Sunday, September 11, 2016

Lonely Apple

As I finished up a run and began stretching, a specific tree caught my eye.  The tree held no real blaring beauty.  The leaves no unique color as Summer still scorched the land.  The size average in comparison to other trees.  So what caught my eye?

Amongst the leaves, branches and bark, a lonely apple dangled.  The one lonely apple held a shade of dull red; nonetheless, caught my eye.  Had the apple not been present, I would think the tree to be just another tree.  Nothing stood out to aide in determining the kind of tree standing in front of me.  Except one lonely apple.

As we walk amongst this broken land, how do you catch the eye of others?  I do not refer to outward beauty, such as hair, nails, clothing, jewelry, etc.  I do not refer to physique, such as healthy weight or bulging muscles.  I do not refer to worldly actions, such as orderly lives, finishing first place, sparkling clean homes, approval of others, etc.  Does your ‘apple’ shine?  Can others see Who dwells within your soul? 

But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, forbearance, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control.”  Galatians 5:22-23

The world will recognize Christians by the fruit produced.  Allowing our ‘apple’ to shine, refusing to hide the fruit dwelling within and walking boldly for Christ will catch the eye of this world.  Pour love out onto ALL.  No person can work to deserve love – it need be given freely.  Jesus went to the Cross, died an excruciating death in love for ALL.  The least we can do as followers and out of appreciation for the gift of the Holy Spirit is love one another.  Shine LOVE!

Experience joy each day.  Joy comes in every moment experienced.  We must train our eyes to see the joy God provides.  He walks the path for each day, leaving His presence all around.  Remove the blinders. 
Shine JOY!

Enter into peace no matter the storm stirring around you.  Peace comes from Truth planted deep in your heart able to withstand the worst of times.  Truth = Peace.  Plant Truth by reading and memorizing Scripture.  At the most perfect time, God will reveal the Truth needed to bring peace. 
Shine PEACE!

Whatever enters the heart will flow from the mouth.  Planting Truth inside will allow others to see the fruit of the Spirit from you through kindness, goodness and gentleness.  How?  Smile, embrace one another, filter language, edit comments, love your enemies, etc.  Allow others to feel a little bit of Jesus when they come around to then create a thirst to know Him more and place Him as their Lord and Savior.  Let us not turn others off by claiming Christianity and acting complete opposite of Jesus’ character. 

Okay, now comes a difficult ‘apple’ to shine in order to catch the eye of others. . .forbearance and self-control.  Being an extremist and suffering with addiction, these two attributes do not come easy.  Striving towards both daily results in complete failure or somewhat success.  I know the one factor preventing everyday success – the enemy.  He prowls around laying landmines in hopes our feet will detonate such destructible moments.  Well, my dear friends, Jesus can dismantle any landmine the enemy creates.  Trust in Him, not the flesh to guide each step.  The flesh cannot shine forbearance or self-control – we need Jesus.

Amongst all our brokenness, God uses us to shine onto others.  The world will know Who created, transformed and lives in you by the fruit produced and displayed.  You may feel like the lonely little apple in the places traveled daily; but, rest assured, God will use you in mighty ways to catch the eye of this broken world.  Bring as many as possible into His Kingdom by shining Jesus daily!


Live life. . .One Day at a Time

Sheree Craig    

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