Thursday, July 28, 2016

Who Holds Your Worry

Life continues rapidly passing before me.  I stood for weeks at a fork in the road; the decision for the next step out of my control.  Both directions appeared beneficial.  Both directions contained hills requiring greater energy expenditure.  Both directions required care when traveling due to occasional potholes.  Nonetheless, taking the next step depended on others reaction/decision.  Nerves increased each time a decision seemed to be near.  I prepared for either, but the indecisive period wreaked havoc on my nerves.

The unknown can be scary.  Having a plan in place brings comfort.  Knowing the end of a story decreases the emotions as each chapter unfolds. 

I hold a strong character trait that brings frustration when things don’t work as planned or in perfect order.  Labels received throughout life include perfectionist, obsessive-compulsive, rigid, set in ways, predictable, etc.  Negative emphasis followed each label.  I felt that something was wrong with me and guilt dwelled inside.  I felt I did not trust God enough or was not a ‘good’ Christian if worry entered the scene due to life’s uncertainties. 

I have since discovered worry does not equal ‘bad’ Christian or failure to trust God.  Worry comes naturally in the flesh.  The unknowns in life dwell in our thoughts and the famous what if question arises.  This pivotal point defines the moment of choosing God or the enemy for guidance.  Worry given to God turns to worship, praise, comfort, joy and peace.  Worry given to the enemy turns to warring thoughts, distraught, anger, sadness and blindness. 

Since choosing God’s Truths in life, I still have worry that wells up inside as each day unfolds without prediction; BUT, I have peace knowing that He goes before me each day to pave the way.  He steps every step I will travel, providing direction with each moment faced.  He provides strength with each day that will prepare for the next.  He knows the end of the story.  He holds the plan.

After weeks clinging to a cliffhanger in my story, an answer revealed.  During the wait prayer occurred daily; therefore, anxiety remained minimal while hanging on the cliff.  I knew that whatever decision developed, it was all a part of His plan for me.  The labels once given have since fell off one by one.  I take one day at a time because that is all I am promised! 

Do Not Worry
25 “Therefore I tell you, do not worry about your life, what you will eat or drink; or about your body, what you will wear. Is not life more than food, and the body more than clothes? 26 Look at the birds of the air; they do not sow or reap or store away in barns, and yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not much more valuable than they? 27 Can any one of you by worrying add a single hour to your life?  Matthew 6:25-27

Worry will happen. . .it is who you give it to that matters!

Live life. . .One Day at a Time
Sheree Craig   

Wednesday, July 20, 2016

The F* Word

Fat – a macronutrient required for our body to function properly.  NOT a descriptive word for an individual struggling with weight or unable to attain standard set by society for weight.

Skinny – a word used to describe thickness of an object or amount provided, such as skinny profits or skinny room.  NOT a goal to be desired in society pertaining to size of the body.

Diet – food and beverages consumed on a daily basis.  NOT a word indicative of restriction from food, temporary elimination of specific food group or a word used to describe a required pattern for weight loss.

I hate the F*, S* and D* words.  Society construes such words described above, placing negative emphasis on each.  I correct my children whenever any of these words appear incorrectly in sentences.  Society likes to create a standard (which BTW is made by imperfect people), list specific details on steps to reach such standard, condemn others failing to fit in such a mold and then blast all of this over social media.  Who does society think they are?

Recently the fam and I visited a pool for the afternoon.  I, being the one fearing water, usually sit to the side and watch.  I overheard a conversation taking place with what appeared to be 13 or 14-year-old girls.  One exclaimed that she was too “fat.”  Ears perked as I heard the F* word.  She proceeded to explain that daily another one of the girls in the group told her she was “fat”.  Really?  Who appointed this girl to set the standard of healthy and acceptable!  My heart broke.  I wanted to take that young girl to the side and emphasize how beautiful, wonderful and gloriously she was created. 

What is wrong with society?  I know, loaded question!  Healthy comes in all shapes and sizes.  Beauty lies in our Creator.  Happiness dwells inwardly.  The madness must stop as we build the next generation to love, appreciate and care properly for the body given. 

As a nutrition counselor, nurse and mother, I know that weight does play a role in health.  But, healthy appears differently in each individual.  A set number cannot determine healthy status universally.  There is a time a place to lose weight or gain weight to reach optimal health.  There is a time to monitor food intake and pay close attention to portion size in order to relearn proper nutrition intake.  There is a time to focus solely on food in order to gain a healthy relationship with such vital nutrients required for life.  Food is not the enemy.  Food is simply nutrition created to sustain life.  Choosing the best foods for what the body needs in that moment is key.  Listen to your body and it will let you know the nutrients required.

Fat, skinny and diet construed over the years contribute to health concerns of all individuals.  Fat is needed daily.  Skinny does not equal healthy.  Diet describes the foods chosen on a daily basis.  You are provided one body to be a vessel for the Holy Spirit to work mightily here on Earth.  Treat your vessel as a temple, created for God, used by God and loved by God.  If struggling with image, weight, pressure of society, etc., look no further than God’s Truth. . .

Psalm 139; 1 Corinthians 6:12-20; Romans 12 and more.


Live life. . .One Day at a Time
Sheree Craig   

Saturday, July 16, 2016

Remove the Wedge

Will you go on a date with me?  The question will forever stand as one that makes my heart jump for joy.  I find joy in running away from life, dressing in clothes other than scrubs or workout gear, taking off the mom hat to fix my hair and spending time with the man I love.  The bonus in going out on a date – I am not required nor asked to clean up after the meal!

To be asked means more than my husband will ever understand.  His offer proves an interest in me.  His taking time out of life, deadlines hanging over his head and social media screaming for attention just to spend hours with me proves the love held for me.  His listening ear, gentle touch, being a gentleman throughout the evening and treating me as the most important/beautiful woman in the world proves commitment to building a strong marriage. 

Date night: the greatest moments in marriage; a must for all couples; a chance to fall in love all over again.  The nights spent together decrease the space in which the enemy can fit his wedge.  See, the enemy hates marriage and all it stands for.  The enemy will use any and every thing to break apart what God brought together.  Once the wedge slides between, he slowly uses lie after lie to pry apart two hearts which became one and fit himself between them.  It is then destruction begins and the home suffers. 

Date night comes in perfect timing to crush the enemy.  When strain enters due to busy schedules, hard times or lack of attention, date night comes to the rescue.  Giving all this world throws in our face to God, laying every hardship at the Cross and surrendering will demolish the wedge between two hearts.  It is then, God works all things out for good.  God takes date night to a whole new level.  The enemy does not stand a chance.

Same goes for our relationship with God.  When was the last date night or morning you spent with God?  Life too busy?  Health diminishing?  Sadness consuming each moment?  Finances depleted?  The list of excuses can continue for miles.  The enemy thrives on these and stirs lies amongst hard times to slide a wedge between you and God.  With wedge in place, he works diligently to create distance.  Take a stand against the enemy.  God seeks you for a date, proving His interest in you.  God listens intently to every word spoken, proving His love for you.  God’s timing is perfect, gentle touch comforting and assures that you are beautifully and wonderfully made – He is committed to you for Eternity.  Will you accept His invitation?

Awwww. . .aren't we just the cutest!  :-)  

Live life. . .One Day at a Time

Sheree Craig    

Wednesday, July 13, 2016

The 'Heart' of the Matter

Age – just a number, right?  Though outwardly we waste away, inwardly we are renewed each day through His Word, right?  You are only as old as you feel, right?  With age comes knowledge, right?

Well, when looking in the mirror lately, I begin to see the outwardly evidence of the number that continues to increase daily with each breath.  When feeling as though an oven increased to about 450 degrees out of nowhere inside my body, I feel the effects of aging.  When using the words “when I was younger,” “back in the day,” “you will understand when you get older,” etc., I hear the aging in my voice.

I often try to blame such aging on the treatment my body received for 15+ years.  I often blame such aging on stress in life.  Some may think me young, but truth is I age every minute of every day.  The minutes zoom by, some without a thought, while others contain heavy thinking.  Each minute just as valuable as the next. 

We all receive the same amount of seconds, minutes and hours within one complete day.  Do we know when the last breath shall be taken in this life?  No.  The fact remains that at this moment, breath continues to keep our body physically alive.  The physical body will continue to age, wrinkles will appear in unwanted places, bones will shrink, organs will require more energy to remain in function, weakness may arise within shorter intervals, etc.  Society works diligently to promote hiding such process through surgeries, cosmetics and miracle creams/pills. 

Guess what my friend?  Society has it all wrong.  Beauty is NOT based on appearance of skin, number on the scale, clothing on hangers or styling of hair.  Beauty, maturity and quality of life IS based on the condition of our heart.  I do not speak of the actual organ which lub-dubs all day long and determines status of physical life.  I speak about the true heart – hidden away deep inside. 

We are born with a void only Jesus can fill – our heart.  Without knowing Jesus and taking Him as Lord and Savior of our lives, we work diligently to fill such void with worldly things.  I am guilty of such for much of my time here thus far.  The amazing part of accepting Jesus – the moment you fill the void with Him, He works mightily to catch you up to speed regardless of Earthly age.  You receive the promise of Eternal life with Him and begin maturing in unexplainable ways.  Though outwardly we waste away day by day, inwardly God renews and strengthens as we look to Him for hope. 

Do we need to abandon the physical body since it wastes away in the end?  Absolutely NOT!  God provided such a vessel to carry out mighty work here on Earth.  He needs us to be healthy and treat the bodies given with respect, love, care and as temples of the Holy Spirit.  You are carrying the Holy Spirit within your heart – protect it.  Sickness occurs, illnesses arise, pain happens; but, daily we can provide what the body needs to remain at best to accomplish God’s work.  Fill your vessel with positivity, nourishment, activity and love; but, most importantly, fill your heart with Truth daily!    

One way I continue the renewal process reveals itself in the following pictures. . .

Building up the next generation, teaching them about our great and mighty God, handing them the tools for survival in this broken world and laughing till it hurts renews my heart!  Thank you God for my blessings and joy given each day through them!

Live life. . .One Day at a Time

Sheree Craig    

Saturday, July 9, 2016

Mom Arm

The Mom Arm. . .do you have one?  You know, the arm that automatically extends to whichever side the child walks/sits when danger threatens.  My mom made great use of the Mom Arm when braking in the vehicle as I sat passenger.  Often times not needed, but still extension occurred.  I even wore a seat belt serving the same purpose of the Mom Arm; yet, the extension occurred.  I never understood the concept. . .until the other day.

We walked out of church venturing to the vehicle when I heard the sound of another vehicle reversing.  Immediately, the Mom Arm extended to the left where my son walked in a silly manner, singing along some crazy song and just enjoying the moment.  Never did he see or hear the vehicle reversing.  There was no backup beeper or anything, just the sound of the engine in use.  Granted, the vehicle was feet away, backed up and pulled out without even coming into our vicinity; but, the thoughts raced through of what if? 

What if thoughts trigger the Mom Arm.  Could my arm really save either of us from injury if a vehicle or wreck took place?  Could my arm have the power to erase any damage, protect from forceful impact or even hold back a rambunctious child determined to run into danger?  Probably not.  But, the instinct is there to protect, stand in the way and do anything known to keep danger away from my children.  When walking along a sidewalk, I prefer my child to be on the inside in case a driver decides to curb check.  When entering darkened territory, I prefer to walk first holding tightly the hand of my child.  When hearing a strange noise, I prefer to go and check while leaving my child in safety.  When seeing a spider anywhere, I prefer screaming for my husband to come and kill it while holding tightly and praying loudly with my child!!!  J

The list goes on and on and on.  The point being that an innate feeling exists to protect our children from harm, pain, sadness, frustration, etc.  We pray diligently for each decision faced, each phase entered and each life lesson learned.  We hover (sometimes too much) over to assure the ‘right’ decision occurs.  We love wholeheartedly.  We cherish completely.  We protect to our best ability.

Guess what, my dear friends?  The moment I extended the Mom Arm the other day, God spoke to me.  It felt as audible as it gets.  He assured me that He extends such an arm daily.  I don’t always see His Arm extended.  I don’t always realize what protection occurred.  I don’t always understand why specific events occurred.  But, I do know that He is there and all things work for the good of those who love Him.  I do know He is my Father, there to protect, cherish and love each and every one of His Children.  Thank you dear Lord for extending Your Arm when needed most. 

I dart out into danger too many times to count.  Thankfully, I have a Father – omniscient, omnipresent and omnipotent – caring for my every day, going ahead of me and preparing the way.  You have that available to you was well.  Accepting Jesus into your hearts activates the Holy Spirit into your every moment and God’s holy angel army works diligently as you invite them to surround you!

Though I know His Arm protects my children, my Mom Arm will continue to automatically extend.  I mean, look at this two. . .

Who wouldn’t want to protect them?  J

Live life. . .One Day at a Time
Sheree Craig   

Wednesday, July 6, 2016

Worry Wobbles

The days of Summer continue to zoom passed.  My son plans for cross country, while my daughter mulls over upcoming challenges and excitement the 2016-2017 school year holds.  I sit and wonder where the time has gone.  My son will enter middle school, stands almost eye to eye with me and continues to take on more responsibility each day.  My daughter boasts character traits of a teenager, enters the 3rd grade and struggles with confidence in the beautiful person God created her to be. 

My mind ventures in all directions as mom.  Worry pushes diligently against faith.  Faith promises each child will be fine in every situation because God protects, cherishes and works all things out for the good of those who love Him.  Worry shouts back that mom knows what these kids need and it is to stay in a bubble at home away from troubles/trials.  Faith confirms these kids need troubles/trials and living amongst society to bring strength, maturity and reliance on God.  Worry screams the memories of pain, sadness and struggles my past reveals; reminding that I do not want these kids to experience the same.  Faith stands firm on Truth.  Worry wobbles on lies. 

Faith or worry, which shall I choose?  Faith never changes.  Faith never leaves.  Faith never lets down.  Worry creates a roller coaster of thoughts dependent on the situation.  Worry comes in the weakest moment and scurries in the presence of strength.  Worry always brings down.

Hmmmmm. . .I really don’t think the decision is difficult.  I place my children in the hands of the One Who knows best.  I ask to be a mere vessel for His Truth to be spoken, lived out and revealed to my children.  He trusted me with these two and believes I am the best mom for them.  With that Truth, I feel blessed and honored beyond words. 

Will I mess up?  Every day!  But, by the grace of God, the faith in Him and planting His Truth in my heart daily, I will make it through.  These kids will know that perfection does not exist.  These kids will know God is the One to look to for acceptance – NOT this world.  In this world we will experience trials, tribulation and a gamut of emotions; but, faith will see us through!

Love these two with all my heart, soul and mind. . . 

Live life. . .One Day at a Time
Sheree Craig   

Sunday, July 3, 2016

Worth It

Remember “for worse,” “in sickness,” and “for poorer”?  These commitments are not meant to slide off the tongue loosely.  Remember the day: dressed in the most elegant outfit, hair beautifully fixed, clean shavin’, everyone gazing upon you and the love of your life.  At that moment, the vows spoken may find it difficult to truly sink in past the thickness of love in the environment.  We cannot fathom the truth behind such vows due to most of such absent in the dating phase. 

Post honeymoon, a glimpse of the “for worse” may begin as living quarters change, life begins together and selfish ways must cease.  Some days “til death due us part” seems impossible.  I had no idea marriage could present such difficult times.  I mean, the couples in the Hallmark movies never experienced such emotions as jealousy, anger, sadness, disappointment or defeat when it came to relationships, right?  

To top the “for worse” off, “for poorer” wedged its way into the equation.  Now, this one is totally in the eye of the beholder.  Interpretation of poor remains dependent on one’s idea of living conditions.  Simplicity can live on very little.  While the other end of the spectrum demands much more.

Oh, and the “for sickness”. . .yeah, been there, done that and still doing that!  My poor husband has endured various sickness with me, such as migraines, seasonal illnesses, procedure recovery, eating disorder, etc.  Thankfully, he stays healthy and cares for the home while I am down and out.  On the flip side of the coin, the enemy uses such difficult times to create a wedge between us; I feel he doesn’t understand the pain or difficult time while he runs ragged taking care of everything.  This leaves two exhausted individuals unable to think clearly.

Marriage is tough to say the least.  No warning can be provided to love struck individuals prior to taking the plunge.  The commitments discussed above have no emergency plan in place.  No drill can be practiced to ensure survival.  One thing remains the key to making it through each day no matter the circumstances: placing God between you and your spouse.  See, my husband and I did not know such information prior to marriage and not until 5 years post ceremony did we begin to get it!  Needless to say, the first 5 years were not pretty.  Then, we found the missing factor that assured joy, laughs, survival, good memories, etc.

Do we get it right every day?  NO!  But, we know where to turn when we feel our feet slipping.  We know Who is missing when times seem impossible to endure.  We know where to look for advice, guidance, answers and the emergency plan! 

Marriage is tough to say the least.  But, God understands and He loves you so much!  You are worth it and His child deserves the best treatment from the spouse chosen.  You are worth it and God intends for two to become one with love exemplified daily (read 1 Corinthians 13 over and over and over)!  Did I mention, you are worth it!  Be you, love you and love your spouse the way God intended!  Live up to the commitments made that day (and you better remember the date ;-)         

Marriage is tough. . .BUT, marriage is awesome. . .

Live life. . .One Day at a Time

Sheree Craig    

Saturday, July 2, 2016

Etched Memories

What should take 8 hours ended in 12 hours.  A few minor obstacles increased the length: punctured tire requiring replacement, overflowing bladders, traffic standstill, etc.  Though we longed to be home, we made the best of this long journey.  Laughter filled the vehicle as the children said the funniest things.  Conversation occurred between my husband and I as snoring filled the backseat.  Memories added as we shared stories along the road, glanced at the scenery and endured mentioned obstacles.

Along the way, we reminisced about the wonderful vacation.  Feeling blessed to have such opportunity, we spoke of our fondest moments.  Brayson shared about hitting home run wiffle balls into the pool at Brooklyn while visiting Cooperstown, NY.  He enjoyed our mother/son date in New York City at the 9/11 museum/memorial.  And He won't forget taking pictures with the presidents at the Nationals game in DC.

Brooklyn loved Dreamspark in Cooperstown, seeing where all the players stayed, the numerous ball fields and all the events going along with it.  She hated the walking in NYC, but found the steps worth it when making it to the M&M store.  Her eyes gazed upon the wall of color, imagining her mouth tasting each one of those chocolates.  Her favorite memory of DC was traveling over to the Orioles game and witnessing a grand slam.

Brian and I enjoyed seeing these kids have a blast despite a few moments of sibling rivalry and hanger during the miles walked in the cities visited (mostly the hanger came from me).  Him and I enjoyed the campsite in Cooperstown and our picnic by Ostego Lake where we fed the ducks, amazed at the rivalry to get the food.  At one point, all the ducks were going for it and a bird swooped in for the steal (we laughed so hard we cried).  We enjoyed the boat ride in NYC to visit the Statue of Liberty.  We also loved taking in the 360 degree view from the World Trade Center (100 floors high).  Lastly, in DC, our favorite was Arlington cemetery and the Changing of the Guards.

These memories will last a lifetime!  So blessed to have these three in my life and smile when reflecting on our days spent together. . .

Baseball Adventures

Three different campgrounds:  Hartwick Highlands - Cooperstown, Liberty Hills - Jersey City and Cherry Hill - Maryland 

Putt-Putt rivalry x5

Captured moments in DC

Praise God for safe travels, many memories and the opportunity to take this trip!  Better than Blessed!

Sidenote:  We were able to complete our A-Z selfie scavenger hunt!  It was so much fun searching throughout the trip for each one.

Live life. . .One Day at a Time
Sheree Craig