Wednesday, July 26, 2017

Removing the Safety Nets in Life

“Trust me my child.”  “Keep pedaling, I am holding tight to the seat until you are ready.”

That moment as the parent stands over the bike, screwdriver in hand, and a child watches the safety net be taken right from under them.  Years of taking on the road without any fear whatsoever come to a halt.  Every day the child put on a helmet, knee pads, elbow pads, tightly tied shoes and faced the road ahead.  The comfort of knowing two little wheels maintained balance kept the child confident.  Any time a little wobble occurred, the training wheels took effect.

Now, the parent steps in and says the time has arrived.  Anxiety fills the child with thoughts of failure flowing throughout.  The parent promises to stay alongside until the child shows readiness to take off.  At that point, the parent becomes a spectator, present if anything should happen. 

Training wheels off, the child places on proper equipment and boards the bike.  The child has seen the work of the parent for years now and trusts in the promises made.  The parent was there as the child learned to crawl.  Then again when the child learned to walk.  And yet again when it was time to separate and attend school.  History reveals a reliable, loving and smart parent.  The child decides to pedal.  The child takes off in faith.

Where are you today?  Are you crawling, walking, utilizing training wheels or standing there with screwdriver in hand desiring to remove the comfortable routine?

 Let perseverance finish its work so that you may be mature and complete, not lacking anything.  James 1:4

Perseverance:  continued effort to do or achieve something despite difficulties, failure, or opposition. 

Facing a new chapter in life can be quite scary.  You may open to the same page every morning, desiring to live out what is written in front of your eyes; yet, your feet remain concrete blocks unable to move.  You watch as others live out what is written for your life.  Confidence gets lost somewhere and so you remain in the current chapter of life. 

The problem comes when the current position in life fails to accomplish God’s plan.  Sitting in comfort stagnates faith, dims His light and we remain immature.  Lacking the God confidence required in this life halts the writing of our story.  God has mighty work for each of His children sent from Heaven.  He did not send us here by chance or on a whim.  He planned, perfected and published our story during creation in the womb. 

Our story waits to be lived.  How great our God to spell it out, page by page, for us.  Recall all the promises fulfilled in life and know that He will be there in each chapter.  He will never leave nor forsake.

Remember the day a loved one walked out on you. . .He was there to hold you.
Remember entering a foreign environment. . .He provided the words to speak and connect with others.
Remember the painful nights full of tears. . .He was there to catch every one of them.
Remember beginning a new career/school. . .He helped you learn the ropes and used you in mighty ways.
Remember when. . .

History reveals an omniscient, omnipotent, omnipresent God!  He does not change.  No matter the circumstance, no matter the chapter faced in life, no matter what you have done in the past. . .He is there!  Remove the safety nets in life and step out into the unknown.  Watch God work in each chapter.  Walk in faith, in God confidence and know He will shine bright for all to see. 

Take that first step. . .put on the full armor of God and trust. . .

“Trust Me my precious child.”  “Keep walking forward, I am holding tight to your hand until you are ready.”


Live life. . .One Day at a time! 

Sheree Craig   

Saturday, July 22, 2017

Visible Evidence of the Invisible

The pilot announced the descent and the seat belt sign lit up.  My daughter and I watched while the plane broke through clouds and ventured toward the landing strip.  Endless sky, puffy clouds, beauty beyond description!  Suddenly, colors hovered over a group of clouds. . .a vivid rainbow.  We viewed the start (too bad it was not the end – no pot of gold for us!) and saw it disappear to the ground below.  The sight took my breath away.

The view from the beach reveals and endless sea meeting up with blue sky.  Clouds hover, white mixed with gray.  Thunder claps, lightning strikes.  The show begins with heavy raindrops pelting our skin.  I look to the right and the showers intensify over the water, heading straight for our family.   It was amazing to watch the storm enter the scene, yet altering our plans.  Our umbrella flipped inside out and my daughter and I fled the scene.  My son and hubby stay in the rain, experiencing the storm alongside the sea creatures

The evening brought a moment desired for a long time.  A moment I could check off a goal list.  My husband and I ate dinner seaside, the sun still tucked away nicely behind cloud covering.  An opening appeared between cloud lining and sea.  I knew God would bring the sun out in time to paint a beautiful sunset into the sea.  Post dinner, we sat and waited for the moment.  The sun broke cloud, shone brightly on the sea and began descent.  Colors filled the sky, changing minute by minute.  The moment just as I imagined

God reveals His presence in the beauty above.  Mankind cannot manipulate the artistic power of God.  Never the same, the sky keeps life interesting.  Storms, sun, clouds, clarity or vivid color schemes catch my eye daily.  I absolutely love it!  The painting of the sky presents visible evidence of the invisible. 

My dear friends, there will always be a rainbow after the storm.  You may need to look closely, but it is there.  Trudging through the toughest of times will bring exhaustion along with countless other emotions.  The rainbow will come and take your breath away.  The weight lifted, tears wiped away and beauty from ashes reveal.  Hang on for the rainbow.

Storms come in without warning.  One minute life moves swiftly, comfortably and predictable; then, looking to right, the storm comes at you fast.  Before any movement can be made, the situation intensifies and pain hovers over each day.  No mechanism can protect from experiencing the storm.  Fleeing the scene does not take away the pain nor progress through healing.  We must remain and grow, experiencing the storm alongside God. 

Often, we wait for a moment long desired.  Patience builds emotion, faith, trust and strength.  God knows exactly how moments need to be played out to accomplish purpose in life.  He does truly work ALL things out for good.  But, patience must be present to experience a moment.  If we try to make things happen in our timing, we cheat ourselves of the moment.  We miss the full experience, the appreciation to the Maker of all things and we begin relying on the world to provide a moment.  The world will not fulfill, wait patiently to experience the moments planned by God.  Patience produces maturity.  Maturity leads to strength.  Strength reveals the light of Christ for others to see.  The light of Christ breaks through the flesh, making His presence known so others may be saved. 

God’s presence exists all around to be seen.  He will never leave nor forsake.  In the storms of this life, He protects, guides, loves and progresses us through.  He creates beauty from the darkest of times.  He holds the power to heal.  Hold on in this life my dear friends and recognize His presence in all circumstances.  Acknowledge, Believe, Confess and Devote every moment to the Cross!

Life is beautiful through God’s eyes.  The Light of this world shines for you.  Soak it up, share it to all you meet. 

Live life. . .One Day at a time! 

Sheree Craig   

Tuesday, July 18, 2017

The Spirit Knows Better

Recently I ventured out in a “glorified school bus”, as my son described it, through swamps, marsh and endless land inhabited by various creatures.  I, being quite the worrisome little individual, experienced a roller coaster of emotions on this journey.  The tour led through high waters, across acres of land filled with countless creatures.  My eyes and ears could not keep up. 

We met up with the pasture filled with cattle.  The tour guide lured the animals to the bus with corn.  The cattle displayed much beauty with various color schemes for their hides.  Interesting fact:  Cattle reproduce throughout the year, one bull to several cows, all on their own in the pasture.  The young rely on their mom to care for all needs until becoming strong enough to fend for self.  Generation after generation come through the pasture land fulfilling the same purpose.  Each focus on the goal set before them and survive daily while enjoying the land provided. 

Continuing along the path, we met up with Osceola.  Osceola lives in an enclosure.  She receives food once daily and hundreds of visitors come to say hello.  She roams the enclosure throughout the day, finding shade to cool from the high heat of Florida.  She enjoys life alone. 

We discovered various plants, trees and growth, learning more than I can remember.  One fern caught our eye while walking the land at our midway stop.  It is the resurrection fern which lives along the bark of trees.  Water replenishes the fern to display a beautiful green growth along the bark.  In droughts, the fern shrivels to a gray clump of leaves.  Once water returns to the plant, it comes back to life and beauty is revealed. 

The tour included alligators, sandhill cranes, whistling ducks, egrets, quarter horses, etc.  The tour traveled through a ford, filling the bus with water up to the third step and along land of various elevations.  We saw vegetation of all kinds.  I learned much and realized how wildlife really understand purpose in life.  I learned vegetation grows in proper conditions but can be restored even if death creeps in the season. 

See, each animal lives according to the plan and purpose of their kind.  The cattle focus on the daily grind of grazing the land, reproducing when the time comes and caring for their young.  Osceola remains alone, content in the enclosure and surviving the heat with times of rest.  A resurrection fern waits alongside a tree bark knowing water will come to restore life; yet, until water comes, it remains clinging tightly to the tree for survival.  The examples could continue forever.  At creation, creatures, vegetation and humanity came with a purpose.  God looked at all serving the purpose planned and said, “It is very good.”

What happened?  What changed?  
Why such turmoil in this world? 
 Why evil among humanity?

Well, my dear friends, I believe we can take some lessons from wildlife and vegetation found throughout the world.  A panther does not work diligently each day to be an alligator.  A fern does not lay down and give up in drought; but, waits and knows this too shall pass.  Cattle do not condemn themselves for living in simplicity of caring for young and grazing land. 

Sin consumes humanity, changes perspective, darkens peace and challenges our spirit daily.  The flesh desires contentment.  The flesh seeks the world.  The spirit knows better.
13 For if you live according to the flesh, you will die; but if by the Spirit you put to death the misdeeds of the body, you will live.  Romans 8:13

Stop comparing!  We cannot be anyone other than who God created.  Stand firm in the importance God planned for your life.  He wants YOU, not a fake, glorified version of you. 

Refuse to quit!  In this evil world sin will cause trouble, trials and tribulation beyond what the flesh can handle.  Thankfully, we have a Creator yearning to live within us daily to overcome anything blocking our path.  His power wins every time.

Avoid condemnation!  You were placed, chosen and created for a purpose.  One assignment under your name.  Your existence matters to God and His Kingdom.  That alone should maintain your daily motivation.  Every small step, every beautiful word and every place you are involved matters!  You matter!

Enjoy this journey by focusing on your path.  Know that God guides.  His spirit is within you.  Trust Him. 

Live life. . .One Day at a time! 

Sheree Craig   

Tuesday, July 11, 2017

I Have Had Enough!

Rigid = prison
Rigid = solitary confinement in prison
Rigid = starvation sitting in solitary confinement in prison
Rigid = leads to death through starvation sitting in solitary confinement in prison

Rigidity sucks the very life out of Every. Single. Day.  Rigidity prevents maturity.  Rigidity builds walls, one brick at a time, around our heart, soul and mind. 

Flexibility – Leniency – Gentleness – Tolerant – Broken! 

Flexibility allows God to use His vessels He deemed worthy enough to bring into this world.  Leniency opens tightly closed hands, bringing readiness to serve.  Gentleness calms a storm.  Tolerant offers grace.  Broken is Beautiful!

God, make me broken.  Provide the strength to break down the brick walls.  Give me a spirit filled with gentleness and open my tightly closed hands to walk the path paved for me.  I approach the Cross today, with ideas of what the future may be for my family; but, God, I may be wrong.  Help me, guide my feet as I humbly approach You this day! 

Too long!  I have had enough!  I quit!  I am starving to death sitting in solitary confinement of my own prison!

Rigidity consumes Every. Single. Day.  It has been used for a survival tool in the years of chaos.  I used rigidity to build walls of protection, safety and comfort.  Problems accumulated as I denied the angels sent by my Heavenly Father to help me through the chaos.  I refused help from anyone except my rigid self.  Rigidity built rules to follow and strengthen prison walls.  I found that every day another rule developed; therefore, I could not keep up with it all and constantly felt failure.  The rules moved further and further from reality.  I lived in a prison.  I live in a prison. 

Approaching the Cross December 2003 with a frail frame, malnourished, blurred vision, weak hands and unrecognizable to self, God waited with open arms.  The long journey to the Cross felt like an eternity. Even then, approaching the Cross did not break down all the walls, open the prison doors and cause rigidity to erase from my vocabulary. . .

Be patient my dear friend, God is working in you.  He is working in me.  I am excited every time a brick breaks to pieces and another portion of the rigid wall falls.  It hurts.  It scares me to no end.  It changes everything.  I learned rigidity cannot be present because the walls block my Heavenly Father from working mightily through my life.  On December 18, 2003, God began taking one brick at a time away at a pace He knows I can handle.  The prison doors are open wide and the walls are being demolished. 

Will you approach the Cross today?  Will you allow God to break down the walls?  Be patient my dear friend, God works at the most perfect speed!  Let us walk through this world broken, being remade for God.  Let us tolerate only what His Word says is true.  Let us be gentle, focusing on the needs of others despite our rigid plan.  Let us lay down at the Cross every morning, allowing leniency and flexibility to His plan occur.       

My sacrifice, O God, is a broken spirit;
    a broken and contrite heart
    you, God, will not despise.
  Psalm 51:17

Commit to the Lord whatever you do,
    and he will establish your plans.  Proverbs 16:3

Live life. . .One Day at a time! 

Sheree Craig   

Sunday, July 9, 2017

Emotional Spectrum - Where are You?

People never cease to amaze!  A place can be found for everyone along the emotional spectrum.  Placement varies depending on situation, time of day and DNA makeup.  Some steady themselves on the spectrum and remain consistent regardless of surrounding environment (my husband being one of those steady individuals – guess it makes up for my leaps and bounds across the spectrum on any given day!).

The kids and I experienced the amazement of people on one of our adventures.  Traveling along, excited about the upcoming plans of a picnic and creek exploring, we encountered a person landing on the unique end of the spectrum. . .

I approached a stop sign leading to a major highway.  Before even stopping to check for safe entry, the person behind felt the need to honk the horn at me.  Traffic approached to the left side and flowed nicely toward me on the right.  A center lane, used as the holding lane for those veering into the flow of traffic, remained empty.  I decided to wait until traffic cleared a bit before going out into the holding lane.  Well, the driver behind had a different decision in mind.  I believe the driver’s eyes viewed the stop sign as a yield and felt I should have barreled on through to the holding lane.  The driver proceeded to get out of the car and come up to my window.  LOCK button immediately engaged!  The driver forcefully explained the use of the holding lane and that my decision to wait clearly was incorrect.

Placement:  Angry person too busy in life and feels the decisions they make are always the best!

Moving on with our adventure (after calmly waiting until traffic cleared to veer out in holding lane), we made it to the park without any more road rage encounters.  Upon leaving the park, a person was walking three gorgeous poodles along the trail.  I commented on the poodles and the person struck up a conversation.  This person remained smiling and the tone of voice projected love for the canine companions.  Naming off each one, speaking proudly of them and sharing this part of the day with us was a wonderful end to our adventure.  Upon saying goodbye, the person asked us for one favor. . .keep on smiling.

Placement:  Joyful person so caught up in the beauty in life that all they can do is smile a contagious smile!

One more person entered our adventure.  Actually two, both in a customer service position, but located at different venues.  The first helped carry a load to my vehicle and put it in the trunk.  The second saved us a trip to another area of the store and proceeded to claim support if any other employee questioned us. 

Placement:  Calm, cool, collective ready to help where needed and enjoying the present moment!

Where do you fall on the spectrum today, at this moment?  Or, are you the rare (like my hubby), who can remain steady on the spectrum regardless of situation?

Years flew by as I ran from one end of the spectrum to the other.  As any emotion arose, I quickly ran to a numbing source and hid behind a smile.  I had no idea how to handle life, let alone enjoy it.  In finding my Lord and Savior, I realize traveling along the spectrum is perfectly fine.  Feeling emotion is perfectly fine.  Experiencing life with the ups and downs is perfectly fine.  What is NOT fine is allowing emotion to control, manipulate or destroy the spirit. 

Our reactions, wherever we may land on the spectrum, make all the difference.  We truly need to answer the question, “What would Jesus do?”, prior to responding.  Anger will arise – this world if full of brokenness to bring anger.  Sadness will dwell – life and people disappoint.  Joy will come – beauty, restoration and Hope overpower.  Fear will develop – taking a step into the unknown, questioning the path ahead is inevitable.  Disgust will show – situations come in beyond our control. 

Whatever the situation, wherever you land on the spectrum today; rest assured, it is okay to feel emotion.  Take it to God (I know, Bible School answer).  But, really, take the raw, honest and real emotion to God.  Approach the Cross and He will provide a reaction keeping you in line with the path planned for you to walk.

“What would Jesus do?” . . .

Let your gentleness be evident to all. The Lord is near. Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.

Finally, brothers and sisters, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable—if anything is excellent or praiseworthy—think about such things. Whatever you have learned or received or heard from me, or seen in me—put it into practice. And the God of peace will be with you.  Philippians 4:5-9

Live life. . .One Day at a time! 

Sheree Craig