Tuesday, January 29, 2019

Go Ahead. . .Step Out!

Exhaustion: a state of extreme physical or mental fatigue; the action or state of using something up or of being used up completely.

Been there, done that; when our bodies literally give up and crash on the bed.  The jammed packed schedule and nonstop work caused your body to give up.  Physically, your muscles cannot move one more inch.  Mentally, your brain cannot handle one more thought.  The bed never felt so good!

The body sends out multiple signals as it nears exhaustion:  a simple yawn, movements begin to slow, aches in the muscle, eyes become heavy, etc.  We often combat the symptoms with caffeine.  Oh, how I love my caffeine.  I see nothing wrong with utilizing the amazing product when necessary.  But, with everything, moderation is key.  Times call for sleep, not caffeine, when at the point of exhaustion.  Avoiding the call for sleep will wreak havoc on the body.  Caffeine is not always the answer to tired bodies. 

The body also sends out multiple signals as the mind reaches mental capacity:  anger, anxiety, indecisive, headache, lack of motivation, etc.  We often ignore symptoms and fight off the exhaustion by taking on more responsibility.  Busy minds will not have time to be anxious or feel negative emotion, right?  Keeping up with society can be the biggest motivator, right?  Wrong!  Avoiding the scream for mental rest leads to emotional illness.  The body will eventually crash and all your responsibilities crumble. 

Feeling exhausted?  Ready to surrender?  
Do you even have the time to evaluate your level of exhaustion?

For years, I lived exhausted.  I could sleep 8-9 hours in the evening; but, wake up exhausted.  My mind ran all day long; navigating through negative thoughts, driving my body to perfection, always ending up short of the mark.  I created a prison for myself, locked the door and threw the key in the far distance.  Every day remained the same. . .the goal to be perfect in hopes that others would love me.  I felt compelled to earn my spot in life.  I felt safe in my prison.  Remaining behind bars provided consistency in each day.  Yet, I remained miserable, exhausted and physically ill.

My body screamed signals of exhaustion caused by the daily abuse.  I lashed out at loved ones, engaged in obsessive/compulsive behaviors, lived in constant anxiety and depression.  I reached a point of physical exhaustion.  God came running to open the prison door.  He reached a hand out, asking me to follow Him out of the confinement.  Every time I reached, fear consumed, and I reverted to the corner.  I attempted other ways of escaping.  I could escape on my own and avoid the unpredictable freedom in surrender.  I could escape yet remain in control.  I appreciate God unlocking the prison door; now, it was up to me to get out.

Guess how that thinking worked out for me.  Exhaustion reared its ugly head yet again.  This time, unbearable.  My body threw out every signal in the books:  depression, constant tears, racing heart rate, lack of motivation to complete any task, anger, overwhelmed, etc.   I simply went through the motions each day while fighting diligently to escape the prison bars.  If only I can think positively, I will feel freedom.  If only I can do all that is asked of me perfectly, I will feel calm.  If only, if only, if only. . .

The fighting led to failing.  The stress led to sickness.  The confinement led to a collapse.

I quit. . .life is just too hard. . .I cannot live up to MY standards any longer. . .

Well, my dear friends, in that exact place of quitting, I felt free.  I had prayed and prayed for answers to concerns, struggles and hardship.  I fought (or so I thought) in every way possible to make life work.  I navigated every path I knew existed and all led to a dead end.  The very place of exhaustion allowed for surrender.  I released the grip on the prison bars.  I crawled to the doorway.  I spurred enough energy to reach out to God in surrender.  I became fed up with my own prison.  God embraced my exhausted body, a huge sigh released, and I felt 100 pounds lighter. 

The door to the prison remains open; but I refuse to step back inside.  I cling tightly to the promises of my Savior.  The same opportunity exists for you dear friend.  Are you exhausted today?  Do you sit in confinement while the door waits wide open?  Escape!  Step out and cling to God.  Surrender today by reaching out and looking up to God.  He will provide the Truth, the Way and lead you in the life He planned.  Go ahead. . .STEP OUT!

Live life. . .One Day at a time! 
Sheree Craig

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