Wednesday, January 2, 2019

Moment by Moment Confidence

“Carpe diem”

“Stop and smell the roses”

Easier said than done, right?  The New Year feels like a clean slate; why is that?  Could it be the worry related to holidays with family is over?  Maybe because the stress of shopping, baking, cooking, attending parties, etc. is now completed?  Or, possibly it is the fact we can put all the past year behind us and strive for more in the 365 days ahead of us?

Whatever the reason, January 1st feels refreshing.  We set out with new goals, focus on the day and complete said goals for 24 hours.  We end the day accomplished and cling to a positive outlook for the days to come.  As the days pass, the clean slate becomes cluttered with unfinished business of prior year, stress of each day’s requirements and pressure of keeping up with the world.  Our goals creep to the back burner.  We throw out hope of change.  We move, inch by inch, back to old paths in life. 

How can we take the encouraging, uplifting feelings of January 1st and carry them out day after day?

12 Teach us to number our days,
    that we may gain a heart of wisdom.  Psalm 90:12

34 Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own.  Matthew 6:34

Truth, written by our Creator, reminds us to stay focused.  Keep our eyes on the moment.  God holds mighty plans for right now.  Tomorrow has enough to handle and accomplish; He needs our full attention now.

He wants to be a part of your goals, ambitions and desires in this world.  Inviting God into the planning will lead to unimaginable results.  He will show His power in your purpose. 

A great way to stay focused each day is reading His Truth.  He will speak through His Word to provide just the encouragement you need for the day.  Looking too far into the future is overwhelming.  We lose belief in our capabilities to make it through whatever lay ahead.  Looking at today, the moment in front of you, is encouraging.  We gain confidence to conquer today.  Day by day, we make it. 

I am not sure what the next year brings for you; really, neither do you.  You may speculate the future; but, no script is provided for the chapter ahead.  Only Our Creator knows the words of your chapter and He will provide the tools needed to live out the story written.  I am confident that you will survive this day.  I pray you may feel that confidence and remain focused on His plan for today.

Challenge: choose a Scripture to meditate on each day.  Write it down and carry it with you through the day.  Read it over and over to remind you that all you have is this moment.  Make this moment the best.  Choose the step that guides you in the direction toward the goal, the plan God holds for you. 

You got this my dear friends!

Live life. . .One Day at a time! 
Sheree Craig

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