Friday, May 25, 2018

Right Here, Right Now

Why do multiple country songs refer to ‘the good ole days’?  Why do we like to reminisce, bask in how things ‘used to be’?  What memory takes you back to a place of comfort, joy, peace and warms your heart?

Adulting does not come easy.  No handbook exists for instructions on specific situations you will face as an adult.  Google cannot provide answers to the struggles existing in parenting.  Facebook will not ease the sadness and pain consuming us when life overwhelms or disappoints (though it tries).  Numbing out with alcohol, food, drugs, internet, social media, etc. will not erase the damage done.

Countless events occur during life, many never imagined possible back in ‘the good ole days’.  Our hearts break seeing the ways of the world and yearn for how things ‘used to be’.  Is peace possible once leaving the innocence of childhood?  Can comfort exist outside of a momma’s hug or a dad’s pat on the back?  How can we laugh when so much stress sits on our shoulders?

Maybe childhood was not easy for you.  I am sorry to hear that my dear friend.  But, even so, the world continues to increase in speed, demands and challenges.  The tragedies of today supersede the past generations.  Healthy coping mechanisms fade with each generation.  Comparison overwhelms our children through social media, following them into adulthood.  Around every turn, society seeps into our thoughts to challenge our character.  We begin berating ourselves and ultimately criticizing God’s creation.

Being forced to slow down presented multiple lessons in life.  Explanations arose to why life remained difficult.  God revealed the lack of faith, the clinched fists holding onto the past and my stubborn attitude of “I got this”.  I longed for the days before life got tough.  I longed for someone to take the pain, difficulty and lack of confidence away.  I longed for comfort, euphoria and the world to slow down. 

Well, the world continues fast pace; but, I slowed down.  I stopped to ‘smell the roses’.  Sounds cliché, I know; but, stopping to smell the roses is a must.  If we fail to slow down, we miss God’s presence.  He appears everywhere to assure peace, comfort and that He has our back! 

The world demands answers, repairs, comfort, etc. like yesterday.  The world cannot wait for anything.  The world runs 100 MPH to get nowhere.  The world ranks by success, judges by outward appearance and refuses to surrender due to pride.

God answers in His most perfect timing.  The answer to a concern may not reveal immediately – in comes faith.  1Now faith is confidence in what we hope for and assurance about what we do not see.”  Hebrews 11:1

God repairs your broken heart.  He takes each piece and begins to use it for His good.  He wants your past hurts, mistakes and burdens.  He uses each as weaponry against the enemy and to shine His light.  17 The righteous cry out, and the Lord hears them; he delivers them from all their troubles.  18 The Lord is close to the brokenhearted and saves those who are crushed in spirit.”  Psalm 34:17-18

God provides lasting comfort.  A comfort that consumes every fiber of our being.  God catches each tear and replaces it with purpose.  He reveals His power, glory and presence through comfort.  He works good out of unimaginable situations.  Words may not be available in troubling times; but, God knows what we need and provides as we trust Him.   “27 And he who searches our hearts knows the mind of the Spirit, because the Spirit intercedes for God’s people in accordance with the will of God.  28 And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who[a] have been called according to his purpose.”  Romans 8:26-28

We need not long for the ‘good ole days’.  We need not escape in a memory to find peace.  Slow down, enjoy this moment right here, right now!  God is walking alongside, seeking a relationship, asking to take the burdens of today so you can stop and smell the roses.  No, seriously, stop and smell the roses!  The beautiful scenery provided in this world was created by our God.  Even more so, He created the beauty seen in a reflection.

Slow down today, enjoy the moment and laugh.  Yes, let’s laugh today!  God bless each of you today! 
Live life. . .One Day at a time! 
Sheree Craig

Tuesday, May 22, 2018

A Criminal Revealed

I am a thief. . .

As a child, a colorful tiny piece of candy caught my eye while shopping.  Back in the day this candy sold without wrapping to cover it.  I had never tried such candy and the irresistible, sugary, colorful goodness lay there before my eyes.  Impulse took over any morals established thus far in life vanished.  My tiny hand swiped a piece of button candy right off the shelf. 

The candy tasted like sugary cardboard.  The crime occurred with an unsatisfactory result.  The thief never revealed; but, a child rightfully purchasing the candy strip shorted one piece due to my impulsive nature. 

I am a thief. . .

My sister dressed in the best of styles.  She left the house in beauty and remained popular throughout school.  I envied my sister in more ways than one.  We shared a room; therefore, her array of wonderful clothing hung right at my fingertips.  As she left the house to hang with friends, I “borrowed” clothes for a while.  I placed everything back in its place before her return.  I did get caught on this one from time to time. . .but not always!

I am a liar. . .

A recent tragedy resulting in the death of my favorite teacher/coach brought back quite a few memories.  One revealing a liar.  Idle time before basketball practice one day left a dear friend and I to dabble with cigarettes.  In comes the thief thing again – we stole one from her mom.  We shared a few puffs back and forth (on school property mind you) and then took it in and flushed the butt down the toilet.  We wreaked of smoke and the bathroom carried the scent as well.  When asked as a team if the smoker would come forward or if any knew details of the situation. . .my friend and I remained silent.  Worst part, I believe the coach knew in her heart it was us.  Shame overtook due to disappointing her with lies and hiding such actions.

I am a liar. . .

Years filled with lies to hide bad decisions from my parents.  Lies continued to hide an eating disorder overtaking my thoughts/actions.  Lies led to convincing me that I am fine using things in this world to find comfort, bury any emotion and continue living in sin. 

Anyone confessing crimes of youthful years right now?  We make thousands of decisions daily; from what time to wake to outfit design to how to discipline a child, etc.  Small decisions that really do not alter much in our story.  Big decisions that shift the entire plot of our stories.  The weight of choosing the correct pathway, open door or leader to follow in life rests on our shoulders.

The above scenarios depict a child choosing incorrectly based on impulse, desire to fit in this world, survival from pain and numbing from discomfort.  I am not alone in such lifestyle.  Granted, most of these were made as an immature child; but, such pattern developed a character within which continued in adulthood. 

I am a liar/thief. . .

I have been lying to myself and hiding from others.  I hung on to eating disorder patterns to survive stress in life.  I hid behind the lies of my eating disorder.  I stole joy, peace and laughter from my life.  The decisions made daily led to out of control thinking, living in the extreme and hiding any emotion. 

I lacked character.  I became lost in lies.  I remained hidden in sin and suffering. . .

Then, came Truth.  Then, came open arms waiting for me to surrender.  Then, came Hope. . .READ Romans 5:1-11!

I am redeemed.  God continues to build my character, remind me who I am and guide me with Truth.  It is available for you as well – NO MATTER THE PAST – will you seek Him today?  Begin building character that will develop you for an eternal life in Heaven.

Live life. . .One Day at a time! 
Sheree Craig  

Saturday, May 12, 2018

The Good, The Bad, The Ugly. . .He Wants it ALL!

Dear younger me. . .

What would you write to a younger version of you?  Hindsight always 20/20, right?

What if you could choose two things to warn the younger you about? 

Avoid the boy/girl in high school that broke your heart
Steer clear of alcohol/drugs
The decisions of others are out of your control
Hurting people hurt people
This world cannot offer a savior – only Heaven holds your Savior

The advice varies dependent on the past.  Every hurt, bad decision, confusing situation or scary moment in the past built the pieces of your character.  God uses each page of your story to build the present and future pages.  Once providing Him the pen, allowing Him to be the author, He will transform the messy beginning into a beautiful ministry to build His Kingdom.

I wish I knew then what I know now. . .
My relationship with Christ developed due to injuries from the weapons of the enemy.  Open wounds healed (and continue to heal) only through Truth, Love and Peace offered by God.  It took a while for me to trust God, understand His Power and rely on Him rather than the world.  Years of disappointment from the world led me to put my guard up when approaching the Cross. 

How can this God love a damaged girl like me?  Does He know all the ugliness of my past?  How can this God forgive me without reprimand or suffering my way back to the “good list”?  I just could not understand.  I could not fully surrender to God.  The people I had encountered thus far in the world eventually left me because I was not good enough to keep around (or so I thought).  This God will eventually get tired of having me around and give up on extending love, right?

If we compare God against past relationships in this world, we will never fully receive His offer.  He does not ask for works to earn a relationship.  He created you and knows every part, good and bad, and still LOVES you.  All that past, He is okay with it if you bring it to the Cross. 

God provides examples throughout the Bible of individuals engaging in a relationship with Him and the mighty transformations occurring in their lives.  Saul a murderer . .see Acts 9.  Rahab a prostitute. . .see Joshua 2.  David considered unworthy by the world’s standards. . .see 1 Samuel.  Joseph sold into slavery. . .see Genesis.    

What would these individuals write to a younger version of themselves?  Would they want to change the paths leading to their transformation?  Who would they become if not for the experiences in the beginnings of their story?

Who would you become if the younger version learned all the knowledge gained over the past years?  What events/situations would you miss?

The development of character, maturing in life and spiritual strength come through bad decisions, painful situations, unbearable news, disappointments, etc.  We take the good and the bad, roll it all up together and shine through.  One foot in front of the other builds a path of mighty influence amongst those we meet.  God uses every move made to impact the world with His presence.  He waits if you need time to choose surrender.  Walking the path alone becomes rocky with numerous falls occurring.  Wounds remain and pain festers.

Will you choose Him today?  Will you ask Him to turn the younger you into a mighty warrior, equipped to build  His Kingdom?  He waits and He desires that relationship regardless of the choices of the younger you. . .

Live life. . .One Day at a time! 
Sheree Craig  

Wednesday, May 2, 2018

Where's God?

It is that moment when. . .

A neighbor stops by to fulfill a favor and takes time out of her day to stay and talk for a while.

My daughter calms me in the middle of the night when experiencing pain from a recent surgery.

My mom’s beautiful voice when my heart needs it the most. 

The loving touch from my husband at the perfect time.

An invite to lunch from loved ones to get me out of the house.

A random woman extending a compliment as I work diligently to fix my hair in the mirror.

Did you see?  Look closely at the incredible, powerful, loving and amazing presence weaved throughout each of the above scenarios. 

His presence prevails daily.  We must look for it, praise Him and walk with confidence as His child.  God never leaves nor forsakes.  His timing perfect! 

He does not always reveal Himself in a bold manner.  His voice not audible for all to hear.  He does not appear in the flesh during a coffee break.  But, my dear friends, He shows up every day in every moment. 

We often ask, “God, where are you?”  The real question is, “What is blinding me from seeing God?”  Our vision fails when the world intervenes in life.  Circumstances, trials, comforts or inner struggle surround us, screaming for attention.  These hinder vision and hearing.  We choose the world’s Band-Aid over God’s healing touch.   

My dear friends, let us not forget.  Let us not lose sight. 

God works through His children.  He created you and me to dwell in this world and bring His children back Home when our time comes.  We are mere vessels – God shows up through vessels with skin on.  God shows up in the beautiful creations surrounding each day.  Look around!  God created that beautiful sunrise, amazing blooms of Spring and wonders in nature.  Listen up!  God created the bird singing good morning to you, the laughter within the children given to you and all the sounds that calm the spirit.  God shows up!

We must acknowledge and praise Him for He is an amazing God.  He remains Victor over this life.  God focused lives leave no room for depression, anxiety and frustration. 

I keep my eyes always on the Lord.
    With him at my right hand, I will not be shaken.
Therefore my heart is glad and my tongue rejoices;
    my body also will rest secure,
10 because you will not abandon me to the realm of the dead,
    nor will you let your faithful[
 one see decay.
11 You make known to me the path of life;
    you will fill me with joy in your presence,
    with eternal pleasures at your right hand.  Psalm 16:8-11

Live life. . .One Day at a time! 
Sheree Craig