Wednesday, November 23, 2016

Eternal Vision

Thank you
Danke sehr

No matter the spelling or pronunciation, the emotion remains the same.  Thanks: to express gratitude, acknowledgement of receiving item or favor, appreciation for service or gift, feeling emotion positively toward another, etc.  In my opinion, the meaning/passion behind such word diminished over the years.  Saying “Thank you” to another now comes out freely in a habitual manner. 

If I gained a dollar each time I prompted the children to say thank you, I would possess quite the savings account.  Mothers all over the universe teach children to appreciate items received, favors shown and services done.  The word “Thank you”, in all its languages, is woven into the fiber of all children.  Victory comes for a mother on the day a child says “Thank you” without prompt.  But, does the child understand the meaning behind such a word?  Or, is it carelessly thrown around simply out of taught habit?  If not careful, such words like thank you, I love you, please, etc. become habits, losing the important meaning/emotion behind them.        

The time of year appears before us with the infamous question lurking over thousands of dinner tables: “What are you most thankful for in this life?”  Many spout off answers quickly in order to dive into the delicious food set before them.  Others passionately describe deep hearted thankfulness.  While some cannot even think of reason to be thankful. 

Answers vary from health, wealth and possessions to people, foods and memories.  Most every answer points to worldly items.  I am just as guilty as the next to focus on items given here on Earth.  It shows the mental focus of the here and now.  But should our eyes focus on all this stuff?  Will this stuff matter in the end? 

I present a challenge this holiday season. . .let us be thankful for Eternity, not temporary.  I will begin to answer such in depth question (and I would love to hear back from you). . .

What are you most thankful for which impacts Eternity?

My past: As ugly as it seems, as judgmental as one could be looking at all the decisions I have made, as shameful as it appears. . .my past created such strength, faith and gratitude I possess today.

Broken relationships: Sitting next to or facing a loved one that broke my heart into a million pieces can cause difficulty finding thanks. . .but, such relationships created a heart of forgiveness and the tiniest glimpse of the forgiveness put forth for the sin of man.

Maternal duties: Lack of ability, strength, knowledge or understanding to fulfill such a role can open the door wide for the devil. . .he loses when God reveals purpose in providing me such the title of ‘mom’.

Being a teammate to a wonderful man: Arguments, disapproval, daily stress and misunderstanding can fog the goal intended for our marriage. . .yet, God remaining the center in our home, always comes through in a mighty way to get us back on course. 

Now, don’t get me wrong, I am thankful for Starbuck’s, Hallmark movies, snow days, health, love and many other things experienced daily.  But, the deep hearted thankfulness must be remembered daily in order to stand strong through the storms of this life.  It is temporary, but God is Eternal.  Focus on what He has planned, the hope in Heaven and the purpose of it all and overwhelming peace reveals daily.  No matter the circumstances, He is there and will forever be with you. 

We will all face those at the Thanksgiving table which blind us from an Eternal outlook.  Stay strong and understand that we ALL were created in His image and for a purpose.  Unfortunately, some have no understanding of such precious gift given freely to us through Jesus Christ.  More reason we must keep focus on Eternal rather than temporary.  Set the example, shine Jesus at your Thanksgiving table. 

Live life. . .One Day at a time! 

Sheree Craig    

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