Most pop right back up after tripping over a painted line. Juggling an item, resulting in a drop cause most to quickly pick up item and hold tightly. An error leads to most finding a solution prior to anyone else discovering the mistake. Being stuck between a rock and hard place, most still find it difficult to ask for help.
Why do we fear judgement? Why do we fear failure? Why do we fear?
Being clumsy, I fall into the pattern of tripping over painted lines often, running into walls (I swear they jump out at me) and multiple other occasions of injury. Bruises remain, pride demolished and frustration at the time it takes to recover from pain. I feel embarrassed.
Multi-tasking leads to dropping many of items daily. I work to balance all the groceries to make less trips (from trunk to house is less than 10 steps). I try to carry all the spices required for a dish from the pantry to oven to hurry along supper. I end up cleaning mess after mess, causing delay in task completion. I feel overwhelmed.
Mistakes lead to disappointment. If I am asked to complete a job and I screw it up, then the chance stands for those to choose someone else. I feel like a failure.
Pride prevents reaching out. I sit in a bind, no way out and all I want to do is throw a pity party. Reaching out would be a burden on another. Reaching out shows weakness. I feel a depressed.
Feelings overpower the spirit and lead to loneliness. I am working diligently to move toward vulnerability. It scares me. Vulnerability in the past led to rejection and ridicule. I am working diligently to move toward acceptance of self. It scares me. Acceptance of self is foreign territory.
Putting aside fear of opinion will move me from hidden to humble. Putting aside shame will move me from failure to freedom. Putting aside failures will move me from worry to worship.
Let us work together to build each other up daily. If one should fall, pick them up, dust them off and love them along the path. If one should carry too big a load, step alongside and offer to help. If one should error in life, offer the grace desperately needed in the situation. If one should hit rock bottom with nowhere to turn, be that hand that reaches down and pulls them up with love, grace, acceptance and strength.
Embrace who God created! That includes the one staring back from the mirror. I am clumsy. I take on too many tasks at once. I make mistakes. I don’t know how to ask for help. BUT, I am a child of the One True King. I am given another day to live for Him. I am offered grace to cover any error faced today. I am NOT a mistake. I know the name to speak to receive the help needed in any and every situation – Jesus!
One step at a time. . .I just shared my story for a group of individuals only known for a short while and it was difficult. I accepted food unknown of the ingredients or nutrition content and it was difficult (oh but it tasted so good!). I took on a career full of life changing decisions and it remains difficult. I struggle daily, approaching the Cross and picking up recovery to live for the day and it remains difficult. I stumble and fall and life comes with difficulty!
We were not created to live in easy! In this world, trial and tribulation will exist. Let us work together with God as our Leader. Let us tear down any evil tactic of the enemy by praying harder than he can work. Let us live this side of Heaven in peace and joy, knowing full well this is temporary.
Today move from hidden to humble – reveal His Light in your life. Today move from failure to freedom – experience the joy, peace and love He offers. Today move from worry to worship – just say Jesus!
It’s DAY THIRTY. . .Just say Jesus!
Live life. . .One Day at a time!
Sheree Craig