Friday, February 1, 2019

He Shows Up Every Time

Don’t Miss It!
The glimmer of a snow-covered field.  The feeling of warmth under a blanket while drinking hot chocolate or coffee.  The family of deer off in the distance.  The vibrant paintings in the sky as the sun rises and sets.

In this life, we will experience trials and tribulations; but, take heart, God has come and defeated the darkness of the world.  He defeated sin.  God cannot associate with darkness.  He provides the grace to cover our sin. 

First, we accept this Truth.
Our eyes open to see His Light.  We activate the ability to recognize Him in this dark world.  The craziness swirling all around won’t touch our hearts; for, we are filled with a peace that passes all understanding. 

Don’t Miss It!
The sun hitting our face after a long winter’s season.  The introduction of Spring in the form of beautiful colors blooming all around.  The sound of birds singing joyfully.

This life is but a small glimpse of time.  We live in the world but must avoid conforming to the world.  God holds mighty plans for each; plans to prosper and provide hope in each day to come.

Second, we believe He gave His only Son to die for our sins.
We surrender, throw open our arms and invite the Holy Spirit to be a part of us.  The Holy Spirit speaks to our hearts.  Our hearts speak louder than the lies roaming in our minds.  Our minds communicate to our bodies, guiding them in the right direction.  We follow the Holy Spirit as we believe and accept the Truth provided.

Don’t Miss It!
The refreshing sensation of water on a hot Summer’s day.  The sounds of nature in the darkness of night.  The clear sky revealing the light provided at night.  The countless stars appearing right alongside the light.  Longer days.  A snow cone, popsicle or ice cream on the hottest of days.

Third, we confess our sins and follow God. 
We cannot be perfect.  Ever.  Believe you me, I have tried diligently.  I have failed completely.  God loves us, accepts us and desires a relationship just as we exist.  He does not ask for perfection.  We all fall short of His glory and sin daily.  Confess those sins.  Ask for guidance and strength to avoid repeating such sins.

Don’t Miss It! 
Vibrant colors of changing seasons.  Campfires on a cool, crisp evening.  Pumpkins growing uncontrollably in fields all around.  The joy in wearing jeans and hooded sweatshirts!  Hot apple cider!  Pumpkin spice everything!

In this world, we will have trial and tribulation.  In this world, life will never be perfect.  In this world, we will not feel comfortable.  We will shed tears, feel physical pain, stand in the middle of violent storms and our hearts will break into a thousand pieces.  BUT we can feel peace amongst all this pain and sorrow.  Filled with the Holy Spirit, taking one step at a time on the path God planned, inviting God into every moment and praying continuously allows peace to wash over any situation.  God shows up!  Always!

He wants us to experience joy every day.  Whether it be a visual reminder, physical reminder or emotional reminder; He shows up!  He provides that person to give you a hug when needed.  He displays the beauty all around to produce a smile on your face.  He offers a time of rest when your body cannot take anymore.

I have been in the deepest of darkness.  Sitting in a pit, seeing no signs of relief from life.  God sat down, never left my side and used that exact moment to strengthen me.  Acceptance of Truth, Believing in Him and Confession of sins does not guarantee a problem free life.  It offers so much more. . .becoming a Christian and following His Truth offers strength in the struggle.  He provides peace in the pain.  He brings blessing to every battle.  He wins.  Every.  Single.  Time!

Don’t Miss Him! 
Seek Him in every situation.  Resist the devil and he will flee.  Our God is bigger than anything in this world.  And keep sight on the ultimate prize – Eternal life with God!

Live life. . .One Day at a time! 
Sheree Craig

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