Wednesday, February 15, 2017

Give Hope Control

If you have not viewed the movie, “Inside Out”, I suggest renting it tonight!  It depicts the lifespan of memories, uproar of emotions, importance of expressing such emotions and an overall wonderful storyline.
Everybody encounters emotions.  Baptismal waters wash clean the sin from the past, creating a new person in Christ.  Following God daily defines a Christian.  Do Christians sin?  Do Christians make mistakes?  Do Christians encounter storms in life?  Do Christians remain euphoric?

Being a Christian does not exempt from trials and tribulations.  Christians will sin; for, we ALL fall short of God’s glory every single day.  Mistakes consume some days in the life of a Christian.  NO; Christians do not remain euphoric with a constant smile. 

The same Creator touched every fiber of a Christian and non-Christian.  The same Creator breathed life into ALL, holding a special purpose for each.

We all experience emotions as depicted by the suggested movie: anger, sadness, joy, fear, disgust!  At any moment, one emotion may take over the controls. . .even in a Christian.  There is a profound difference:  Christians take each emotion to the Cross; while, non-Christians take each emotion to the world.  Though emotions may flood a situation, Hope overpowers and demands control after allowing the emotion felt.  Each emotion holds validity (the whole reason God provided emotion); but, reaction defines Christian vs. non-Christian. 

Hope never leaves.  Hope never forsakes.  Hope never changes.  Hope never steers wrong.

Do you have Hope?

Hope did not appear in the cast of “Inside Out”.  But, Hope filtered into the storyline if viewed through God’s eyes.  Hope comes in to rescue in times of trouble.  Hope comes in to celebrate in times of pleasure.  Hope comes in to comfort in times of sadness.  Hope comes in to calm in times of fret.  Hope comes in to reconcile in times of rage.

Do you have Hope?

Have you ever experienced a day that felt as though every emotion in your mind decided to fight for control?  Have you ever experienced a day when only bad memories came to view?  It was probably a Monday, right?

I had one not too far in the past.  I could not see beyond the fog of negativity.  Hope stood amongst the chaos waiting. . .and waiting. . .and waiting!  It took many hours of exhausting emotional battle to lay down in surrender.  I knew where to take all this, but my flesh kept pouring concrete around my feet preventing any movement toward Hope. 

Having a rough day, week, month or year is okay.  The chaos of all these emotions may bring exhaustion.  Our past fills the memory lane and replays in efforts to decide our future.  Stand firm in Truth.  Run to Hope.  Surrender at the Cross.

Our past builds isles upon isles of mile high shelves filled with memories.  Some good, some bad; but, NONE which define our core being.  God created every fiber of our being with purpose.  I can guarantee His purpose for you and I does not include living in the past.  Memories serve us well in one way: to remind that we are not where we used to be!  We have matured along the way and learned from each moment. 

Living as a Christian, the learning can be difficult at times.  The enemy works diligently to shoot down any progress by stirring chaos amongst emotions.  Memories trickle in one by one to validate emotions.  The flesh becomes prideful, seeking restitution for the past.  Hope stands amongst the chaos and waits with open arms. 

Allow Hope to be your guide.  Follow God with each step.  Take every emotion in every situation to the Cross.  Hope will embrace and settle down emotional chaos.  Hope will take captive the controls and make the body – inside and out – obedient to Christ.  Thus, display a Christian for others to see and desire to become. 

We demolish arguments and every pretension that sets itself up against the knowledge of God, and we take captive every thought to make it obedient to Christ.  2 Corinthians 10:5   
Our memories, every day reactions, display of emotions and humility allow us to be God’s Hand and Feet!

It’s Wednesday!  Ask Hope into every moment today?

Live life. . .One Day at a time!  
Sheree Craig   

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