Saturday, July 9, 2016

Mom Arm

The Mom Arm. . .do you have one?  You know, the arm that automatically extends to whichever side the child walks/sits when danger threatens.  My mom made great use of the Mom Arm when braking in the vehicle as I sat passenger.  Often times not needed, but still extension occurred.  I even wore a seat belt serving the same purpose of the Mom Arm; yet, the extension occurred.  I never understood the concept. . .until the other day.

We walked out of church venturing to the vehicle when I heard the sound of another vehicle reversing.  Immediately, the Mom Arm extended to the left where my son walked in a silly manner, singing along some crazy song and just enjoying the moment.  Never did he see or hear the vehicle reversing.  There was no backup beeper or anything, just the sound of the engine in use.  Granted, the vehicle was feet away, backed up and pulled out without even coming into our vicinity; but, the thoughts raced through of what if? 

What if thoughts trigger the Mom Arm.  Could my arm really save either of us from injury if a vehicle or wreck took place?  Could my arm have the power to erase any damage, protect from forceful impact or even hold back a rambunctious child determined to run into danger?  Probably not.  But, the instinct is there to protect, stand in the way and do anything known to keep danger away from my children.  When walking along a sidewalk, I prefer my child to be on the inside in case a driver decides to curb check.  When entering darkened territory, I prefer to walk first holding tightly the hand of my child.  When hearing a strange noise, I prefer to go and check while leaving my child in safety.  When seeing a spider anywhere, I prefer screaming for my husband to come and kill it while holding tightly and praying loudly with my child!!!  J

The list goes on and on and on.  The point being that an innate feeling exists to protect our children from harm, pain, sadness, frustration, etc.  We pray diligently for each decision faced, each phase entered and each life lesson learned.  We hover (sometimes too much) over to assure the ‘right’ decision occurs.  We love wholeheartedly.  We cherish completely.  We protect to our best ability.

Guess what, my dear friends?  The moment I extended the Mom Arm the other day, God spoke to me.  It felt as audible as it gets.  He assured me that He extends such an arm daily.  I don’t always see His Arm extended.  I don’t always realize what protection occurred.  I don’t always understand why specific events occurred.  But, I do know that He is there and all things work for the good of those who love Him.  I do know He is my Father, there to protect, cherish and love each and every one of His Children.  Thank you dear Lord for extending Your Arm when needed most. 

I dart out into danger too many times to count.  Thankfully, I have a Father – omniscient, omnipresent and omnipotent – caring for my every day, going ahead of me and preparing the way.  You have that available to you was well.  Accepting Jesus into your hearts activates the Holy Spirit into your every moment and God’s holy angel army works diligently as you invite them to surround you!

Though I know His Arm protects my children, my Mom Arm will continue to automatically extend.  I mean, look at this two. . .

Who wouldn’t want to protect them?  J

Live life. . .One Day at a Time
Sheree Craig   

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