Tuesday, September 27, 2016

Dear Me. . .

I recently viewed a sermon and the preacher shared a story of a man visiting a prison asked inmates to write a letter to their younger selves.  The letter could be filled with any advice, encouragement or emotion.  He then took a picture of inmates positioned in front of a wall displaying the written words.  Inmates kept cherished the letters and pictures.  

What if you were presented with such opportunity?  What words would fill the page?  What emotion would stir as the ink touch paper?

Well, I got to thinking. . .(scary, I know).  I began a mental note filled with words to my younger self.  I will share the Cliff Note version of knowledge shared to my younger self. . .

1) Don’t sweat the small stuff.  These moments do not hold any weight in the true meaning of life. 

2) Your worth is not based on the number of social networks built in life.

3) The definition of beauty DOES NOT involve a number on the scale or flawless reflection.

4) People will disappoint, leave and create emotional scars; they cannot be your savior. 

5) #4 being said, your worth is not based on any of that.

6) The enemy wants to break any connection you hold with God and he will do so in the sneakiest way possible.

7) You cannot make everyone happy; don’t try!  You will only lose yourself in the process. 

8) No perfect family exist.  Family consists of varied characters handling current situations differently, causing painful wounds which must be healed by them – NOT YOU!

9) Forgiveness can be given, but you have no control over the receiving end.

10) Grace, grace, grace – NOT anger, anger, anger.  Check out the log in your eye before dissecting the speck of dust in another’s.  

11) Every situation cannot go just as your mind planned.  Let it go as God planned.  The latter always turns out better anyway.

12) The way you treat your body reflects respect toward the Maker.  Don’t take emotions out on the beautiful and wonderful vessel provided to serve God here on Earth. 


14) No one expects you to be perfect.

15) Your Heavenly Father NEVER leaves His children – you are His Child – made in His image and dearly loved.  

16) He does have a prince charming waiting for you – no need to waste time on those guys who treat you badly.

17) As an add on to #16 – your prince charming will treat you like a princess everyday – you do not deserve to be treated any less by guys that will come and go in your life.  Let them go – better awaits.

18) You do not control the decisions of others and they are doing the best they know how at the time with the situation at hand.  Pray for them, life is not easy on their side either.

19) Do not judge until you are willing to walk the exact path of the one you place on trial.

20) Love your enemies, humble yourself before others, show kindness to all you meet and pray daily!

Oh yeah, AND. . .  

Live life. . .One Day at a time!
Sheree Craig    

Tuesday, September 20, 2016

Just a Piece of Plastic

Rest the night prior occurred better than expected.  Anticipation increased as the hours neared.  Confidence plummeted when imagining the event.  Nervous feelings swarmed at rapid speeds throughout my gut.

I trained for the past few months for such the event.  I put in countless hours building every part of the body to endure such the event.  My physical body was capable – ready – willing to complete such the event.  My mind, on the other hand, began working diligently to tear down the strength built up over the past months. 

Regardless of emotion, time would not stand still and the day arrived.  Morning of, I arose just as every other morning.  I recited over and over that such event does not determine my worth.  The results do not define me.  Life means much more than physical strength.  I am not judged by successes here on Earth.  God loves me then, now and post event as well – regardless of outcome.

My son came along with goals to accomplish as well.  He encouraged this old lady, helped in preparation and provided a post event date that meant the world to me.  The event?  A 10k for me and 4-mile run for my son.  The cost provided support for beautiful children taken way too soon.  The purpose went much further for me.  Recovering from an eating disorder and all the emotions feeding such behaviors has been the most difficult mountain to climb.  During ascension, confidence grows only to be taken down by one comment, one event or one disappointment.  Slippage brings condemnation. 

What I discovered over the years, filled with slip after slip, is that God catches me every time.  He adjusts the harness, steadies the rock and places my foot perfectly to avoid the same slip.  He always provides!  This day was no different than any other.  Yes, I pushed my body to capacity while running several miles; but, God stood unchanged. 

I look at the trophy earned that day:  Where will it be in a year?  Where will it be when I breathe my last breath?  Will I carry it around for all to see?  Will it provide an introduction to who I am for strangers?  Does this trophy hold any value whatsoever?  I think you can easily answer all these questions for me.

The race was not about the prize.  I soon will forget the victory, length of time or physical exertion occurring on that day.  I will remember every step taken that day.  I will remember the cool breeze provided around mile 3.6.  I will remember the prayers answered, encouragement from others, the final stretch when I prayed for His angels to push me to the end and steps increased in speed.  I will remember the strength provided to endure so many miles of running.  This strength displays recovery from a once frail body unable to withstand walking even just one flight of stairs.  This strength displays how much power God holds over our enemy.  God won the battle; yet, for years I thought I still needed to overcome the enemy through fleshly strength. 

Does it feel good to win a race and earn a trophy?  Well, yes, of course!  But, the real prize that day will last years longer than a piece of plastic.  This moment marked another story along the journey to share of the goodness of God.  He provides, matures and stands firm through any situation.  He never leaves nor forsakes.  He brings healing and more than we can ever imagine.  He is our Savior.  I praise Him.  I stand in unspeakable appreciation for the mountain He helped me climb in recovery!  Each day, I place on the harness of His Truth which protects, leads and encourages each step on the mountains of this life. 

Post Run Selfie!

God's Beautiful Painting!  


Live life. . .One Day at a Time
Sheree Craig   

Sunday, September 11, 2016

Lonely Apple

As I finished up a run and began stretching, a specific tree caught my eye.  The tree held no real blaring beauty.  The leaves no unique color as Summer still scorched the land.  The size average in comparison to other trees.  So what caught my eye?

Amongst the leaves, branches and bark, a lonely apple dangled.  The one lonely apple held a shade of dull red; nonetheless, caught my eye.  Had the apple not been present, I would think the tree to be just another tree.  Nothing stood out to aide in determining the kind of tree standing in front of me.  Except one lonely apple.

As we walk amongst this broken land, how do you catch the eye of others?  I do not refer to outward beauty, such as hair, nails, clothing, jewelry, etc.  I do not refer to physique, such as healthy weight or bulging muscles.  I do not refer to worldly actions, such as orderly lives, finishing first place, sparkling clean homes, approval of others, etc.  Does your ‘apple’ shine?  Can others see Who dwells within your soul? 

But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, forbearance, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control.”  Galatians 5:22-23

The world will recognize Christians by the fruit produced.  Allowing our ‘apple’ to shine, refusing to hide the fruit dwelling within and walking boldly for Christ will catch the eye of this world.  Pour love out onto ALL.  No person can work to deserve love – it need be given freely.  Jesus went to the Cross, died an excruciating death in love for ALL.  The least we can do as followers and out of appreciation for the gift of the Holy Spirit is love one another.  Shine LOVE!

Experience joy each day.  Joy comes in every moment experienced.  We must train our eyes to see the joy God provides.  He walks the path for each day, leaving His presence all around.  Remove the blinders. 
Shine JOY!

Enter into peace no matter the storm stirring around you.  Peace comes from Truth planted deep in your heart able to withstand the worst of times.  Truth = Peace.  Plant Truth by reading and memorizing Scripture.  At the most perfect time, God will reveal the Truth needed to bring peace. 
Shine PEACE!

Whatever enters the heart will flow from the mouth.  Planting Truth inside will allow others to see the fruit of the Spirit from you through kindness, goodness and gentleness.  How?  Smile, embrace one another, filter language, edit comments, love your enemies, etc.  Allow others to feel a little bit of Jesus when they come around to then create a thirst to know Him more and place Him as their Lord and Savior.  Let us not turn others off by claiming Christianity and acting complete opposite of Jesus’ character. 

Okay, now comes a difficult ‘apple’ to shine in order to catch the eye of others. . .forbearance and self-control.  Being an extremist and suffering with addiction, these two attributes do not come easy.  Striving towards both daily results in complete failure or somewhat success.  I know the one factor preventing everyday success – the enemy.  He prowls around laying landmines in hopes our feet will detonate such destructible moments.  Well, my dear friends, Jesus can dismantle any landmine the enemy creates.  Trust in Him, not the flesh to guide each step.  The flesh cannot shine forbearance or self-control – we need Jesus.

Amongst all our brokenness, God uses us to shine onto others.  The world will know Who created, transformed and lives in you by the fruit produced and displayed.  You may feel like the lonely little apple in the places traveled daily; but, rest assured, God will use you in mighty ways to catch the eye of this broken world.  Bring as many as possible into His Kingdom by shining Jesus daily!


Live life. . .One Day at a Time

Sheree Craig    

Monday, September 5, 2016

Proactive Approach

I often wake up full of motivation for the day.  I place on God’s Armor and know full well that He has gone before me, planned out the day and promises to walk through it with me.  

Then, life consumes, hours pass full of chaos, thoughts cyclone and my hand reaches for the white flag in surrender.  Weakness takes over.  Running for the door sounds like the only answer.  Not an option when work waits and errands fill a to do list.  Add to that pain, sorrow, disappointment and living in a broken world.  How can survival occur?

"Come near to God and he will come near to you."  James 4:8a  
As we stand distant, His Power weakens.  Just as the physical body weakens without proper nutrition, the soul weakens without enough supply of Truth.  Just like muscles diminish when void of use, the spirit within diminishes when left alone.  Daily, we nourish the physical body (at times too much) and use muscles to move throughout the day (at times not enough); but, how well do we care for the spiritual health?  It holds just as much, if not more, importance to ensure survival here as the physical body.  

When hunger strikes, we eat.  When the doctor says exercise, we choose a program.  When life crumbles, we seek something to help cope.  What if we took a proactive approach to keep self in optimal health?  I am talking about an everyday check and balance system.  I am talking about preparing before the storm.  
A few steps can help get us started. . .

1) Plan a menu providing nutrients the body craves to fuel for optimal function.

2) Move the body given to you – dance, walk, play, run, stretch, etc. 

3) Hydrate the cells within the body – with WATER!

4) Supplement with whole, natural vitamins/minerals – the foods today cannot supply enough.

These four steps begin a journey to optimal health; BUT, the most important step to prepare for survival in this broken world cannot be found in food, exercise, water or supplements.  The most important piece to reaching optimal health is written for all to read.  Not in a self-help book!  A survival Book!  God has written all we need to daily nourish the soul.  He allowed His Son to come and endure the worst in this broken world so you and I may live.  This life is temporary (thankfully!).  God holds so much more for us in Eternity with Him.  We must daily take up out cross and walk alongside Him.  Filling our soul daily with Truth creates a relationship with God and improves our hearing of the Holy Spirit within to guide each step and prepare each word spoken.  

Easier said than done.  I know full well.  Temptations arise daily to fall back into a lackadaisical lifestyle seeking temporary comfort from the storm.  The enemy prowls around looking for just that moment and devours.  Guess what, my friend?  The enemy lost many moons ago.  The enemy does not stand a chance against the tools provided by God.  Place on the armor, walk boldly with God and stand firm on Truth.

"No temptation has overtaken you except what is common to mankind. And God is faithful; he will not let you be tempted beyond what you can bear. But when you are tempted, he will also provide a way out so that you can endure it."  1 Corinthians 10:13

That being said. . .there is a time a place to run away from the mundane for a while!  A little cottage in the woods is where we go when that moment strikes. . .    

 Good times always with Nana 'B'! 

Live life. . .One Day at a Time

Sheree Craig