Saturday, September 7, 2019

Finding Your People

The world screams independence, don’t rely on others, do it yourself and go after what you want!  Okay, I am all about self-motivation and discipline; but, on the same note, we need one another.  Going at the world alone does not align with the original plan. 

I depend on my husband.  I would be lost without him.  We do not fight for power in our marriage.  I avoid throwing out the feminism card.  I need him and he needs me.  God intended teamwork in this life.  Where I lack in knowledge or skill, my husband comes in and shines (and vice versa).  We literally complete one another, encouraging each to be the best version of ourselves. 

I rely on others at work to reach success.  I rely on others to navigate through flooding emotions during the storms in life.  I rely on others to navigate this world.  That is okay.  God intended teamwork in this life.

I can only go after what I desire with the support and encouragement of others.  Advancement in life requires a circle of people cheering you on and listening when things get difficult.  Gathering other perspectives on life helps reach goals and do so smoothly.  God intended Teamwork in this life.  We need one another. 

Two are better than one, because they have a good reward for their toil. 10 For if they fall, one will lift up his fellow. But woe to him who is alone when he falls and has not another to lift him up!  Ecclesiastes 4:9-10

Two, not one!  The emphasis of “do it yourself”, “don’t rely on anyone”, “independence”, brings joy to the enemy.  The enemy loves when we are alone.  He corners us, fills our minds with pride, lies and destroys the path laid by our Creator. 

God places people in our path for a reason.  He uses His children as vessels to speak Truth into others.  He shines through your people to help in the darkest of moments.  He surrounds you with prayer warriors to fight for you.  Some individuals come in your life for a bit of time just for that reason – to pray on your behalf.  Yet, others come in your life and stay forever because God knows that you need one another to survive this life.

I have two amazing friends in life.  Unfortunately, they both live 200+ miles away.  We do not talk on a the daily; but we think about one another daily, text often and call occasionally.  We visit throughout the year in person and help one another through the tough stuff in life.  I would not trade these two women for the world.  God sent each of them into my path to encourage, love and pray for me.  I provide the same for them. 

I also have two beyond amazing people that God brought to my husband and I early on in our marriage.  These two accepted the mission from God to pour into my husband and me.  They each took time out of their lives to help us through rough times (and continue to do so).  They are amazing.  We remain in contact monthly with them though they live 300+ miles away.  We call on them for wise counsel and they drop everything to talk. 

I have three incredibly amazingly perfect people I return home to daily.  I would not be this far along in my healing journey if not for these three.  God has blessed me beyond measure to allow such love in life.  They love me unconditionally.  They listen when I have a horrible day.  They provide laughter, great memories and encourage me constantly.  I rely on them daily.  They rely on me daily. 

The whole point of all this gibberish is - we need one another!  We need God to fight the enemy.  God helps by sending those with skin on to walk alongside us.  Humility required.  Going against the grain required.  Teamwork required.

Do you have people in your life?  Do you humbly reach out in times of need?  Seek God for guidance to build your people to surround you and help you in life.  Sometimes it takes tearing down the walls built around your heart to let people in and trust that they will stay, love you and help you in this life.  Trust that God will provide you with support people in this world.     

Live life. . .One Day at a time! 
Sheree Craig

1 comment:

  1. Great words, babe. We all rely on you as well. #teamcraig
