Tuesday, May 22, 2018

A Criminal Revealed

I am a thief. . .

As a child, a colorful tiny piece of candy caught my eye while shopping.  Back in the day this candy sold without wrapping to cover it.  I had never tried such candy and the irresistible, sugary, colorful goodness lay there before my eyes.  Impulse took over any morals established thus far in life vanished.  My tiny hand swiped a piece of button candy right off the shelf. 

The candy tasted like sugary cardboard.  The crime occurred with an unsatisfactory result.  The thief never revealed; but, a child rightfully purchasing the candy strip shorted one piece due to my impulsive nature. 

I am a thief. . .

My sister dressed in the best of styles.  She left the house in beauty and remained popular throughout school.  I envied my sister in more ways than one.  We shared a room; therefore, her array of wonderful clothing hung right at my fingertips.  As she left the house to hang with friends, I “borrowed” clothes for a while.  I placed everything back in its place before her return.  I did get caught on this one from time to time. . .but not always!

I am a liar. . .

A recent tragedy resulting in the death of my favorite teacher/coach brought back quite a few memories.  One revealing a liar.  Idle time before basketball practice one day left a dear friend and I to dabble with cigarettes.  In comes the thief thing again – we stole one from her mom.  We shared a few puffs back and forth (on school property mind you) and then took it in and flushed the butt down the toilet.  We wreaked of smoke and the bathroom carried the scent as well.  When asked as a team if the smoker would come forward or if any knew details of the situation. . .my friend and I remained silent.  Worst part, I believe the coach knew in her heart it was us.  Shame overtook due to disappointing her with lies and hiding such actions.

I am a liar. . .

Years filled with lies to hide bad decisions from my parents.  Lies continued to hide an eating disorder overtaking my thoughts/actions.  Lies led to convincing me that I am fine using things in this world to find comfort, bury any emotion and continue living in sin. 

Anyone confessing crimes of youthful years right now?  We make thousands of decisions daily; from what time to wake to outfit design to how to discipline a child, etc.  Small decisions that really do not alter much in our story.  Big decisions that shift the entire plot of our stories.  The weight of choosing the correct pathway, open door or leader to follow in life rests on our shoulders.

The above scenarios depict a child choosing incorrectly based on impulse, desire to fit in this world, survival from pain and numbing from discomfort.  I am not alone in such lifestyle.  Granted, most of these were made as an immature child; but, such pattern developed a character within which continued in adulthood. 

I am a liar/thief. . .

I have been lying to myself and hiding from others.  I hung on to eating disorder patterns to survive stress in life.  I hid behind the lies of my eating disorder.  I stole joy, peace and laughter from my life.  The decisions made daily led to out of control thinking, living in the extreme and hiding any emotion. 

I lacked character.  I became lost in lies.  I remained hidden in sin and suffering. . .

Then, came Truth.  Then, came open arms waiting for me to surrender.  Then, came Hope. . .READ Romans 5:1-11!

I am redeemed.  God continues to build my character, remind me who I am and guide me with Truth.  It is available for you as well – NO MATTER THE PAST – will you seek Him today?  Begin building character that will develop you for an eternal life in Heaven.

Live life. . .One Day at a time! 
Sheree Craig  

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