Tuesday, January 29, 2019

Go Ahead. . .Step Out!

Exhaustion: a state of extreme physical or mental fatigue; the action or state of using something up or of being used up completely.

Been there, done that; when our bodies literally give up and crash on the bed.  The jammed packed schedule and nonstop work caused your body to give up.  Physically, your muscles cannot move one more inch.  Mentally, your brain cannot handle one more thought.  The bed never felt so good!

The body sends out multiple signals as it nears exhaustion:  a simple yawn, movements begin to slow, aches in the muscle, eyes become heavy, etc.  We often combat the symptoms with caffeine.  Oh, how I love my caffeine.  I see nothing wrong with utilizing the amazing product when necessary.  But, with everything, moderation is key.  Times call for sleep, not caffeine, when at the point of exhaustion.  Avoiding the call for sleep will wreak havoc on the body.  Caffeine is not always the answer to tired bodies. 

The body also sends out multiple signals as the mind reaches mental capacity:  anger, anxiety, indecisive, headache, lack of motivation, etc.  We often ignore symptoms and fight off the exhaustion by taking on more responsibility.  Busy minds will not have time to be anxious or feel negative emotion, right?  Keeping up with society can be the biggest motivator, right?  Wrong!  Avoiding the scream for mental rest leads to emotional illness.  The body will eventually crash and all your responsibilities crumble. 

Feeling exhausted?  Ready to surrender?  
Do you even have the time to evaluate your level of exhaustion?

For years, I lived exhausted.  I could sleep 8-9 hours in the evening; but, wake up exhausted.  My mind ran all day long; navigating through negative thoughts, driving my body to perfection, always ending up short of the mark.  I created a prison for myself, locked the door and threw the key in the far distance.  Every day remained the same. . .the goal to be perfect in hopes that others would love me.  I felt compelled to earn my spot in life.  I felt safe in my prison.  Remaining behind bars provided consistency in each day.  Yet, I remained miserable, exhausted and physically ill.

My body screamed signals of exhaustion caused by the daily abuse.  I lashed out at loved ones, engaged in obsessive/compulsive behaviors, lived in constant anxiety and depression.  I reached a point of physical exhaustion.  God came running to open the prison door.  He reached a hand out, asking me to follow Him out of the confinement.  Every time I reached, fear consumed, and I reverted to the corner.  I attempted other ways of escaping.  I could escape on my own and avoid the unpredictable freedom in surrender.  I could escape yet remain in control.  I appreciate God unlocking the prison door; now, it was up to me to get out.

Guess how that thinking worked out for me.  Exhaustion reared its ugly head yet again.  This time, unbearable.  My body threw out every signal in the books:  depression, constant tears, racing heart rate, lack of motivation to complete any task, anger, overwhelmed, etc.   I simply went through the motions each day while fighting diligently to escape the prison bars.  If only I can think positively, I will feel freedom.  If only I can do all that is asked of me perfectly, I will feel calm.  If only, if only, if only. . .

The fighting led to failing.  The stress led to sickness.  The confinement led to a collapse.

I quit. . .life is just too hard. . .I cannot live up to MY standards any longer. . .

Well, my dear friends, in that exact place of quitting, I felt free.  I had prayed and prayed for answers to concerns, struggles and hardship.  I fought (or so I thought) in every way possible to make life work.  I navigated every path I knew existed and all led to a dead end.  The very place of exhaustion allowed for surrender.  I released the grip on the prison bars.  I crawled to the doorway.  I spurred enough energy to reach out to God in surrender.  I became fed up with my own prison.  God embraced my exhausted body, a huge sigh released, and I felt 100 pounds lighter. 

The door to the prison remains open; but I refuse to step back inside.  I cling tightly to the promises of my Savior.  The same opportunity exists for you dear friend.  Are you exhausted today?  Do you sit in confinement while the door waits wide open?  Escape!  Step out and cling to God.  Surrender today by reaching out and looking up to God.  He will provide the Truth, the Way and lead you in the life He planned.  Go ahead. . .STEP OUT!

Live life. . .One Day at a time! 
Sheree Craig

Monday, January 21, 2019

Be the Bright Light in the Darkness

The bright light feature on vehicles assists when driving in the darkest of places, especially on curvy back roads.  Brightening the headlights expands the view tremendously.  I love the feature because I despise driving in the darkness.  I utilize the feature at any moment possible. 

The bright light feature expanded its use over the years to also indicate a form of communication among drivers.  Semi-trucks will “flash” the bright lights when the lane is clear for a driver to come over in front of them.  “Flashing” the bright lights at an oncoming vehicle communicates a need to slow down.  The oncoming car has no idea what is around the corner; but the driver communicating to slow down just came from the area.  Sometimes, it means a cop is ahead (which slowing down saves the other from possible ticket), or a wreck is ahead, or item in the roadway.

As a recipient of such communication, it allows the driver to take caution and slow down.  As a giver of such communication, it allows the driver to be kind, save another from possible ticket, increasing the damage of a wreck or causing a wreck themselves.  In all honesty, I love warning others about what lay ahead; but I would rather be the recipient to know I must take caution ahead.

I believe in life we would rather be a recipient and know to take caution with what lay ahead in our journey.  Yes, extending wisdom learned along the way to others is great; but, to be warned to slow down, don’t go that way or tread lightly on the path ahead may save from regret.  We may be able to plan to avoid error, pain or discipline. 

We hear the comment, “If only I knew then what I know now. . .”, thrown around often.  This indicates a desire to be the recipient of warning what lay ahead.  We could better prepare.  We could walk ahead in confidence.  We could survive with less damage.

In the journey, in the trials and all the bad decisions of life, we learn and grow into beautiful individuals.  Yes, the road gets rough; but each step teaches us how to handle the next.  God uses our wisdom to assist others along in their journey.  We don’t save them from the pain; but we walk alongside to listen and understand their struggle.  We shine the bright light of Jesus as a form of communication to others. 

Providing Truth brings clarity along another’s path.  Giving a hug comforts a crying soul.  Walking alongside slows a racing mind and allows the other to think before acting on emotion.  Be the light my dear friends.  Take all you learn and use it for good. 

Delight in trials.  Rejoice always.  For this is only but a moment in time.  Use what the enemy meant for harm for the building of God’s Kingdom.

 In all this you greatly rejoice, though now for a little while you may have had to suffer grief in all kinds of trials.These have come so that the proven genuineness of your faith—of greater worth than gold, which perishes even though refined by fire—may result in praise, glory and honor when Jesus Christ is revealed.  1Peter 1:6-7

God will comfort you!  Take that comfort and be a bright light for God.  Shine onto others and help them in this journey.     

Praise be to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of compassion and the God of all comfort, who comforts us in all our troubles, so that we can comfort those in any trouble with the comfort we ourselves receive from God. For just as we share abundantly in the sufferings of Christ, so also our comfort abounds through Christ.  2Corinthians 1:3-5

Live life. . .One Day at a time! 
Sheree Craig

Monday, January 14, 2019

The Support to Succeed Today

I have been writing blogs for years. It began in hopes to leave a legacy.  Early in recovery from a relapse with my eating disorder, I had physical symptoms convincing me that I may not survive another recovery.  At this point, both my children were very young.  I wanted to leave inspiration, guidance and knowledge gained through experience.  I wanted them to remember me (because, again, I thought I had gone too far this time). 

As years passed, I continue to write daily; but, now alive and well, I use writing to navigate through dark thoughts, release them and hope they lose power in my mind.  I write to reach those hurting and maybe, just maybe, offer encouragement to make it through the day.  I pray my words reach those feeling alone in life.  I hope to provide a comforting word, Truth to replace the enemy’s lies and love to the reader. 

I am determined to use difficulty in life for God’s purpose.  He plans great things for each of us and silence allows the enemy to steal the clarity of God’s plan.  Each time I write, the words come straight from the heart.  I write, not from a perspective of someone who has it all together; but, from someone just like you who wakes up determined to do the best for 24 hours.  To do our best, we must take along our support system.  Through prayer, we invite God to walk alongside and provide an angel army to guide and support us today.

Each writing I share on social media.  I can guarantee with 99.9% that every post will have at least one ‘like’.  My greatest support, my biggest fan, takes the time to read my blog and give a ‘thumbs up.’  My mom shows up with every writing.  I picture her reading it on her couch after a long day of work or bright and early over coffee.  Either way, she takes the time to read my words.  Even if she is the only one that reads that writing, her ‘like’ makes it all worthwhile. 

Dear friends, we all have a support system.  Each day, thousands of Writings lay available for us to read.  The Words solidify purpose, set out a plan and encourage us in this broken world.  I can guarantee you will love every Truth provided.  Some may change a perspective on an issue.  Others may require changing the trajectory planned for the day.  And yet some, may solidify a decision.  Regardless, if you show up to read His Writing, you will not regret it.  God’s Truths always lead to peace, healing, comfort and love.  There may be rocky terrain on the way to such; but, stay strong and focused on the prize.

God provides Truth to assist in disabling the lies received from our enemy.  The enemy works to redirect, steal our focus and keep us from reading God’s Writings.  God desires to reach the hurting, offering the exact words of encouragement and guidance to succeed today.  Without Him, success cannot be reached.  This world wants us to feel successful based on temporary achievements or increased monetary values; but, this proves the brokenness of the world.  God holds success for you that lasts.  He holds plans for today that mature.  Maturity leads to the prize of Eternal life with our Creator. 

14 I press on toward the goal to win the prize for which God has called me heavenward in Christ Jesus.

15 All of us, then, who are mature should take such a view of things. And if on some point you think differently, that too God will make clear to you.  Philippians 3:14-15

God desires relationship with us.  If one person comes to believe, even just one, the sacrifice of His Only Son Jesus He deems worthwhile.  He rejoices with each surrender.  He delights in having His children come back to Him and believe His Promises.

Seek out support today from the One Who offers the greatest support.  Seek out your biggest fan.  He has great things to tell you. 

Blessings to you dear friend,   

Live life. . .One Day at a time! 
Sheree Craig

Friday, January 11, 2019

Healthy Balance

Image result for healthy balance

I am fed up!  I quit!

Society creates an environment causing extreme difficulty to recovery from an eating disorder and conveniently simple to succumb to one.  Temptations lurk around every corner.  The beginning of every year holding the greatest and intense triggers that lead into an eating disorder.  Commercials implant the need to improve outward image.  Everyone and their brother sets a resolution to lose weight, hit the gym, eat less and look better in the mirror. 

A resolution of losing weight, moving away from sedentary living and eating food that will increase the health of your body are great.  I totally support these resolutions and will be the first to encourage another in the steps needed to reach optimal health.  The part that irritates me. . .the way society places emphasis on rock solid abs, chiseled out arms and eliminated food groups in the diet promotion industry.

I am fed up!  Which is exactly what I needed at this point in my recovery journey.  I want to break free from the prison of calculating steps.  I want to eliminate the strive for a perfected image which doesn’t exist.  I want to avoid comparing food intake to energy output.  My body needs food daily, regardless of energy output.  I am ready to believe the truths known for years and apply them to my life.  I always felt exempt from truth about staying healthy.

I am not exempt. . .and neither are you!  We must stand firm against the patterns of this world.  We each require specific nutrients daily.  Cravings speak to our bodily needs.  Now, I am not saying, go eat anything and everything your heart desires; but, I am saying that craving specific foods speaks to the need of a nutrient our body is missing.  Our body needs grains, proteins, fats and a bit of sweet each day.  We can achieve these needs with nutrient packed foods of all sorts.  Eliminating food groups deprives our body of optimal health.  Exercising excessively depletes energy and healing.

A healthy balance comes when we listen to our bodily needs.  God created our bodies to survive to the fullest this side of Eternity.  He needs us daily to be a strong, healthy and focused vessel.  This requires nutrients.  This requires getting up and moving.  All in moderation!

I have lived by a catchy phrase I used when counseling in nutrition:  It is not about counting calories but making the calories count.  Well, I have decided to take a giant leap in recovery and created another phrase. . .   

It is not about how many steps I take daily but, making each step count!  Meaning, 10,000 steps is not required by me to feel accomplished, worthy or ‘healthy’.  I may go through an intense strengthening work out and get 1,000 steps. . .does that mean I didn’t exercise ‘enough’?  Absolutely NOT!  I am fed up with the prison I entered years ago of basing my health on the steps taken each day.  It does not matter if I have 10,000 for the day. . .what matters is assuring the steps I took were in the direction God intended for the day. 

Healthy looks different for each person.  Let your body tell you what it needs.  Some days, 10,000+ steps happen and that is fine if my body was willing and able.  Other days, 5,000 is all my body had the energy to take.  Still other days, God holds a plan for us to sit and be with another person in need, or rest for ourselves to allow healing.  It is okay to not be what society deems healthy.  Reach your optimal health by seeking out the Great Physician.  He will guide you to healing.  He will guide you to physical health.

I refuse to give up the fight for those struggling and drowned by eating disorder behaviors/thoughts.  I refuse to give up on myself to reach the freedom I know God plans for my life.  I have decided to throw out the Fitbit.  I no longer will count steps.  I have replaced my Fitbit with a bracelet representing recovery.  Each time I want to look at the number of steps taken or base my worth on the exercise I finished, I will see the recovery symbol and a heart charm.  This reminds me I am loved just as I am in that moment.  This reminds me I am worth recovery!

Same goes for you dear friend.  May you be healthy, balanced and confident this day.  May you know God desires optimal health for you; which, looks different than my optimal health.  Stand firm on Truth and avoid society’s lies.  Eat good food.  Find nutrients to feed a craving.  Move and use your body as God intended.

With love dear friends. . .

Live life. . .One Day at a time! 
Sheree Craig

Monday, January 7, 2019

Decisions, Decisions!

A fork in the road!  You travel a path well known, comfortable and making great memories along the way; then, the path splits.  A choice exists to continue on the same path or change direction.

My daughter recently hit a fork in the road.  At the age of 10, we did help her navigate through the pros and cons of deciding which path to travel.  The decision affected the family; but, only she could decide the next move.  In this area of life, she is the only one able to choose the direction.

As parents, we sit back in concern of the decision-making process for our 10-year-old.  She knows what she wants (or at least she thinks so) and she holds mighty goals for the future.  We merely exist to guide her in the steps to reach such goals.  We love her through each decision.  We stand with open arms when the path chosen reaches a dead end, as regret settles in or tragedy causes a setback in attaining a goal. 

Life is tough, even at the young age of my daughter.  She faces struggle without the knowledge gained in experience.  She hesitates to listen when advice comes from seasoned individuals (a.k.a., her parents).  Making choices each day, all while keeping her goal in mind, places a weight on her shoulder.  We ask our kids to pray about decisions. . .but, have they seen enough to understand the power of prayer?  Have they felt enough of God’s presence to grasp His capabilities?  Do they know God cares about every little thing in their lives?

Do you know and grasp the power of prayer?  Have you felt the presence of God overcome a situation?  Did you know God cares about everything you care about?

A fork in the road!  Have you experienced a choice in life that changes the trajectory completely?  How did you handle it?  Pray on it?  Seek out others for help?  Take a leap and hope for the best?

My dear friends, God cares about every decision in your life.  He cares enough to walk alongside, through every twist and turn.  He stands at the fork in the road, waiting to navigate through the pros and cons of deciding that next step.  Ultimately, only you can decide.  Free will allows each of us to choose the path taken. 

God remains at your side to guide with His Truth.
105 Your word is a lamp for my feet,
    a light on my path.  Psalm 119:105

God loves you through each decision.
Your love, Lord, reaches to the heavens,
    your faithfulness to the skies.
Your righteousness is like the highest mountains,
    your justice like the great deep.
    You, Lord, preserve both people and animals.
How priceless is your unfailing love, O God!
    People take refuge in the shadow of your wings.  Psalm 36:5-7

God stands with open arms when you reach a dead end filled with regret or if tragedy strikes, halting progress.
If I go up to the heavens, you are there;
    if I make my bed in the depths, you are there.
If I rise on the wings of the dawn,
    if I settle on the far side of the sea,
10 even there your hand will guide me,
    your right hand will hold me fast.  Psalm 139:8-10

Life is tough.  We struggle without the full knowledge and wisdom of the future.  We hesitate to listen when the Holy Spirit speaks loud and clear.  We pick up the weight of decisions and carry it when God wants to take the load.  Why?  Because we are human, full of free will.  My dear friends, take God’s Truth and hold it tightly.  Carry it through each step.  Use Truth as guidance in deciding a path to travel.  Pray!  The power of prayer is amazing!  Then, be patient and know God is working all out for the good as you rely on Him!     

Live life. . .One Day at a time! 
Sheree Craig

Thursday, January 3, 2019

Bubble Wrap Please!

Most days, I want to take my children and wrap them in bubble wrap.  When they were younger the bubble wrap would protect from physical injury.  As they grow, the bubble wrap will protect from emotional injury.  They just need protection from this world.  Unfortunately, I cannot place them in bubble wrap.

We are in a phase with my son becoming involved in a relationship.  He really likes this girl and spends much of the waking hours face-timing (replaced telephone conversations) or hanging out in person.  The time together is great for the two.  Relationships can teach us and grow us for sure; but, I remember relationships at his age. . .

Some aspects of relationship present decision making well beyond the knowledge of a 15-year-old.  They think in the here and now.  They remain clueless about future consequences.  They have not yet felt regret for a decision (or at least I pray not). 

My daughter, on the other hand, enters a phase of confusion.  Physical maturation is setting in and I don’t believe she likes one bit of it.  She battles with comparison (yes, already at 10 years old) to the other girls in her circle.  I cannot form the words needed in prayer to calm my fears as a mom.  I worry about the opinions she speaks of herself and the concern with physical appearance. 

Some aspects of remaining healthy and active are great.  While, stepping over the line of balance can lead to an emotional prison.  Girls at 10 years old cannot fathom their beauty inside.  They think about the current image in the mirror and begin picking apart every tiny flaw.  They remain clueless about future consequences.  They begin shaming, degrading self and working to perfect outward appearance. 

My son is amazing, and I don’t want him to lose focus in life.
My daughter is beautiful, and I don’t want her to second guess her purpose.
My son is caring, and I don’t want his heart to be broken.
My daughter is joyful, and I don’t want the world to steal her heart.

What is a mother to do?  Again, I believe bubble wrap would be the answer.  Or, maybe I just shelter them inside my home with no communication to the outside world.  Okay, for real, I know these aren’t the answer.

The answer is communication.  We must talk to our kids daily about the events going on in their world.  This life is full of hardships.  We are there to help, guide and pray with them.  We can point them to the One with all the answers to life struggles.  We assist in laying a solid foundation for which to stand and a soft place which to land when life crumbles. 

Another answer is honesty.  The struggles do not vanish with age.  I struggle in relationship.  My marriage is awesome; but, we face decisions well beyond our knowledge.  We think in the now with selfish motives and clueless on consequences.  I battle with comparison (yes, even at ____ years old).  I struggle to see the beauty inside and I still am picking up the pieces of past regret. 

The sum of it all. . .parenting is difficult!  We hope better for our children.  Our hearts break to see them struggle; all while trying our best every day to be a solid, healthy, consistent example for them to follow.  God blessed us with family to build a team.  We are to build a team to shine the light of God into the world.  Staying together as a team provides strength when times get tough.  The enemy will not stand a chance against a family protected by an army of angels. 

Instead of inhabiting the same house together, let’s work on building a home together.  Greet one another with love.  After being out in the world for 7+ hours, a loving touch, smile or simple greeting would assure they are entering a safe place.  Build confidence in the hearts of each family member that they are not alone. 

Pray.  Talk.  Laugh.  Eat together.  Play.

10 He died for us so that, whether we are awake or asleep, we may live together with him. 11 Therefore encourage one another and build each other up, just as in fact you are doing.  1 Thessalonians 5:10-11

Live life. . .One Day at a time! 
Sheree Craig

Wednesday, January 2, 2019

Moment by Moment Confidence

“Carpe diem”

“Stop and smell the roses”

Easier said than done, right?  The New Year feels like a clean slate; why is that?  Could it be the worry related to holidays with family is over?  Maybe because the stress of shopping, baking, cooking, attending parties, etc. is now completed?  Or, possibly it is the fact we can put all the past year behind us and strive for more in the 365 days ahead of us?

Whatever the reason, January 1st feels refreshing.  We set out with new goals, focus on the day and complete said goals for 24 hours.  We end the day accomplished and cling to a positive outlook for the days to come.  As the days pass, the clean slate becomes cluttered with unfinished business of prior year, stress of each day’s requirements and pressure of keeping up with the world.  Our goals creep to the back burner.  We throw out hope of change.  We move, inch by inch, back to old paths in life. 

How can we take the encouraging, uplifting feelings of January 1st and carry them out day after day?

12 Teach us to number our days,
    that we may gain a heart of wisdom.  Psalm 90:12

34 Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own.  Matthew 6:34

Truth, written by our Creator, reminds us to stay focused.  Keep our eyes on the moment.  God holds mighty plans for right now.  Tomorrow has enough to handle and accomplish; He needs our full attention now.

He wants to be a part of your goals, ambitions and desires in this world.  Inviting God into the planning will lead to unimaginable results.  He will show His power in your purpose. 

A great way to stay focused each day is reading His Truth.  He will speak through His Word to provide just the encouragement you need for the day.  Looking too far into the future is overwhelming.  We lose belief in our capabilities to make it through whatever lay ahead.  Looking at today, the moment in front of you, is encouraging.  We gain confidence to conquer today.  Day by day, we make it. 

I am not sure what the next year brings for you; really, neither do you.  You may speculate the future; but, no script is provided for the chapter ahead.  Only Our Creator knows the words of your chapter and He will provide the tools needed to live out the story written.  I am confident that you will survive this day.  I pray you may feel that confidence and remain focused on His plan for today.

Challenge: choose a Scripture to meditate on each day.  Write it down and carry it with you through the day.  Read it over and over to remind you that all you have is this moment.  Make this moment the best.  Choose the step that guides you in the direction toward the goal, the plan God holds for you. 

You got this my dear friends!

Live life. . .One Day at a time! 
Sheree Craig