Friday, December 30, 2016


Okay, life rolls around again to THAT time.  We all take a self-inventory through negative lenses.  The questions to answer: What have I not accomplished yet?  What changes will help me reach nutrition goals?  Why does the bank account keep running low?  Why does social life keep the calendar empty?  How can marriage get easier?  How can I become a better parent?

The list goes on and on and on. . .none of which look at positive progress in life.  We berate, condemn, shame and guilt ourselves into making a fluffy list of changes required to become someone other than the current reflection seen in the mirror.  Sounds like fun times, right?

A new year approaches with parties planned all over the world.  The first day of the year consists of creating THE LIST based on results of the above process.  Why succumb to such torture?  How can one day transform our thoughts to focus on taking the steps on the BETTER path in life?

Our flesh nature falls into the trap of saying NO.  No more alcohol.  No more lying on the couch.  No more unhealthy foods (broad statement).  No more resentment.  No more. . .

What is your No more statement?  What if we transformed the statement and erased the No?  Shifting the statement to positive will encourage change.  Plus, keeping thoughts on a ‘I can do it’ path rather than such restrictive mindset will produce greater results than ever seen before. 

Let us begin to search our soul, ignore the flesh and make a list based on deep, lasting changes.  These will help you continue one step at a time down the path planned for YOU!  It will also avoid a reoccurring resolution list.  Quit saying NO and start saying YES. . .

Yes to slowing down and relax from all the brokenness of this world.  Yes to choosing nutrients the body craves.  Yes to time with others.  Yes to giving back to others in need.  Yes to volunteering, expecting no praise in return.  Yes to smiling at the world.  Yes to. . .

Yes to delving into His Word for guidance, leaving the world to follow in example.  Once aligned with Truth, all and any resolution you could conjure up will fall into place.  God created YOU at this very moment, just the way YOU are and for exactly what YOU are doing!  Does He want us to remain, quit, give up in this world?  ABSOLUTELY NOT!  He does not condemn where you stand at this very moment; but, on the same note, He does not want you to remain.  He has plans for you, a future full of prosperity, void of harm.  This world gives us trouble, tribulation and trial beyond what we see bearable.  Take heart my dear friends – He has overcome ALL of this.  This is not our home (praise be to God!).

Take the Christmas Truth. . .implant it on your hearts never to forget that God so loved YOU, He sent His Only Son to save YOU!  There is more than living in this world.  There is more than this moment right now.  There is more reason we are created than to be a __________ (fill in the blank with career/job/title).  Every step taken matters to Him.  Every day lived provides one more opportunity to share Truth and build His Kingdom.  You matter in this world.  You have a purpose – not to fulfill a list based on the world’s standards; but, to live according to His Will and walk proudly in God-confidence.

Turn to Him for New Year resolutions, not this world.  Say YES this year!  With love to each of you. . .    
Live life. . .One Day at a time! 
Sheree Craig 


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