Friday, July 13, 2018

Life Isn't Easy

Raising kids isn’t easy!  Amen to that, right?

If I say pick up your clothes from the floor one more time, I may scream!  If I remind them to shut the door behind them one more time, I may shut it for them and lock them out!  After all, we are not heating/cooling the outside, right?  If I turn off one more light, I am sending them out to get a job so they can pay the electric bill!

Or, maybe it is the phase of. . .

If I tame one more temper tantrum, I may throw one myself.  If I need to remind them toys are not food one more time, I am eliminating all toys from their presence.  If I mop the bathroom one more time due to excessive splashing during bath time, they are going to get hosed off every night instead.

Whatever the age of our children, their brilliant little minds cannot retain rules put forth by parents.  Maybe they tune us out or they fail to believe the seriousness in our voice.  It seems they can make straight A’s in school but cannot remember to brush their teeth at night, wear clean underwear, clean up after themselves or avoid dangerous objects (such as hot stoves or busy streets).  Parents constantly discipline, teach and exhaust every rule known to man. 

To extend grace to our little blessings; growing up isn’t easy either!  The pressures in this world is outrageous.  Survival day to day can be difficult.  By the time parents get to them, the world may have beat them down or an impending decision may consume their thoughts, preventing absorption of any other information.  A dirty room may be their way of rebelling from demands of perfection.  Leaving doors open may be a result of a jam-packed schedule, keeping them in ‘hurry up mode’.  They may leave lights on for fear of darkness.  Parents have no clue what kids experience and kids have no clue what parents experience. 

I would like to combine the two phrases above. . .Living within a broken world isn’t easy!

 33 “I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world.”  John 16:33

God understands.  God knows.  God sees.  God loves.  God restores.  God provides.

Like a child constantly being reminded of basic rules as mentioned above; God reminds me daily of the simple fact that He will never leave me nor forsake me.  Like a child being tamed in a tantrum; God provides the deep breath required to calm down during an emotional storm.  As a parent warns a child of harmful actions in this world; God speaks loudly when harm enters my pathway.  He steps ahead, fighting off whatever may be the source of harm. 

My dear friends, God understands the pains, struggles and worries in this world.  He sent His Only Son to experience this world.  God knows the solution to every situation.  God sees the bigger picture and holds the ultimate prize at the end.  God loves you from the moment of creation.  God restores any past. . .ANY PAST!  He provides the straight path filled with peace.  He does this for everyone!  He will repeat this until it sinks deep within our soul! 

One example:  just the other day, while writing a chapter in my book, a flood of emotions arose due to the portion of my past I depicted.  I went straight to the Cross with all this junk!  God listened and began speaking louder than the lies of the past.  First in a sermon I watched before heading out the door.  Then, later in a Podcast.  And still even again with His constant Romans 8:28 reminder He provides to me.  He knew it would take quite a few times/ways for me to hear the peaceful Words He had to offer in this situation. 

I am still processing through the emotions; but, now with my faith as a shield protecting from the devil’s schemes and the Truth to disintegrate the devil’s lies.  The devil wants nothing more than to tear us down.  He uses our past mistakes, present hurts and future thoughts to place distance between us and the Cross.  Stand firm on His Truth today and leave the devil in the dust. 

It is okay if you need reminded, like 100 times a day, of His presence.  He will remind you 1000 times over if needed.  He cares for you.  He will protect you.  He will see you through this life.        
Live life. . .One Day at a time! 
Sheree Craig

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