At least 30 million people of all ages and genders
suffer from an eating disorder in the U.S.
Eating disorders have the highest mortality rate of
any mental illness.
Whether running to food for comfort or running from
food due to overwhelming fear of weight gain. . .FOOD becomes the common tool
used by our enemy to entice and destroy our purpose in life. The enemy runs rampant in society, unbeknownst
to its prey. The mighty tool surrounds,
consumes the hours in our day and engages all our senses making it quite
difficult to resist.
Food becomes more than a substance to nourish our
beautiful bodies. Food becomes a way to
seek control in a chaotic world. Food
becomes the escape after a difficult day.
Food avoidance becomes a way to feel accomplished. All the while, we use these behaviors to feel
a sense of emotional survival; but, we are killing ourselves day by day.
30 million people – an average count due to the
individuals yet to seek help in the day to day suffering. This mental illness is real and the only cure
is finding Hope, Love, Grace and Truth.
Placing hope in this world leaves a person empty; thus, eating disorder
behaviors fill the void. Seeking love
from people in this world creates disappointment; thus, eating disorder
behaviors build satisfaction. Longing
for grace in this world keeps an individual sitting in shame; thus, eating
disorder behaviors supply needed esteem.
Truth. . .we need more Truth to stand firmly on my dear friends. . .
31 To the Jews who had believed him, Jesus said, “If you hold to my
teaching, you are really my disciples. 32 Then
you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free.” John 8:31-32
Truth reveals God’s mighty love for each of His
children. God is Hope, Love and provides
abounding Grace. God laid out Truth to
imprint on our hearts while here on Earth.
The Truth will guide, guard and protect from the enemy that prowls
around in this world. Turn your eyes
toward God. Place your trust in our
Savior, Jesus Christ. It is through Him
we find freedom.
Is it easy?. . .NO.
This world is hard. That being
the reason we run to eating disorders or other mechanisms for daily
survival. This world overwhelms the
WORLD. He defeated the worldly
evil. He comes out the Conqueror in the
end. Stick on His team.
Reach out and help others that struggle in this
world. Be His shining light. Eating disorders, among other mental
illnesses, do not just go away once someone chooses to fight for recovery. The thought patterns and behaviors remain an
option for that person daily. To resist
travelling the old, comfortable escape path is very difficult. Be a shining light, allow our Savior to use
you as a vessel to guide another down the healthy path. Speak His Truth into another.
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