Monday, January 23, 2017

Never a Doubt She Loved

With each day passing, the respect held for my mother increases.  From watching my child suffer in ways I cannot fix, conversations about the ‘birds and bees’ and misunderstanding the lingo of their era to pushing through the day when patience sits on the brink of breaking or desiring to hit the snooze button endlessly due to feeling ill.  I respect my mother now more than ever.
She did whatever it took to assure our needs were met daily.  If we became ill, she fulfilled every single request spoken from the couch.  She listened, provided advice and loved wholeheartedly.  Never a doubt she loved us.

She sacrificed countless times.  She set the example of giving to others above self.  She walked alongside those in need and provided whatever care required at that time.  She loved others wholeheartedly.  Never a doubt she loved others.

She took care of her own needs amongst all described above.  She set an example of appreciating the body given.  She provided dinner each evening for all to sit, talk and enjoy.  She taught how to care for the home, work outside the home and still love every day.  She loved the life given wholeheartedly.  Never a doubt she loved life.

To follow in such footsteps can be difficult on most days.  Life flies by, I battle selfishness, work drains any energy left and time cannot be found to seek others in need.  I want to call in sick today.  The world would be just fine without Sheree for one day, right?  I want to pull up the covers, roll back over on my side and sleep for hours upon hours.  Being a mom drains.  Being a wife exhausts.  Being in this world breaks my heart.

Pity party anyone?  How did my mother do it?  If I could love even at half the level mom did, I would be doing well.  I begin the day great, loving my children as mom loved.  Then, the clock reveals time to leave and no one is ready to walk out the door.  Anxiety rises and life begins.  Coming home drained, little remains to pour love onto my two beautiful children.
Loving others takes time.  I find excuses stemming from a busy calendar to withdraw myself from volunteer positions.  I think, ‘someone else will do it’.  I fail to step out and help.

I run too hard, too fast and end up being sick.  My immune system screams ‘ENOUGH’ and down I fall.  Moms can’t take sick days, right?  Well, better care need be taken so I can be healthy; but, how?

Ever struggle in such ways?  Well, dear friends, let me tell you my mom’s secret. . .prayer!  She knew Who to turn in times of exhaustion.  She knew Who could fill her draining spirit.  She knew Who could keep her heart whole.  Scripture reminds us the flesh is weak.  We must not live by flesh.  We must live by the spirit.  Who fills the spirit to bring strength and endurance?

God.  God worked through my mother to shine light onto her children.  God worked through my mother to impact countless lives (and continues to do so).  God worked through my mother, keeping health and happiness to spread throughout the day.  God worked through my mother!

And He will work through you and I as well!  He loves to shine His power onto every situation.  We must come to the Cross daily, pick up His Truth and live in Truth all day long.  Every. Single. Day.

I admire my mother more than she may ever realize.  Thanks for the example mom!  You Rock!  
It’s DAY TWENTY-THREE. . .will you go to the Cross today?
Live life. . .One Day at a time!
Sheree Craig  

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