I recently viewed a sermon and the preacher shared a story of a man visiting a prison asked inmates to write a letter to their younger selves. The letter could be filled with any advice, encouragement or emotion. He then took a picture of inmates positioned in front of a wall displaying the written words. Inmates kept cherished the letters and pictures.
What if you were presented with such opportunity? What words would fill the page? What emotion would stir as the ink touch paper?
Well, I got to thinking. . .(scary, I know). I began a mental note filled with words to my younger self. I will share the Cliff Note version of knowledge shared to my younger self. . .
1) Don’t sweat the small stuff. These moments do not hold any weight in the true meaning of life.
2) Your worth is not based on the number of social networks built in life.
3) The definition of beauty DOES NOT involve a number on the scale or flawless reflection.
4) People will disappoint, leave and create emotional scars; they cannot be your savior.
5) #4 being said, your worth is not based on any of that.
6) The enemy wants to break any connection you hold with God and he will do so in the sneakiest way possible.
7) You cannot make everyone happy; don’t try! You will only lose yourself in the process.
8) No perfect family exist. Family consists of varied characters handling current situations differently, causing painful wounds which must be healed by them – NOT YOU!
9) Forgiveness can be given, but you have no control over the receiving end.
10) Grace, grace, grace – NOT anger, anger, anger. Check out the log in your eye before dissecting the speck of dust in another’s.
11) Every situation cannot go just as your mind planned. Let it go as God planned. The latter always turns out better anyway.
12) The way you treat your body reflects respect toward the Maker. Don’t take emotions out on the beautiful and wonderful vessel provided to serve God here on Earth.
14) No one expects you to be perfect.
15) Your Heavenly Father NEVER leaves His children – you are His Child – made in His image and dearly loved.
16) He does have a prince charming waiting for you – no need to waste time on those guys who treat you badly.
17) As an add on to #16 – your prince charming will treat you like a princess everyday – you do not deserve to be treated any less by guys that will come and go in your life. Let them go – better awaits.
18) You do not control the decisions of others and they are doing the best they know how at the time with the situation at hand. Pray for them, life is not easy on their side either.
19) Do not judge until you are willing to walk the exact path of the one you place on trial.
20) Love your enemies, humble yourself before others, show kindness to all you meet and pray daily!
Oh yeah, AND. . .
Live life. . .One Day at a time!
Sheree Craig