Monday, February 15, 2016

Embrace the Snow Day

Snow days shake up the usual schedule for most individuals.  Snow decreases activity for most.  Cuddling up on the couch with a blanket, warm beverage and a good movie replaces going to work or activities outside.  Not only does the body crawl into hibernation, we also remain cooped in a place filled with food + boredom.  Those two addends equate to trouble when striving to reach optimal health.

How can we avoid such temptations when boredom reaches the stomach and the eyes see a smorgasbord?  The worst case occurs when snow days follow a holiday filled with sweets, snacks and savory dips.  Our minds cannot quit thinking about such delicious foods waiting in the kitchen to be enjoyed.  It is like setting a piece of candy in front of a child and instructing the child to wait 10 minutes before consuming the candy.  How well do you think that would go over?

Self-control, discipline and resisting such temptations CAN become a way of life. . .One Day at a Time, One Situation at a Time.  It becomes easier each time we conquer a moment.  Your taste buds change and cravings subside.    

The time is now.  Begin by refusing to allow such food to enter the home.  Enjoy a portion at an event, then leave it there.  Having children in the home poses some difficulty in eliminating all snacks or sweets; but, teaching them portion control and healthy options will establish a solid foundation to build health.  It will become a way of life for the whole family.  If the food is not there, then it cannot be consumed, right?

Next, regardless of the type of food, portion out the item the moment you come home from the grocery.  The items need put away; why not do so in serving sizes?  Use baggies based on serving size (typically ¼ of baggie with most store bought snacks).  Place them in the cabinet as such.  This will prevent pulling the whole bag out when in search for a snack and standing risk of eating more than one serving. 

Then, keep motivated with portion control while baking:  Resist urge to taste test – the calories can/will add up quickly.  Once baked, portion out in containers or baggies (2 small cookies, ¼ baggie of snack mix or granola, 1 brownie LxW of credit card and no more than ½ inch thick).  Give yourself homemade baked goods rationed out as a treat to satisfy a craving.  This will aide in prevention of overeating somewhere else d/t unsatisfied taste buds.
That being said, you can make homemade baked goods or dressings healthier without sacrificing taste:

1 egg = ¼ cup applesauce or ½ mashed banana or 1 tablespoon flax + 3 tablespoons water
Mayo = mashed avocado or tahini + ½ squeezed lemon + garlic powder to taste or tahini + 1 teaspoon of 100% maple syrup
Any shortening or butter in recipe = same ratio applesauce or healthy oil
Sugar = honey or 100% maple syrup or stevia
Milk = Unsweetened non-dairy milk

Finally, move inside the home.  Yes, enjoy the snow day and possibly a day off work completely; but, during commercials get movin’.  Commercials only tell about things you don’t need or feed the craving of food anyway.  Walk around the house the entire time commercials air.  Set a goal if you own a pedometer of 500-1000 steps each time you get up.  Have fun inside!  Turn up the music and dance, play an active game or Nerf war (typical event in our home on snow days).  If you are brave enough to face the cold, go outside and have fun.  But, don’t come back in for a heavily sugared warm beverage.

Don’t allow a snow day to ruin your progress.  Use it as a tool to gain strength, endurance and accomplishment.  You Got This! 

Reaching optimal health. . .One Day at a Time

Sheree Craig

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