Wednesday, April 17, 2019

Experience it for Yourself

Have you ever stood in awe underneath a miraculous starlit sky?  Have you had the privilege of seeing a colorful sunset; one that captures your heart?  Have you walked into a home filled with scents of baked goodness?  Has your body experienced the comfort of a soft bed after a long day in the world?

Thousands of experiences in this world excite our senses.  Each person processes outside stimulus differently.  I may love standing in a field of fresh cut grass admiring the rolling hills, taking in the smells of Spring and soaking in the sun.  Another may find this to be misery due to allergies, sensitivity to heat or just plain boredom. 

There are not enough words in the English language to explain the joy I feel with my first sip of coffee, watching a sunset, taking in the smell of Starbucks, seeing my children laugh, the beauty in nature, making a meal for the family or finishing a good workout.  These times excite my senses; but, trying to explain to another would not bring the same feelings to them.  We all have our own experiences that excite the senses. 

You just have to be there or see with your own eyes.  Some things cannot be explained enough for another to understand or feel the same. 

This world brings troubled times, stressed moments and immobilizing thoughts.  It takes strength to stand firm in the storms of this life.  Each person processes this world differently.  Just as we possess individualized senses, we possess unique characteristics that compute information received in various ways.  I cannot convince another person to share my opinion or observation of a situation.  I cannot manipulate another’s thought process to prevent emotions from flooding their mind. . . 

But I CAN walk alongside, offer a listening ear and speak Truth into another’s life.  There are not enough words in the English language to convince another person they are amazing, beautiful and wonderfully made for a purpose.  Just as I must experience times explained above for myself in order to excite my senses, a person must believe for themselves these Truths.  I CAN provide resources, offer up continuous prayer and engage in another’s life; but the individual must experience that moment at the Cross for themselves.  They must see clearly with their own eyes that God created them on purpose and with a plan in mind.

10 He died for us so that, whether we are awake or asleep, we may live together with him. 11 Therefore encourage one another and build each other up, just as in fact you are doing.  1Thessalonians 5:10-11

My dear friends, this world works to tear us down.  Going to work, watching the news, seeing the violence, hearing the negativity, etc. eats away at our strength.  We must stand firm on His Truth and walk alongside one another.  It may take years for Truth to sink into another’s heart for them to believe it.  Don’t give up!  Pray daily for those around you.  Provide encouraging words.  Highlight the abilities in others, reflecting to them purpose in life.  We all have unique characteristics to complete God’s plan for this world. 

Don’t miss the opportunity to build someone up in this world that works diligently to tear them down.  Take the time to pour Truth into their minds.  In this world we will have trials.  In this world we will have busy schedules.  In this world we will have pain and sorrow.  But, take heart, our God has overcome all of this and is bigger than the difficulties in this world.  Keep your eyes on Him to not miss opportunity to shine His light. 
Live life. . .One Day at a time! 
Sheree Craig

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