Wednesday, February 7, 2018

Basic Foundation

While cleaning up the house and organizing the office, I came across the first book I opened in nursing school.  This book contains core, basic knowledge which began building the base of my career.  Multiple tabs stick out, marking pages I deemed important information needed while caring for individuals.  Each page serves a purpose, guiding a caretaker in fulfilling the role set before them.  Each page presents a memory for me of a difficult, yet rewarding time in life.  Each page cherished as I continue this path in healthcare.

I thumb through the pages, soaking in the basics and strengthening the foundation of my career.  Since receiving a diploma and, shortly after, a license stating I completed the necessary steps to become a nurse, I have experienced a variety of positions in the field.  All required a sturdy foundation; but, each unique in skills performed. 

Getting back to the basics means remembering the important things pertaining to whatever subject is at hand.  The basics: elementary, fundamentals, essentials, necessities, etc.  The time comes in life when getting back to the basics is necessary for survival.  As this new year began many created a list of goals which lead them back to the basics in life:  eating “right”, exercising to enhance the function of the body, sleeping the necessary hours at night, visiting loved ones more, working diligently on improving unwanted behaviors, etc.  Many also decided to tackle the Bible, setting a goal of reading it all in one year. . .

The goals set January 1st begin to fizzle and old habits creep back into our everyday moments.  Of all goals, reading the Bible is one not to be taken lightly or pushed to the side due to a busy schedule or any other excuse we provide for veering away from set goals. 

Reading the Bible daily brings us back to the basics.  The core of life remains in the pages written for us to follow.  The Bible serves as a guide for every day decisions.  It is not required to read a specific amount within a specific timeframe.  God’s Word provides what you need in the moment set before you. 

Placing the pressure of reading a certain chapter or in an order setup by a ‘read the Bible in a year plan’ may take away from the actual speaking of God through His Word to your hearts.  Let God guide your reading daily.  He knows what you need to hear in that moment.

Yes, understanding the history and backstory of lives depicted in the Bible helps God’s Word make even more sense and weave into you’re here and now; but, God wants to speak directly to your heart daily through a variety of stories within His Word.  One day a Psalm may be used to help pick up a broken spirit.  The next day a parable spoken from the mouth of Jesus to His disciples may be used to direct a lost soul toward the Cross.  Even still, days come when God’s Word strikes a nerve to bring discipline to a sinful situation. 

God’s Word is precious, beautiful and necessary for life.  God’s Word provides the fundamentals to be in this world and serve a purpose set out before our creation.  God loves you and I enough to lay His own Son down to die in order to redeem/save us.  He places His Power within each of His Children.  Whether we accept/ignite/use His Power is up to the individual.  Upon acceptance, His Power strengthens as we impress every Word written in the Bible on our hearts. 

Get back to the basics.  Remember Who created you.  Dwell on His Word to guide every step every day!       
Live life. . .One Day at a time! 
Sheree Craig  

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