daily.   With each comparison, I become smaller and smaller.  Walking around buried in feelings of inferiority exhausts.  These feelings lead to a loss of worth in this world.  Our culture drives comparison to deem worth within the confines of this world. 

Conflict holds a different power than the latter two mentioned.  I run from conflict.  Conflict, when handled with pride, destroys relationships.  I fear rejection; therefore, I avoid conflict.  I work diligently to keep the peace in all situations; which ends up exhausting my spirit.  All of conflict sends my spirit to crazy town – the loudness of conflict (whether it be raised voice or raised emotions), the outcome of conflict (someone usually comes out hurt) and the strong opinions which may differ from my own.  It is easier to run from conflict than stand up for myself. 

Can anyone relate?
Need an answer to all this mayhem? . . . Jesus!  The powerful name of Jesus solves all the above issues. 

Complain to Jesus in prayer.  Our concerns of this world matter to Jesus.  Better yet, Jesus will help guide us to a solution that aligns with Truth.  The Holy Spirit will provide strength to take the solution in this world and make a difference while shining the light of Jesus onto others.  Go ahead, complain; but, complain with an open heart and mind.  Approach the Cross and allow Jesus to enter your heart.

Compare your actions only to Jesus.  Strive to act, speak and think like Jesus.  The comparisons in this world will send us all over the place trying to live up to a million different standards.  The only place to look for guidance is Jesus.  His Words written to guide, confirm our purpose and fill our minds with Truth.  Approach the Cross and allow Jesus to saturate your thoughts.

Conflict brought to Jesus turns into peace.  Peace which passes all understanding.  Conflict can be healthy when filtered through His Word.  Conflict can strengthen relationships when compromise and understanding enter the scene.  Approach the Cross and allow Jesus to build within conflict.     

“What a wonderful Name it is
What a wonderful Name it is

The Name of Jesus Christ my King
What a wonderful Name it is
Nothing compares to this”

Live life. . .One Day at a time! 
Sheree Craig