Tuesday, August 1, 2017

Which Finish Line Lay Ahead?

Preparation began the day prior to the event.  My son took it easy at practice to allow muscles to rest and rejuvenate.  The night came and he slept a solid 8 hours.  His body knew exactly what to do for the event; his mind just needed focus and determination.  He trained for weeks; but, fear of failing would slither into the situation.

Morning came and my son popped out of bed, dressed for the event, fueled his body and laced up his shoes.  The event: 3.1 miles across hilly terrain.  Each step taken toward the finish line revealed the hours of training put forth over the summer.  My son wanted to sleep in, would rather sit inside and threw out words of frustration throughout the summer.  We pushed him to get up and get moving.  We pushed slightly through his resistance; but, ultimately left the decision in his hands whether to quit or keep going.  Some days, he quit; other days, he chose to keep going despite the lack of motivation; and still a few days, he ran with full determination toward a specific goal. 

Standing at the start line, my sweet son mapped out a plan for the race.  He understood what pace should be maintained.  He was bound and determined to win his age group.  The whistle blew to start.  My son paced well, picturing the finish line with every step forward and keeping his mind focused on the prize.  Determined, he ran.  Motivated, he paced.  Focused, he finished.

We cooled down together and discussed aspects of the race.  He was unsure of where his time would place in the standings.  He ran the fastest race thus far in life.  Sprinting across the finish line brought joy, revealed results of hard work and sent his confidence through the roof.  As we walked around, I reminded him to focus on the improvements in his own time and avoid comparing to others.  He worked hard throughout the summer, we pushed him and it showed that day. 

My son received a medal that day representing 3rd place.  Frustrated, angry and disappointed, my son sat with his head down.  Once he processed through the initial emotions of defeat, these same emotions that tore down in the moment began to build a bridge to motivation.  He set new goals, focused on a plan and moved forward.  He knew the results did not determine worth. . .but, did determine his next steps. 

How often in life do we allow circumstances to determine our worth?  How often do we stew in defeat?  We prepared endless hours, dotted all the I’s and crossed all the T’s.  The day comes, failure lurks above and we freeze in our tracks.  We lose focus, put aside motivation and squash determination.  Why try if our standing is less than perfect? 

We work too hard here to feel desirable by the world’s standards.  Each day sets us up for a choice:  step out focused on the world or walk boldly with God?  What are you preparing for right now?  Take time to answer. . .

Preparing for this world leaves emptiness.  Exhaustion comes after long hours training for a prize that fades away quickly.  Determined to finish, we run in the wrong direction.  Motivated by pride, we fail to pace.  Focused on standings in the world, we finish unfulfilled.  We may receive a prize, a promotion, an “Atta boy” or a relationship. . .but, none of it lasts.  We ran the wrong race.

Preparing for Eternal life in Heaven fills our heart, mind and soul.  Peace follows the hours of training your mind to focus on Truth.  Determined to finish, we run toward God.  Motivated by love, we pace with patience.  Focused on Heaven, we finish as a good and faithful servant.  Receiving the prize planned by God lasts for eternity.  Our bodies were made for God’s race; our minds just need focus, determination and motivation.  God will push you when needed; but, ultimately, the decision is up to you. 

Are you running the correct race?      

Live life. . .One Day at a time! 

Sheree Craig   

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