Saturday, January 30, 2016

One Rx Fits All

Let’s approach the second question I proposed in the last post. . .Did you offer open time in the schedule to breathe, relax and debrief the day with a loved one? 

STRESS – in all forms wreaks havoc on the body.

Physical stress can be felt, seen and cause chaos.  Sweat pours from places you never knew sweat glands existed.  Heart races, pounding louder than ever before.  Speech suffers and the mind fogs over.  Our body deals with a stressful moment in such a manner, providing a warning sign that screams GET OUT NOW! 

Emotional stress can be felt, cause chaos, BUT cannot always be seen outwardly.  We grab a shovel, dig a hole in our heart and bury this stress deep down.  Refusing to feel and process such stress leads to festering.  What in the world is festering?  Webster describes the word as becoming septic.  So, what do you think happens when the stress buried deep inside our heart becomes septic?  Who do you think suffers the greatest at this point? 

Environmental stress, unbeknownst to us, wreaks havoc on our system as well.  The body battles to reach equilibrium each day as it faces such stress.  Toxins through beauty and hygiene products, foods eaten and air breathed can bring in such stress on the body.  How can we overcome such stress?  Isn’t there some kind of magic pill?  We could live in a bubble filled with purified air, right?

Well, my friends, the fact of the matter remains that the body encounters trials and tribulations in various forms daily.  We cannot avoid them. . .BUT, we can process and deal with them in a healthy manner.  Replace all the frustration, chaos, anger, bitterness, toxins and imbalance with peace.  Easier said than done, right? 

What if I told you I have one prescription to fit every individual’s need daily?  What if I told you I know the secret to freedom?  Would you try it for me?  If followed daily, the prescription will have side effects.  The side effects include optimal health, calming emotion, lower heartrate, joy, peace, comfort and laughter.  Are you on board yet?

The prescription:  Find YOUR Oasis.  An oasis involves a resting place.  An oasis is void of media, electronics, loud noise, bright lights and demands.  Thirty minutes a day in your oasis will reap benefits.  Whether it be a hot bath, the scent of lavender surrounding and a good book or a run in the park.  Whether it be sitting in a dark room taking calm, deep breaths or hitting the basketball court for some hoops.  We all have that place. . .GO THERE!

If you have little kids, you need to take 2 doses of this script on a daily basis.  Take turns with someone so they can keep the kids occupied for thirty minutes.  Take advantage of naptime and leave the housework to the side.  Your health is more important than a spotless house or clean clothes.  Trust me, I learned the hard way.  I ran myself ragged and had nothing to show but a stressed out mom who took it out on everyone in sight. 

I learned to find my oasis daily.  It brings joy, refreshment to the soul and laughter back in my life.  My oasis changes depending on the mood and day I faced.  Sometimes it is the hot bath; while other times it is taking a run.  And yet, other times it is plopping down on the couch to watch a comical show or a good movie. 

Put it on the schedule or it will not happen.  Take the calendar out. . .go ahead, go get your calendar!  Write down oasis at the time you know will work for your day.  Breathe, relax and debrief the day!  You won’t regret.  Avoid becoming septic.   

Reaching optimal health. . .One Day at a Time

Sheree Craig     

Tuesday, January 26, 2016

Push the Pause Button

We live in fast forward.  Quick, instant gratification, on the clock, no time to wait. . .

Most days we resemble the rabbit from Alice in Wonderland: rushing around on a mission to complete our itinerary for the day, unable to take in the present moment.  Planning for our health sits on the back burner as we face each day.

One question I would like us to focus on:  Does filling the calendar with events, creating to do lists and cramming each hour with tasks benefit mind, soul and body?  Such behaviors lead us down the shorter path in life.  Continuing from last post concerning hindrances to optimal health; living each day in fast forward will indeed fast forward our life. 

Push pause today.  Did you plan for proper nutrition to provide energy for your day?  Did you offer open time in the schedule to breathe, relax and debrief the day with a loved one?  Did you place a stopping point on the itinerary to obtain sleep required for the body to continue functioning?

A lot to think about; but, let’s just begin with an important piece of the puzzle – breakfast.  I see firsthand the damage skipping breakfast causes to the brain function, physical energy and emotional state of individuals.  Ever seen hangry on someone?  It ain’t pretty.
Let’s have breakfast.  No time to make it?  Create a smoothie the night before, make up some homemade muesli (oats, coconut, unsweetened almond milk, low sugar granola or homemade, berries, etc.) or purchase some whole ingredient protein bars and add a fruit on the side. 

Side note: place all ingredients for muesli in the fridge the night before and it is ready in the morning (one of my favs). 

Suggestion for the day:  when creating a smoothie, remember ingredients make all the difference.  We want to provide enough energy to last 3-4 hours before hangry sets in.  To start, choose unsweetened milk of choice, water, fresh squeezed juice, coconut water or iced green tea.  Choose fruit of preference based on other ingredients.  Make it green and boost nutrients by adding ½ avocado (this creates a creamy texture and does not alter taste).  Add healthier fat/protein to the mix, such as, pure nut butter of choice, chia seeds or vegan protein powder.  Don’t forget the good grains like oats. 

An example I make often: ½ avocado, vegan protein powder, pure nut butter, unsweetened almond milk, crushed ice, extra cocoa unsweetened powder, ½ cup oats and sometimes various fruits.  Mix in blender or smoothie maker and enjoy.  Don’t have blender; purchase a blender bottle and smash fruits/avocado best as possible and shake away (adds exercise in the day through this method).  J   

Reaching optimal health. . .One Day at a Time.

Sheree Craig

Sunday, January 24, 2016

It’s all about that food, ‘bout that food. . .

BUT don’t worry.

You sang that, right?  Don’t lie.

When it comes to the foods chosen to provide required energy each day, two things matter: time and type.  For years, meal by meal, we chose amounts based on feeling.  We chose amounts based on what servings came from the restaurant kitchen.  For years, day by day, we listened to society cramming fad diet after fad diet in our face.  One says stay away from carbohydrates.  Another says fat increases fat cells in the body.  And yet, another says restriction is the route to take. 

Hold on to your seats, I am about to bring light to such a chaotic storm of information.  Our bodies require food.  Would you drive a car containing enough gasoline to travel 50 miles when your destination is 100 miles away without a gas station in site?  The plans in our day consist of numerous activities.  In order to make it through, we need energy.  And the right kind of energy. 

Each of our systems requires different nutrients to function and must receive it DAILY.  Also each system must experience rest.  Hindrances include stress, malnutrition, gluttony, purging, illness and overflowing itineraries leaving little room for restful sleep.  After experiencing these hindrances, environmental stress or time period of strain on our bodies; we lose the ability in our brains to recognize hunger cues.  Here is where timing plays a major role in reclaiming our health.  Clean the slate and beginning the re-feeding process.  Every 3-4 hours EAT.  This process allows for constant flow of energy supplying each system to function and work properly.

Serving sizes must be learned.  Our eyesight diminished over the years as feelings took over.  We lost the ability to judge a serving size with the eye.  Refeeding our bodies every 3-4 hours with proper serving sizes will keep the body in balance, fueled to conquer the day and metabolism working properly.  Metabolism will fizzle if left alone for too long; then, when fed, takes way too long to get going again.  Prevent the metabolism from sleeping by eating every 3-4 hours, keeping it awake and working diligently for you.

Okay, so now for type.  Take a moment and read the following sentence repeatedly until it sinks in and overpowers society’s lies.  “IT IS NOT ABOUT COUNTING CALORIES, IT IS ABOUT MAKING CALORIES COUNT!”

My dear friends, quit living by a number.  Eating whole foods with limited animal protein and increased vegetable protein releases the burden of numbers.  Your body knows exactly how to process whole foods.  You were beautifully and wonderfully made to survive on these foods, not some knock off created in a factory.  The added chemicals, processing and artificial substances confuse the body; therefore, slowing down all systems and revealing damage through multiple signs and symptoms. 

Take home for today:  Eat every 3-4 hours whole foods and proper servings.  You are not a number and you need not live up to a number.  You are You!  You were created for a plan and a purpose.  Fueling the body in proper timing, listening to what the body needs and responding accordingly will provide the requirements to serve such a purpose. 

Reaching optimal health. . .One Day at a Time!

Sheree Craig

Saturday, January 23, 2016

One Foot in Front of the Other

Repetition and Routine go hand in hand with comfort.  Familiarity in situations allows peace to wash over individuals.  Why change?  Why fix something if it is not broken? 
Therefore, we continue each day repeating the same patterns.  We fall into routine, becoming predictable.  Unbeknownst to us, these patterns accumulated overtime bring results/consequences.  When it comes to health, the effects of daily decisions sneaks up and reveals itself during an annual physical.  Even worse, the effects show themselves through a heart attack or stroke.    

Why wait around until that magical ball drops on January 1 to evaluate what habits may be decreasing the function of our wonderful bodies?  The time is NOW!

Is it easy?  NO.  Believe me; I have overcome countless habits/addictions which caused detrimental effects on my health.  I woke up each day with a goal in mind and then did just the opposite when life began rolling in for the day.  I knew what needed to be done in order to reverse such negative effects of my disordered thinking/actions regarding health, but habitual routine and repetition overpowered. 

I spent ten years losing the battle daily.  Breaking the routine scared me more than the thought of killing a spider (and that is the ultimate scariest thing possible on Earth!).  Leaving behind the repetition of each day stirred emotions up, increasing my anxiety.  I could not do this alone.  Therein lies the key factor: change requires strength, encouragement, accountability, love and care.  We cannot provide such for ourselves.  The habits negate any encouraging thoughts.  The routine breaks strength of the efforts to change.  Over time, the negative repetition buried love and care for self.  We need a helping hand.

I want to provide such the hand for others.  Throughout the past seven years, I have changed a LOT.  I found me.  I learned the right way to treat me.  I began listening to me.  I want to help you do the same. 

Is it easy?  NO.  Is it possible? DEFINTELY YES!  I began this blog to offer some practical ways to incorporate healthy patterns in each day.  It takes that first step to begin walking in the right direction.  It takes one foot in front of the other to keep walking.  And it takes one day at a time to change.  Looking too far ahead will overwhelm and increase chance of going back to the same path – which is creating a rather large rut! 

Repeating the same action in hopes for different result = insanity.  Can I help you find strength in you, encourage each step, hold you accountable and love you along the way?  I care about you.  Even if I never meet you. . .I care about you!  I want others to come out of the rut walked daily and see the beautiful sun shining on the path laid for their lives.  I want to provide the help to others which I received to break routine and quit negative repetition which led to unhealthy living.    

Let us travel along this journey called life together.  Join me as I navigate through society’s myths, helpful hints to make healthy living easy and challenges to break repeated routines!

Reaching optimal health. . .one day at a time.
Sheree Craig