Wednesday, November 27, 2019

Only by His Strength

As the holidays approach each year, I can remember a time when dread creeped into every moment.  I would resent the fact that every event involved food.  I hated the idea of gathering around food.  I battled the thoughts of earning the food that I would ingest.  Or, I would drown in guilt after going back for seconds because the food tasted good.  I would calm the struggles inside my head with eating disorder behaviors. 

Exhaustion followed such a cycle.  Consumed with thoughts of guilt and shame over a substance our body requires to survive is overwhelming.  The thoughts steal joy in each moment.  Oh, the years I have lost. . .

But, through these struggles arose strength.  I may not be where I “should” be with recovery given the years I have been working through it; but I am moving in the right direction.  It takes time to grow strength.  It takes time to heal from brokenness.  It takes time. . .      

Too often, we fall in a trap of rushing.  We rush around to get things done.  We rush from event to event and mark it off the calendar.  We rush to meet a deadline.  And so on.  But there is no rush in recovery, forgiveness, healing, maturity or mental health.  Rushing through increases the risk of missing an important lesson along the way.  Moving too fast through healing leaves vulnerability for relapse. 

Offer grace to yourself through any healing you may face.  The holidays can be tough for a variety of reasons.  Family may be the toughest of them all; be it due to loss, unforgiveness, longing for closeness, etc.  Battling food may cause tough situations for someone.  Alcohol addiction may be the culprit for struggle.  The list continues.

Life is a journey.  Sometimes the road presents curvy, treacherous or slick.  The terrain will not remain the same; be on guard, stand firm on God’s Truth to see you through all situations.  Take one step at a time.  Reach out for help.  Our purpose is to be the hands and feet of Jesus, to work together for good in this world and help one another mature in Christ. 

I am thankful for the journey, albeit quite rough.  I am thankful for those that reached out a hand when I began to fall.  I am thankful for God’s Truth and coming to know Him greater and greater through His Word.  His presence does not go unnoticed.  He has brought peace where anxiety once consumed.

Again, I may not be where I need to be in this journey; but the slower pace is gaining greater strength.  I can face situations with peace that I once thought impossible.  Not by my strength. . .only by His.    

Slow down the journey dear friends.  Enjoy the moment.  Love the people around you while shining the Light of Jesus.  We do not know the battle others face, the struggle inside their minds or the physical ailments battled.  Love even when others make it tough.  Pray about those that have caused pain, resulting in a tough journey.  Your prayers will bring peace.  Hang in there. . .

Live life. . .One Day at a time! 
Sheree Craig

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