Friday, January 6, 2017

No Product will Enhance His Creation

Since someone decided to rigorously shake the world’s snow globe, roads became dangerous for travel.  School canceled.  Kids lounged in pajamas all day long.  Hubby worked from home in the office/sauna (he closes the door and cranks the heat up).  I finished chores to free up hours this weekend.

The day brought much down time once chores were done, kids were fed lunch and all were content.  Therefore, I decided to sit my happy self on the couch and watch television.  I scanned through regular daytime shows which brought no desire to click on those options.  I ventured to the next line of channels, seeing the usual food shows I love; but, decided to scroll down to see if a movie was being played on Hallmark.  I found even better. . .Grey’s Anatomy!  To increase the greatness of such a find. . .it was a marathon lasting until 6PM.  Well, I hope the family can fend for themselves for the next 5 hours!

Grey’s Anatomy ranks just below Friends as an ultimate favorite show.  For some reason, television captivates my thoughts and allows for an escape from such negative thinking I battle with all day.  When I say captivate, I mean it in every sense of the word.  Just ask my husband who tried to hold a conversation during a pivotal point in the story line – my attention could not be given to him at such a time, sorry.

The issue with television comes in 30 second increments, lasting for at least 2 minutes and dividing up the actual show I desire to watch.  Yes, commercials ruin the experience of keeping attention glued to the story line.  I despise commercials for a few reasons. . .

-They proclaim a product to ‘fix’ an issue you did not know existed until viewing said commercial.
-They want to explain to you what is wrong with your current life.
-They want to entice you to ‘keep up with the Jones’.
-They manipulate which commercials air based on the audience thought to be viewing current show.

Commercials entice the flesh to desire something not intended for you.  Commercials open the door for the enemy to speak into your thoughts and explain why you need change.  Commercials cause you to look at self and wish to be someone else to be accepted by this world.  Commercials make a product appear grand and convince you to ‘need’ such product to survive/be happy.

I realize all these descriptions fit the whole purpose of commercials; but, it still irritates me to no end.  The flesh loves commercials for this reason:  to receive an answer to all its problems, to discover a product to erase any flaws, to find a program to join and become desirable in this world (by the world’s standards), etc.   Whatever will fulfill the flesh temporarily can be found in a product of this world presented in a commercial.

Now, I am not condemning products in this world that will bring pleasure.  God desires for us to have pleasure while living here; but, we must take care not to rely on products to be our savior.  Having the latest/greatest toys, beauty products, health program, foods, etc. is fine and dandy.  Let us remain cautious when listening to the messages portrayed in commercials.  The creator wants you to buy the product, I get that, but you are still you with or without such product.  God created YOU, knit together specifically for a purpose.  YOU are beautiful and wonderful!  Your Creator does not want you to try and sell you a product to enhance any part of you.  Your Creator wants to walk alongside as you mature and develop characteristics which shine His light to this broken world.

13 For you formed my inward parts;
    you knitted me together in my mother's womb.
14 I praise you, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made.[a]
Wonderful are your works;
    my soul knows it very well.  Psalm 139:13-14

Avoid conforming to the patterns of a broken world.  Seek His Truth for renewal of the mind day by day.  Seek the Bible for answers of where He desires you at this very moment in the journey.  Seek Him for a pure heart.  Seek Him for contentment.

It’s DAY SIX. . .will you be content with His wonderful and beautiful creation?
Live life. . .One Day at a time!
Sheree Craig  

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