Saturday, December 7, 2019

The Light is > the darkness

The past month filled with sadness.  My heart weighs heavy while thoughts of concern consume my mind.  Multiple lives have been lost over the last month so close to the holidays.  My prayers spoken daily cry out for peace, comfort and for loved ones to feel His presence in the pain. 

Life throws tragedy, trials and trouble our way daily.  The little trials we can navigate through fairly easy.  The slightly bigger troubles may require a greater effort to manage the emotions.  But it is the tragedies that knock us off our feet.  The tragedies will stop you in your tracks, numb every ounce of your body and leave you in a dark place.

Loss of a loved one, splitting families, adultery, terminal diagnosis, abuse, addiction, etc.  Tragedies hit like a ton of bricks.  Sideswiped by such news and events can leave a person questioning.  Prayers not answered can leave a person bitter.  In these moments is where I worry the most for others.

I see the sadness hitting so close to home.  People I care deeply about experiencing deep sadness.  I want to take the pain away, walk step by step with them and see them at peace again. 

I know what life can be when tragedy strikes, and God is not invited in the situation.  I have walked the path away from God.  I handled life full of pride. . .thinking, “I got this.”  I numbed in every way possible to avoid feeling the emotional pain of tragedy.  I prayed empty prayers; I prayed and then walked away doing it my own way. 

And then, I surrendered.  I hit the darkest moment in life and gave up on my plan.  I realized life, full of tragedy, trials and trouble, must be lived with God.  Truth heals.  Purpose provides answers.  Love tames emotions.

I desire for others to feel the presence of God in all the struggle.  I yearn for others to know that God is bigger than the pain.  I hope and pray for His Light to shine in the darkest of moments.  I cannot force others to receive His Hope, walk by faith or surrender their lives to God.  But I can pray mightily daily. 

Prayer is powerful.  I have seen it move mountains in my own life.  I have also had some not turn out the way I planned.  In those moments, for a slight bit, I questioned.  God simply laid it in my heart that He had a bigger plan in place.  Though tragedy strikes and we cannot understand; we must keep faith that the end is in His hands.  He will bring good out of situations though they may bring unexplainable pain this side of Heaven. 

I cannot erase others pain.  I cannot speed up their healing.  I cannot be the one to save others.

BUT I can continue to pray.  I can continue to walk the path laid for my life.  I can take every opportunity given to shine His light on others.  I can share Truth at every moment available.  I can show kindness to all I meet.

We never know what another person may be experiencing.  We cannot fathom the sadness another may feel.  Struggle is real and big and painful.  Love others.  Smile at others.  Be the hands and feet of Jesus.  Plant the seed of Hope in all you meet.  You will be the Light that allows for a moment of calm, peace and comfort for another person.  If we all walked around spreading Truth, love and prayer then others’ hearts would be filled with seeds that God can blossom.  God will provide healing, peace and comfort.  Though the wounds will never go away, they can be healed.

Be kind.  You never know the shoes another person is walking in. . .

Be joy.  You never know the darkness inside the other’s spirit. . .

Be His hands and feet.  Focus on the moment in front of you, the opportunity to love another person.

Live life. . .One Day at a time! 
Sheree Craig

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