Friday, December 30, 2016


Okay, life rolls around again to THAT time.  We all take a self-inventory through negative lenses.  The questions to answer: What have I not accomplished yet?  What changes will help me reach nutrition goals?  Why does the bank account keep running low?  Why does social life keep the calendar empty?  How can marriage get easier?  How can I become a better parent?

The list goes on and on and on. . .none of which look at positive progress in life.  We berate, condemn, shame and guilt ourselves into making a fluffy list of changes required to become someone other than the current reflection seen in the mirror.  Sounds like fun times, right?

A new year approaches with parties planned all over the world.  The first day of the year consists of creating THE LIST based on results of the above process.  Why succumb to such torture?  How can one day transform our thoughts to focus on taking the steps on the BETTER path in life?

Our flesh nature falls into the trap of saying NO.  No more alcohol.  No more lying on the couch.  No more unhealthy foods (broad statement).  No more resentment.  No more. . .

What is your No more statement?  What if we transformed the statement and erased the No?  Shifting the statement to positive will encourage change.  Plus, keeping thoughts on a ‘I can do it’ path rather than such restrictive mindset will produce greater results than ever seen before. 

Let us begin to search our soul, ignore the flesh and make a list based on deep, lasting changes.  These will help you continue one step at a time down the path planned for YOU!  It will also avoid a reoccurring resolution list.  Quit saying NO and start saying YES. . .

Yes to slowing down and relax from all the brokenness of this world.  Yes to choosing nutrients the body craves.  Yes to time with others.  Yes to giving back to others in need.  Yes to volunteering, expecting no praise in return.  Yes to smiling at the world.  Yes to. . .

Yes to delving into His Word for guidance, leaving the world to follow in example.  Once aligned with Truth, all and any resolution you could conjure up will fall into place.  God created YOU at this very moment, just the way YOU are and for exactly what YOU are doing!  Does He want us to remain, quit, give up in this world?  ABSOLUTELY NOT!  He does not condemn where you stand at this very moment; but, on the same note, He does not want you to remain.  He has plans for you, a future full of prosperity, void of harm.  This world gives us trouble, tribulation and trial beyond what we see bearable.  Take heart my dear friends – He has overcome ALL of this.  This is not our home (praise be to God!).

Take the Christmas Truth. . .implant it on your hearts never to forget that God so loved YOU, He sent His Only Son to save YOU!  There is more than living in this world.  There is more than this moment right now.  There is more reason we are created than to be a __________ (fill in the blank with career/job/title).  Every step taken matters to Him.  Every day lived provides one more opportunity to share Truth and build His Kingdom.  You matter in this world.  You have a purpose – not to fulfill a list based on the world’s standards; but, to live according to His Will and walk proudly in God-confidence.

Turn to Him for New Year resolutions, not this world.  Say YES this year!  With love to each of you. . .    
Live life. . .One Day at a time! 
Sheree Craig 


Saturday, December 17, 2016

Can you Imagine?

From a young age, parents chose the one with whom their child will marry.  Time passes and love begins developing between two strangers.  Parents stand in content watching two hearts grow to one.  Prior to the actual ceremony to claim one another as spouse, the young woman appears with child.  No contact between the two could explain such results.  How could this be true?  What has this woman done?

Nowadays such behavior causes the man to leave and never look back.  The woman left to raise the child alone.  A young woman without proper training, skills or knowledge left to care for a baby.  The young man, knowing the baby does not belong to him, runs for the hills.  Can you imagine?

Reverse time thousands of years ago. . .such moment described above would result in the young woman stoned to death and the young man losing his betrothed.  Heartache, anger, confusion and turmoil consume a time such as this described.  Can you imagine?

One story shined through such detrimental situation.  One woman said yes in obedience.  One man complied in love, obedience and honor.  One story brought forth the grandest results in history.  Can you imagine?

This story brings hearts together every year.  All because two people said yes in obedience when the world condemned such situation.  Every year, thousands gather across the country to hear the beauty behind the Christmas Truth.  The world yearns to hear of the Good News; yet, in the mundane, everyday coming and going, we forget this beautiful Truth.  Our Heavenly Father, Creator of ALL things, sent a baby to us on a cold night in a barn to save us from ALL our ugliness.  He loves us that much!  He wants to spend Eternity with you and with me; the only way to offer such opportunity was to send a living sacrifice.  He chose His Only Son to die a brutal death and bury ALL sin. . .that whosoever believes in Him, understands the love behind such brutality and takes Him as Lord and Savior, will have Eternal Life with our Creator.

It all begins with two individuals saying yes in obedience.  Thank you to Mary and Joseph for listening when God whispered through an angel. . .while the world screamed condemnation.  Thank you to Mary and Joseph for keeping God at the center of marriage, defying all odds and binding a love so strong that the devil stood no chance to destruct.  Thank you to Mary and Joseph for fulfilling the purpose God planned before birth.  Thank you to Mary and Joseph for becoming Earthly parents of our Savior.

The first person, after embracing my Heavenly Father of course, I would like to meet in Heaven is Mary.  I imagine her and I sitting over coffee (Starbuck’s of course) :-) and just talking the afternoon away.  Some questions I will ask:

How did you keep such strength during such a time?
How did it feel to bear the Lord’s Child?
Did joy overpower the hiss of the enemy?
Did you feel the Lord’s power the moment you held sweet Jesus?

Oh, how I cannot wait for Mary to fill me in with all the details of her life.  Yes, the Bible explains the Truth well and various authors write about it; but, none can know exactly how she felt through it all.  Can you imagine?

A Christmas Story for all to enjoy?  No, it is the time of year to understand the Truth behind how we were saved!  It all began the moment Mary said yes in obedience to God’s calling.  There is so much more to the Truth than the actual night of His birth and the Nativity Scene.  Mary acted in obedience.  Joseph complied in love and obedience.  Two individuals stuck together in love through the worst of situations in the eyes of the world.  They each knew where to look for guidance. . .NOT this world, but to our Heavenly Father.  Can you imagine?

Let us be inspired by Mary and Joseph.  Don’t give up on your purpose when life gets a little rocky.  Don’t deny your plan because of fear; yet, walk boldly with God in fear.  Don’t allow the hiss of the enemy to overpower the Truth softly spoken by God.  Be a Mary and Joseph today. . .say yes in obedience!
Live life. . .One Day at a time!
Sheree Craig  

Sunday, December 11, 2016

Passing Time

24 hours – we each receive such a gift over and over and over. . .

How do you spend the 24 hours given daily?  Do you see each hour, minute and second as a gift?  What attitude appears throughout the time given?  Who feels love radiating from your heart during this time?

Tough questions; but, important to approach when recognizing our impact and fulfillment of purpose while living each day.  While answering, you may find areas for improvement.  You may find slight adjustments required to get back on the straight path.  You may realize that some relationships have fallen to the wayside.  Or, you may completely be satisfied with each hour spent daily!

Regardless, take time to assess your 24 hours.  Approach each day as a gift.  Love others with every opportunity.  Live with a smile, knowing all this brokenness is temporary.  Share life with another.  Look to the One Who holds all the strength to accomplish the purpose for your life.  

Easier said than done, right?  The world consumes, demolishes and works diligently to remove joy.  The world is broken; but, here is the great news, we can be whole while walking amongst such brokenness.  God promises much greater than all of this. . .we need to share such Truth with as many as possible so we may spend Eternity with them in Heaven.  

I will not lie, the way I spend each 24 hour time frame provided may not be the prettiest.  I spend way too much time. . .

-Striving for perfection

-Consumed with shame/guilt

-Fighting myself in thought after thought

-Taking for granted the relationships given

-Striving for perfection

-Saying ‘not right now’, when the task I choose to do is not as important as the interruption in front of me

-Looking at the sawdust in another’s eye while avoiding the two large planks sticking out of mine

-Comparing my faults/failures to another’s outward perfection

-Reading of other’s joy on Facebook and condemning self for not experiencing the same

-Striving for perfection

-Taking out physical/emotional exhaustion on the one’s I love the most

-Striving for perfection

-Simply surviving

-Avoiding relaxation in order to ‘get everything done’

-Cleaning the house (which is just fine the way it is)

-Did I mention – Striving for perfection!    

THIS IS INSANITY!  If I took all the energy spent on the laundry list above and put it towards my purpose here, I would bring much more to His Kingdom.  But, He knows I am human and all these above bring closer relationship with Him; for, I know I cannot overcome any of this without His strength.  Does everyday look like what I just described above?  Thankfully, NO!  But, it is only through imprinting His Truth on my heart, singing louder in worship than the devil can hiss at me and reaching out to others when I struggle that I can continually find joy, peace and purpose each 24 hour period.  I am a work in progress. . .
Live life. . .One Day at a time!  
Sheree Craig    

Monday, December 5, 2016

The Memory will not Fade

The following text reveals a deep, difficult and delicate subject.  Sit a spell and listen closely.  Most, if not all people around me, know I suffered years with an eating disorder.  Come December 18th, it will be 12 years since I faced the demon consuming every inch of my body.  The day will never leave memory. . .

I walked into Vanderbilt hospital in Tennessee frail, broken, depressed and near death.  Two loving individuals, busting at the seams with care for me, escorted my sickly body into the waiting room.  Little did I realize how determined these two were to save my life.  The eating disorder hijacked every thought, movement and decision.  Looking back, I still cannot fathom how I functioned daily. 

We entered a room and the nurse took all vitals – which were nowhere near normal limits.  I cannot remember every detail of that day; but, I clearly remember the doctor presenting an ultimatum of admission to the hospital or allowing the eating disorder to win the final battle.  The demon of Anorexia Nervosa fought extremely hard at the sound of the doctor’s voice.  I ran to the restroom to escape the tiny room threatening to take my only means of survival in this broken world.  Looking in the mirror, I did not recognize the girl staring back. . .

I returned to two individuals with scared faces and sad hearts.  They prayed with and over me.  In that moment, I felt the demon lose.  Where two or more are gathered in His name, He will show up in mighty ways.  I was admitted later that evening and spent Christmas in the hospital.  I watched the ball drop with a wonderful nurse and saw snow falling outside my window.  Memories that will remain.  A team of individuals cared enough to show up for work every day, even through the holidays, and keep me from dying.  I met lots of people throughout recovery in Vanderbilt. . . 

Once stable, I moved into a recovery center in Wisconsin.  Again, another day that will never leave memory.  My dad drove me, sat with me through admission and then we entered the scariest place on campus. . .the dining room!  First thing asked of me was to eat!  A buffet spread out for me to choose a certain number of carbs, fats, fruits, veggies and protein to fulfill some meal plan based on the weight gain required for release.  I continued being fed via feeding tube 24/7 as well.  All control removed, I freaked out on the inside.  I complied to the meal plan because I am a people pleaser (which helped in this situation) and I wanted to go home. . .

I eventually went home and continued in this broken world.  I have learned so much since that day.  With a few backslides here and there, I am still kicking!  I now have a strong relationship with my Father whom provides the strength required to defeat the enemy.  See, just because I reached a healthy number on the scale, realized the worth of life and attended countless therapy sessions, I am not immune to the enemy’s evil tactics.  The enemy works diligently every moment to keep me from my Father.  Every day, Every hour, Every minute!

Recovery gets ‘easier’ as I recognize triggers and learn to run to my Father quicker; but, the everyday events most people just do without thinking, remain a battleground for me.  I want to throw a few tips out this holiday season, for we never know what battleground lay in front of another or the pain deep inside! 
SHINE on others today!

Seek to understand
Hand out prayers NOT opinions
Invest your time in another
Nurture lost souls
Encourage daily

Remember, the action of others often covers a deep wound the person buried year after year.  Festering wounds, broken hearts, lost souls and emptiness result in sinful actions; whether it reveal a sin towards self or a sin towards others. . .sin aides in dealing temporarily with the emotion attached to the wound.  Hate the sin, NOT the sinner.  For we all have sinned and fall short of the glory of our God. 

Live life. . .One Day at a time! 
Sheree Craig   

Friday, December 2, 2016

The Centerpiece

It’s all over. . .life goes on and the hustle and bustle begins.  That awkward moment at the dinner table remains in memory until meeting again around the Christmas tree.  The food eaten completely digested, the joys of having a break from work end as the alarm rings on Monday, the sales diminish as all items found a home on the dreaded Black Friday brawl – I mean shopping – family ventures safely back home until next time.  Preparation begins for the endless holiday celebrations; this includes baking, wrapping, packing and cleaning.

Why do holidays bring such stress, regret, dread and sadness?  Why do we subject ourselves to such negativity around a beautiful time in the year?  Why does the resentment box open wide when family time rolls around?  All this should be joyful, memorable and desired.  How can we shift gears and cherish this time?

C’mon, let’s think Hallmark movies, cozy nights on the couch with loved ones, smiles on children’s faces, lights, décor, ice skating, football, basketball, etc.  I truly believe there is not a thing wrong with looking forward to all this worldly stuff.  BUT, the focus must remain on the true meaning of it all!  If we can’t get that part right, nothing else matters.  The centerpiece of EVERY moment must be the One Who created all to cherish and care for while our short time here passes.

God strengthens my spiritual health as each day comes, making holidays easier.  He does not remove the triggers. . .He helps me recognize them and defeat the enemy with Truth.  I realize the true purpose for each moment.  Stress over imperfections, regret of past choices, dreading any event revolved around food and sadness due to disappointment in others. . .all worldly things, all joy stealers, all leverage for the enemy to place a wedge between my Father and I.  I lay it all at the cross.  And, here is the important part. . .I WALK away with the Truth of Scripture written all in the deepest portion of my heart.  I do this daily, hourly or even by the minute.  Whatever it takes to keep focus on His Truth must be done!  Stress, regret, dread or sadness cannot arise when speaking the name of Jesus while holding arms open wide.

Each year gets a little easier than the last.  The enemy still enters the scene working diligently to plant regret, guilt, shame and sadness in my mind.  How does it get easier?  Well, my dear friend, reliance on His strength and wisdom keeps me focused.  Let us take this year together and make steps toward a closer relationship with the One providing strength to enjoy the journey while also fulfilling our purpose here.

Smile more:  This is my son’s motto in life.  He puts it on everything and every email sent states this simple idea at the end.  It drains more energy while frowning than offering a beautiful smile to another.  The emotion behind the frown can process better through a smile.  Others need more of it; God desires it and you benefit from it.  Smile more this season!

Open hands:  Close-fisted hands cannot offer love or share joy to another.  Today is not about you!  Today is about what you can do with the skill/talent given at creation.  God uses open hands to embrace a saddened heart, offer a gift, share love and display care to another.  God cannot help or guide a close-fisted hand.  This does not mean draining the bank account to help another; not everyone needs money or items.  Most just need someone to care.

Teamwork:  When two or more are gathered in His name, He will shine through in mighty ways.  The enemy stands no chance against our God.  Stick close together in faith, spreading hope to another and loving as God loves.  Embrace the true meaning of the season with loved ones.

Eternal eyes:  Eyes focused on Eternity keep a peaceful perspective.  All this is temporary; BUT, all this is important for Eternity.  Our actions here, responses to situations, words used daily and thoughts filtering through our mind play a role in Eternal life.  God perspective uplifts when the broken world disappoints.  God perspective forgives when choices take us off-road.  God perspective catches every tear that falls, bringing good from every situation (though it may not come instantaneously).  God perspective washes peace over any anxious thought.

Lay it all at the Cross.  Remember the reason for this season.  Fill with joy because God loved us so very much that He sent a Savior!  To top that love. . .He sent His Only Son to be our Savior.  Let that Truth sink to the deepest part of your soul!

Live life. . .One Day at a time!
Sheree Craig  

Wednesday, November 23, 2016

Eternal Vision

Thank you
Danke sehr

No matter the spelling or pronunciation, the emotion remains the same.  Thanks: to express gratitude, acknowledgement of receiving item or favor, appreciation for service or gift, feeling emotion positively toward another, etc.  In my opinion, the meaning/passion behind such word diminished over the years.  Saying “Thank you” to another now comes out freely in a habitual manner. 

If I gained a dollar each time I prompted the children to say thank you, I would possess quite the savings account.  Mothers all over the universe teach children to appreciate items received, favors shown and services done.  The word “Thank you”, in all its languages, is woven into the fiber of all children.  Victory comes for a mother on the day a child says “Thank you” without prompt.  But, does the child understand the meaning behind such a word?  Or, is it carelessly thrown around simply out of taught habit?  If not careful, such words like thank you, I love you, please, etc. become habits, losing the important meaning/emotion behind them.        

The time of year appears before us with the infamous question lurking over thousands of dinner tables: “What are you most thankful for in this life?”  Many spout off answers quickly in order to dive into the delicious food set before them.  Others passionately describe deep hearted thankfulness.  While some cannot even think of reason to be thankful. 

Answers vary from health, wealth and possessions to people, foods and memories.  Most every answer points to worldly items.  I am just as guilty as the next to focus on items given here on Earth.  It shows the mental focus of the here and now.  But should our eyes focus on all this stuff?  Will this stuff matter in the end? 

I present a challenge this holiday season. . .let us be thankful for Eternity, not temporary.  I will begin to answer such in depth question (and I would love to hear back from you). . .

What are you most thankful for which impacts Eternity?

My past: As ugly as it seems, as judgmental as one could be looking at all the decisions I have made, as shameful as it appears. . .my past created such strength, faith and gratitude I possess today.

Broken relationships: Sitting next to or facing a loved one that broke my heart into a million pieces can cause difficulty finding thanks. . .but, such relationships created a heart of forgiveness and the tiniest glimpse of the forgiveness put forth for the sin of man.

Maternal duties: Lack of ability, strength, knowledge or understanding to fulfill such a role can open the door wide for the devil. . .he loses when God reveals purpose in providing me such the title of ‘mom’.

Being a teammate to a wonderful man: Arguments, disapproval, daily stress and misunderstanding can fog the goal intended for our marriage. . .yet, God remaining the center in our home, always comes through in a mighty way to get us back on course. 

Now, don’t get me wrong, I am thankful for Starbuck’s, Hallmark movies, snow days, health, love and many other things experienced daily.  But, the deep hearted thankfulness must be remembered daily in order to stand strong through the storms of this life.  It is temporary, but God is Eternal.  Focus on what He has planned, the hope in Heaven and the purpose of it all and overwhelming peace reveals daily.  No matter the circumstances, He is there and will forever be with you. 

We will all face those at the Thanksgiving table which blind us from an Eternal outlook.  Stay strong and understand that we ALL were created in His image and for a purpose.  Unfortunately, some have no understanding of such precious gift given freely to us through Jesus Christ.  More reason we must keep focus on Eternal rather than temporary.  Set the example, shine Jesus at your Thanksgiving table. 

Live life. . .One Day at a time! 

Sheree Craig    

Friday, November 11, 2016

This Day I Married My Best Friend. . .

Eleven years ago. . .4,015 days have passed. . .96,360 hours ticked on. . .

. . .since two lives became one.  One young, immature, naïve to the world girl committed to a stunning, intelligent, young man.  These two hold quite the back story, revealing the power of God.  See, just years prior to saying “I do”, these young souls fell head over heels for one another.  It took one glance her way and he melted this young girl’s heart.  Conversation after conversation strengthened the hold he gained on her life.  Love grew, memories created and time stood still!

Then, the inevitable happened!  A breakup.  Not your typical ‘see you later because I just don’t think this is working breakup’. . .this was a hard breakup.  Distance killed the bond.  Illness blinded the young girl’s rationale thinking.  Two happy souls slowly faded and hearts hardened.

There were relationships along the way; but, each paled in comparison to the love once felt.  Hardships developed, wounds left to infect.  Sadness tainted hope.  Years passed; yet, neither forgot the love shared.

As the two lost souls walked step by step through each day, it was clear Someone needed to intervene.  And intervene He did.  One day rock bottom came for both and something urged a letter to be written.  Both listened and two letters were written that day.  As each received the other’s at the same time; hope reentered the scene.

Reunited, the flames went sky high instantly.  The young girl fell in love all over; but, this time the love split between two amazing guys!  I met my Brayson September 11, 2004.  With one look, my heart melted and I knew this was forever for the three of us.

Great love story!  Makes for a great Hallmark movie.  But, just like all the Hallmark movies, the difficult times remain in the ‘blooper’ files.  Marriage is far from easy.  Parenting throws wedges daily between couples.  It is through the hard times, growing moments and decision making that love strengthens.  The enemy loses footing as God remains the center of the home.

Now, we did not have all aligned prior to committing to a life together.  Just saying ‘I do’ did not guarantee God to reign over the relationship.  Yes, I fully believe God’s Hands brought us together, holding on to us tightly; but, we were blind.  It took five years of messiness to finally realize the missing piece.  The wedge grew so wide, that again we found ourselves at rock bottom.  Thankfully, God stood strong, picked us both up and held our hands, connecting our hearts again.  We learned how Two become One as He intended.

I would like to share a few points I have learned thus far in eleven years as Mrs. Craig.
- Never miss a date night – after all, when the kids are grown and gone, it will be you and your spouse to love, cherish, laugh and live together (in peace and quiet).
- Remain as a team – come to compromise.  Throw away the ‘me box’ and avoid any chance of foothold for the enemy to drive apart you and your spouse.
- Don’t sweat the small stuff – really, it is not worth putting up a fight over every little thing that does not go your way.  God put two together knowing each were made to complement one another.  Go with the other’s idea and you may find it works ten times better.
- Encourage one another daily – via simple text, email, phone call, hug, kiss or prayer.  Whatever the line of communication, just do it!
- WARNING – this one is R rated – make love!  This is a bonding that no other in the world shares with you.  Enjoy this time together, put it on the calendar, call in a babysitter, put the kids down with a movie early, etc.  Do whatever you need to do to have alone time.
- Focus on the other’s happiness – that’s right!  Turn away from selfish gain and focus on what makes your spouse happy.  So, maybe you don’t like watching yet another sports game on TV. . .suck it up, sit down and engage in conversation over what is happening.  So, maybe you can’t take another drawn out love story on Hallmark channel. . .get over it and embrace your spouse while enjoying a well written script.
- Above all – Love One Another as God has loved you!


Live life. . .One Day at a time!
Sheree Craig  

Saturday, October 8, 2016

Whom will you Serve?

The theme – serving one another – attaches to Christian living.  Serve one another as Christ desires for the church.  Serving provides an outlet for Jesus to shine through His followers.  Servant by definition:  a person who performs duties for others, especially a person employed in a house on domestic duties or as a personal attendant.  Discernment between serving Christ or serving this world may become difficult.  Serving the latter creates a bitter, resentful, exhausted heart.  Serving the latter sets up a trap of seeking approval in this world.

I find bitterness boiling inside way too often, leading to a huge pity party which no one else cares to join.  Bitterness eats at every bone in my body, slowly leading to decay allowing easy target for the enemy to break down my spirit.  I work for approval - approval from loved ones in order to keep them around.  Fear of rejection and being left alone drives such action.  Bitterness ends up driving loved ones away.

I discover resentment creeping into situations that should be covered in love.  I fight the ‘what are you going to do for me’ attitude when serving another.  When the favor never reciprocates, resentment sits in a little box waiting to react.  The box fills, overflows and spews out onto loved ones.  The enemy grabs hold of such moment, taking every hurtful word and creating a bigger wedge in relationships.  Resentment ends up destroying bonds between loved ones. 

I sit exhausted after running 90MPH to please every person I encounter.  Exhaustion leads to anger, misunderstanding and weakness.  Anger lashes out when asked to do something.  Misunderstanding leads to broken hearts.  Weakness destroys ability to think clearly.  Exhaustion ends up wounding loved ones.

After all is said and done, the enemy loves such a weak mind, body and soul resulting from the above situations.  Serving our God somehow transferred into serving the world and seeking approval.  Somewhere along the path, the enemy found a foothold and began to slowly move me in the wrong direction.  I become someone unable to enjoy the blessing of each day, lose characteristics of a true servant’s heart and weaken the bond between my Father and I. 

Thankfully, such condition can be reversed by the power of the Holy Spirit dwelling within.  Prayers delivered and hands raised for the Holy Spirit to drown out the enemy provides just what I need to discern service to God versus service to this world.  We are to serve and love one another.  We are not to become a doormat for another.  We are not to deny our feelings of hurt from another.  We are to walk boldly in Christ and love the person He created.  Scripture after Scripture provides a sturdy foundation in our hearts, diminishing the enemy’s foothold.  Yes, the enemy may work diligently to win us over; but, His Word will come through louder and set our feet back into place.   

Take a stand today:  may the Holy Spirit be louder than the enemy in your every day!  Serve one another as Christ has served the church.  13 You, my brothers and sisters, were called to be free. But do not use your freedom to indulge the flesh; rather, serve one another humbly in love. 14 For the entire law is fulfilled in keeping this one command: “Love your neighbor as yourself.”  15 If you bite and devour each other, watch out or you will be destroyed by each other.  Galatians 5:13-15

Love one another.  Serve one another out of love not to seek approval.  Stand firm in His Word.  Shine Jesus onto others today!  He will continue to poor strength into you as you choose Him over this world.  Be the you He created; not the you someone else desires you to be. . .

Live life. . .One Day at a time!
Sheree Craig   
I am blessed to serve God alongside these wonderful kids who shine Jesus everyday!  

Tuesday, September 27, 2016

Dear Me. . .

I recently viewed a sermon and the preacher shared a story of a man visiting a prison asked inmates to write a letter to their younger selves.  The letter could be filled with any advice, encouragement or emotion.  He then took a picture of inmates positioned in front of a wall displaying the written words.  Inmates kept cherished the letters and pictures.  

What if you were presented with such opportunity?  What words would fill the page?  What emotion would stir as the ink touch paper?

Well, I got to thinking. . .(scary, I know).  I began a mental note filled with words to my younger self.  I will share the Cliff Note version of knowledge shared to my younger self. . .

1) Don’t sweat the small stuff.  These moments do not hold any weight in the true meaning of life. 

2) Your worth is not based on the number of social networks built in life.

3) The definition of beauty DOES NOT involve a number on the scale or flawless reflection.

4) People will disappoint, leave and create emotional scars; they cannot be your savior. 

5) #4 being said, your worth is not based on any of that.

6) The enemy wants to break any connection you hold with God and he will do so in the sneakiest way possible.

7) You cannot make everyone happy; don’t try!  You will only lose yourself in the process. 

8) No perfect family exist.  Family consists of varied characters handling current situations differently, causing painful wounds which must be healed by them – NOT YOU!

9) Forgiveness can be given, but you have no control over the receiving end.

10) Grace, grace, grace – NOT anger, anger, anger.  Check out the log in your eye before dissecting the speck of dust in another’s.  

11) Every situation cannot go just as your mind planned.  Let it go as God planned.  The latter always turns out better anyway.

12) The way you treat your body reflects respect toward the Maker.  Don’t take emotions out on the beautiful and wonderful vessel provided to serve God here on Earth. 


14) No one expects you to be perfect.

15) Your Heavenly Father NEVER leaves His children – you are His Child – made in His image and dearly loved.  

16) He does have a prince charming waiting for you – no need to waste time on those guys who treat you badly.

17) As an add on to #16 – your prince charming will treat you like a princess everyday – you do not deserve to be treated any less by guys that will come and go in your life.  Let them go – better awaits.

18) You do not control the decisions of others and they are doing the best they know how at the time with the situation at hand.  Pray for them, life is not easy on their side either.

19) Do not judge until you are willing to walk the exact path of the one you place on trial.

20) Love your enemies, humble yourself before others, show kindness to all you meet and pray daily!

Oh yeah, AND. . .  

Live life. . .One Day at a time!
Sheree Craig    

Tuesday, September 20, 2016

Just a Piece of Plastic

Rest the night prior occurred better than expected.  Anticipation increased as the hours neared.  Confidence plummeted when imagining the event.  Nervous feelings swarmed at rapid speeds throughout my gut.

I trained for the past few months for such the event.  I put in countless hours building every part of the body to endure such the event.  My physical body was capable – ready – willing to complete such the event.  My mind, on the other hand, began working diligently to tear down the strength built up over the past months. 

Regardless of emotion, time would not stand still and the day arrived.  Morning of, I arose just as every other morning.  I recited over and over that such event does not determine my worth.  The results do not define me.  Life means much more than physical strength.  I am not judged by successes here on Earth.  God loves me then, now and post event as well – regardless of outcome.

My son came along with goals to accomplish as well.  He encouraged this old lady, helped in preparation and provided a post event date that meant the world to me.  The event?  A 10k for me and 4-mile run for my son.  The cost provided support for beautiful children taken way too soon.  The purpose went much further for me.  Recovering from an eating disorder and all the emotions feeding such behaviors has been the most difficult mountain to climb.  During ascension, confidence grows only to be taken down by one comment, one event or one disappointment.  Slippage brings condemnation. 

What I discovered over the years, filled with slip after slip, is that God catches me every time.  He adjusts the harness, steadies the rock and places my foot perfectly to avoid the same slip.  He always provides!  This day was no different than any other.  Yes, I pushed my body to capacity while running several miles; but, God stood unchanged. 

I look at the trophy earned that day:  Where will it be in a year?  Where will it be when I breathe my last breath?  Will I carry it around for all to see?  Will it provide an introduction to who I am for strangers?  Does this trophy hold any value whatsoever?  I think you can easily answer all these questions for me.

The race was not about the prize.  I soon will forget the victory, length of time or physical exertion occurring on that day.  I will remember every step taken that day.  I will remember the cool breeze provided around mile 3.6.  I will remember the prayers answered, encouragement from others, the final stretch when I prayed for His angels to push me to the end and steps increased in speed.  I will remember the strength provided to endure so many miles of running.  This strength displays recovery from a once frail body unable to withstand walking even just one flight of stairs.  This strength displays how much power God holds over our enemy.  God won the battle; yet, for years I thought I still needed to overcome the enemy through fleshly strength. 

Does it feel good to win a race and earn a trophy?  Well, yes, of course!  But, the real prize that day will last years longer than a piece of plastic.  This moment marked another story along the journey to share of the goodness of God.  He provides, matures and stands firm through any situation.  He never leaves nor forsakes.  He brings healing and more than we can ever imagine.  He is our Savior.  I praise Him.  I stand in unspeakable appreciation for the mountain He helped me climb in recovery!  Each day, I place on the harness of His Truth which protects, leads and encourages each step on the mountains of this life. 

Post Run Selfie!

God's Beautiful Painting!  


Live life. . .One Day at a Time
Sheree Craig