Friday, January 11, 2019

Healthy Balance

Image result for healthy balance

I am fed up!  I quit!

Society creates an environment causing extreme difficulty to recovery from an eating disorder and conveniently simple to succumb to one.  Temptations lurk around every corner.  The beginning of every year holding the greatest and intense triggers that lead into an eating disorder.  Commercials implant the need to improve outward image.  Everyone and their brother sets a resolution to lose weight, hit the gym, eat less and look better in the mirror. 

A resolution of losing weight, moving away from sedentary living and eating food that will increase the health of your body are great.  I totally support these resolutions and will be the first to encourage another in the steps needed to reach optimal health.  The part that irritates me. . .the way society places emphasis on rock solid abs, chiseled out arms and eliminated food groups in the diet promotion industry.

I am fed up!  Which is exactly what I needed at this point in my recovery journey.  I want to break free from the prison of calculating steps.  I want to eliminate the strive for a perfected image which doesn’t exist.  I want to avoid comparing food intake to energy output.  My body needs food daily, regardless of energy output.  I am ready to believe the truths known for years and apply them to my life.  I always felt exempt from truth about staying healthy.

I am not exempt. . .and neither are you!  We must stand firm against the patterns of this world.  We each require specific nutrients daily.  Cravings speak to our bodily needs.  Now, I am not saying, go eat anything and everything your heart desires; but, I am saying that craving specific foods speaks to the need of a nutrient our body is missing.  Our body needs grains, proteins, fats and a bit of sweet each day.  We can achieve these needs with nutrient packed foods of all sorts.  Eliminating food groups deprives our body of optimal health.  Exercising excessively depletes energy and healing.

A healthy balance comes when we listen to our bodily needs.  God created our bodies to survive to the fullest this side of Eternity.  He needs us daily to be a strong, healthy and focused vessel.  This requires nutrients.  This requires getting up and moving.  All in moderation!

I have lived by a catchy phrase I used when counseling in nutrition:  It is not about counting calories but making the calories count.  Well, I have decided to take a giant leap in recovery and created another phrase. . .   

It is not about how many steps I take daily but, making each step count!  Meaning, 10,000 steps is not required by me to feel accomplished, worthy or ‘healthy’.  I may go through an intense strengthening work out and get 1,000 steps. . .does that mean I didn’t exercise ‘enough’?  Absolutely NOT!  I am fed up with the prison I entered years ago of basing my health on the steps taken each day.  It does not matter if I have 10,000 for the day. . .what matters is assuring the steps I took were in the direction God intended for the day. 

Healthy looks different for each person.  Let your body tell you what it needs.  Some days, 10,000+ steps happen and that is fine if my body was willing and able.  Other days, 5,000 is all my body had the energy to take.  Still other days, God holds a plan for us to sit and be with another person in need, or rest for ourselves to allow healing.  It is okay to not be what society deems healthy.  Reach your optimal health by seeking out the Great Physician.  He will guide you to healing.  He will guide you to physical health.

I refuse to give up the fight for those struggling and drowned by eating disorder behaviors/thoughts.  I refuse to give up on myself to reach the freedom I know God plans for my life.  I have decided to throw out the Fitbit.  I no longer will count steps.  I have replaced my Fitbit with a bracelet representing recovery.  Each time I want to look at the number of steps taken or base my worth on the exercise I finished, I will see the recovery symbol and a heart charm.  This reminds me I am loved just as I am in that moment.  This reminds me I am worth recovery!

Same goes for you dear friend.  May you be healthy, balanced and confident this day.  May you know God desires optimal health for you; which, looks different than my optimal health.  Stand firm on Truth and avoid society’s lies.  Eat good food.  Find nutrients to feed a craving.  Move and use your body as God intended.

With love dear friends. . .

Live life. . .One Day at a time! 
Sheree Craig

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