Sunday, February 24, 2019

Awareness: It is a Must

It seems there is a national week or day for multiple concerns in this world.  The week exists in hopes to bring awareness, save a life, heal a soul and/or prevent pain.  I am in 100% support of awareness; but, I on the same note, I believe awareness is a daily act. 

Individuals struggling with illness, whether mental or physical, experience effects daily.  The pain is not limited to one week a year.  Hardships follow them through each moment lived.  Medications may deaden the effects, support groups provide strength, praying produces healing, friendships possess support; but the daily grind continues to push and pull at those struggling. 

We need all those things mentioned above.  We were created to experience this life together.  We also need awareness.  Healthy individuals, survivors and those a little further on the road of recovery can assist in awareness.  Daily! 

Eating Disorder awareness week begins today.  I am in strong support of bringing awareness to such a tormenting illness.  I sat in this prison of my for 10 years before surrendering to full recovery.  I now have been walking the road of recovery for 10 years.  I would not be here today without support, prayer, friendships and awareness.  Each play a pivotal role in recovery.

Recognition of an illness does not equal recovery/remission.  It takes a daily effort to reach optimal health.  It takes people gathering to encourage, strengthen and love you with each step.  Support keeps your feet aligned and your body upright. 

God sees our struggle.  He wants to remove the pain, suffering, lies and illness.  He cannot do so without an invite.  Prayer invites God into the recovery journey.  Speak out, find prayer warriors and talk to God daily.  Again, not an instant healing takes place with prayer; but true and lasting healing begins one day at a time. 

To know you are not alone in struggle wins half the battle.  Friends love and support.  They may not fully understand what you are going through; but they love you just as you are, supporting you to where you are headed. 

It is a must!  Without knowledge, the three resources above cannot exist.  I am all about taking a week and learning about Eating Disorders, help and recovery.  Let us take that learning and apply it each day for the following 51 weeks. 

Even in recovery, struggles remain, triggers exist, and pain follows.  After ten years of healing, I still need support, prayer (LOTS of it), friendships and awareness.  For me, awareness reminds me I am not alone, there is help and to recognize when my thoughts begin veering down the wrong path.  Awareness reminds me how important healthy decision are to remain in recovery. 

Be aware.  Eating disorders are rampant in the world.  Reach out!  Speak out!  Help bring healing!

Eating disorders are serious but treatable mental and physical illnesses that can affect people of every age, sex, gender, race, ethnicity, and socioeconomic group. National surveys estimate that 20 million women and 10 million men in America will have an eating disorder at some point in their lives.
While no one knows for sure what causes eating disorders, a growing consensus suggests that it is a range of biological, psychological, and sociocultural factors.   

Live life. . .One Day at a time! 
Sheree Craig

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