Thursday, November 21, 2019

I "Get to" Live This Moment

Close your eyes and imagine a place void of stress.  Take a deep breath in. . .slowly exhale.  Imagine yourself sitting in that place - no demands, no itinerary, and positive thoughts surrounding you.

Images would vary amongst individuals:  beach side watching the waves crash against one another; in the middle of the forest with the sound of nature all around; inside with a cup of hot chocolate while snow falls outside the window; sitting by a bonfire gathered with friends. . .

The list goes on and on; all dependent on the individual and where they find comfort.  Often the place imagined holds great memories.  Sometimes the place imagined is a desire or on an individual’s “bucket list”.  And yet some imagine a place they visit quite regularly; possibly their vacation spot.

My challenge to all:  Why must we imagine a place void of stress?  Why must we force a deep breath?  Why must we search for positive thinking?

The broken world attempts to steal peace, destroying calm and filling our thoughts with negativity.  Each year and with each generation, the world gets louder, busier and increases demands. 

“How are you doing?”  A question typically answered with, “Busy” or “Tired” or “Okay”.  I am guilty of such. 

Look at your calendar.  Yes, every evening fills with events.  With the holidays right around the corner, the calendar will fill at its greatest capacity.  We could approach these events with an attitude of “have to” or “get to”.  I understand that some events may involve family members that cause animosity amongst all.  I understand that memories attached to holidays make it difficult to enjoy the events.  Ergo, the “have to” mentality takes over.  Survival is the goal.

What if we tried to take even one gathering and approach with “get to” attitude?  What if we focused intently on the love, decorations, laughter and conversation of the event?  What if we remained in the moment?

I guarantee peace would enter the event.  Deep breath in and slow exhale out.  Remove the thought of anything else but the current moment.  Think, “I get to be here, what a blessing to have this moment.”

Over the years, I have worked diligently to change my thinking.  Negative thoughts consumed Every. Single. Moment.  I would have overwhelming anxiety before even leaving my home over EVERY EVENT.  Each day, anxiety blocked peace.  I could not focus due to the negative thinking.  I hated it.  Survival mode was my constant.  The moment I woke up, I counted down the hours until I could go back to bed.  There, I could hide from it all.  I was not fully enjoying this life given to me.  I was unable to live out the purpose God intended.

I think the major turnaround occurred just recently.  Yes, I have spent years on recovering from an Eating Disorder; but the true peace mentioned above began to appear most recently in my life.  The turnaround occurred when I felt hatred toward the lack of peace, and I threw my hands up in surrender.  I claimed to God that I can’t do it anymore.

The Holy Spirit whispered, “Finally”.  You see, the peace that passes all understanding only comes from God.  Peace among the broken world, the crazy itineraries and demands only comes through His strength.  We must take each day to the Cross, offer it up to God and He will bring mighty purpose in every moment of that day.  We can start the process by offering up thanksgiving to God. 

Take a deep breath in and slow exhale out. . .thank Him for just that – breath.  He breathed life into each of us and for a purpose.  The purpose is not to be busy or tired or just okay.  The purpose is to enjoy this life while shining His Light to those around you.  True peace comes with thanksgiving.  Focus on the moment.  Give this moment to God and watch the amazing purpose that comes from surrender.  He is peace.  Invite Him into your calendar.  Live with a “get to” attitude.     

Live life. . .One Day at a time! 
Sheree Craig

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