Friday, December 2, 2016

The Centerpiece

It’s all over. . .life goes on and the hustle and bustle begins.  That awkward moment at the dinner table remains in memory until meeting again around the Christmas tree.  The food eaten completely digested, the joys of having a break from work end as the alarm rings on Monday, the sales diminish as all items found a home on the dreaded Black Friday brawl – I mean shopping – family ventures safely back home until next time.  Preparation begins for the endless holiday celebrations; this includes baking, wrapping, packing and cleaning.

Why do holidays bring such stress, regret, dread and sadness?  Why do we subject ourselves to such negativity around a beautiful time in the year?  Why does the resentment box open wide when family time rolls around?  All this should be joyful, memorable and desired.  How can we shift gears and cherish this time?

C’mon, let’s think Hallmark movies, cozy nights on the couch with loved ones, smiles on children’s faces, lights, décor, ice skating, football, basketball, etc.  I truly believe there is not a thing wrong with looking forward to all this worldly stuff.  BUT, the focus must remain on the true meaning of it all!  If we can’t get that part right, nothing else matters.  The centerpiece of EVERY moment must be the One Who created all to cherish and care for while our short time here passes.

God strengthens my spiritual health as each day comes, making holidays easier.  He does not remove the triggers. . .He helps me recognize them and defeat the enemy with Truth.  I realize the true purpose for each moment.  Stress over imperfections, regret of past choices, dreading any event revolved around food and sadness due to disappointment in others. . .all worldly things, all joy stealers, all leverage for the enemy to place a wedge between my Father and I.  I lay it all at the cross.  And, here is the important part. . .I WALK away with the Truth of Scripture written all in the deepest portion of my heart.  I do this daily, hourly or even by the minute.  Whatever it takes to keep focus on His Truth must be done!  Stress, regret, dread or sadness cannot arise when speaking the name of Jesus while holding arms open wide.

Each year gets a little easier than the last.  The enemy still enters the scene working diligently to plant regret, guilt, shame and sadness in my mind.  How does it get easier?  Well, my dear friend, reliance on His strength and wisdom keeps me focused.  Let us take this year together and make steps toward a closer relationship with the One providing strength to enjoy the journey while also fulfilling our purpose here.

Smile more:  This is my son’s motto in life.  He puts it on everything and every email sent states this simple idea at the end.  It drains more energy while frowning than offering a beautiful smile to another.  The emotion behind the frown can process better through a smile.  Others need more of it; God desires it and you benefit from it.  Smile more this season!

Open hands:  Close-fisted hands cannot offer love or share joy to another.  Today is not about you!  Today is about what you can do with the skill/talent given at creation.  God uses open hands to embrace a saddened heart, offer a gift, share love and display care to another.  God cannot help or guide a close-fisted hand.  This does not mean draining the bank account to help another; not everyone needs money or items.  Most just need someone to care.

Teamwork:  When two or more are gathered in His name, He will shine through in mighty ways.  The enemy stands no chance against our God.  Stick close together in faith, spreading hope to another and loving as God loves.  Embrace the true meaning of the season with loved ones.

Eternal eyes:  Eyes focused on Eternity keep a peaceful perspective.  All this is temporary; BUT, all this is important for Eternity.  Our actions here, responses to situations, words used daily and thoughts filtering through our mind play a role in Eternal life.  God perspective uplifts when the broken world disappoints.  God perspective forgives when choices take us off-road.  God perspective catches every tear that falls, bringing good from every situation (though it may not come instantaneously).  God perspective washes peace over any anxious thought.

Lay it all at the Cross.  Remember the reason for this season.  Fill with joy because God loved us so very much that He sent a Savior!  To top that love. . .He sent His Only Son to be our Savior.  Let that Truth sink to the deepest part of your soul!

Live life. . .One Day at a time!
Sheree Craig  

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