Wednesday, June 8, 2016

Our Sandlot

The entrance of our home appeared less than inviting.  Gaudy bushes filled with thorny little prickly portions made for a nasty cut if touched.  The bush became our Sandlot, consuming numerous baseballs, wiffleballs and random playground balls.  Little effort was taken to retrieve any that went inside.  

The time arrived to say goodbye to our Sandlot.  Believe me, no tears were shed by any family member.  A good friend runs a landscaping business and kindly removed the bushes plus another one blocking the view out our front window.  He did amazing and our hearts filled with thanks when arriving home to see the entrance transformed.  Goodbye Sandlot. . .Hello Beauty!

The bushes grew deep roots over the years, establishing a home while continuing to grow.  The roots required large, mighty machinery to remove completely so as to never return again.  We could not do this on our own.  The larger source must be sought out to rid of such roots forever!

Are you seeking root removal in your life?  Is the appearance of your heart less than inviting due to pain, sadness and suffering?  Do roots of harsh memories run deep into your heart and soul?  Has your heart and soul became a Sandlot stealing the joy that could be experienced each day?

Time to uproot!  The One True Source required for such removal is available to all!  Hey, the even better part. . .IT'S FREE!  Unfortunately, patience is required.  Those roots are stubborn due to the years allowed for growth.  God can and will be there with every yank and pull.  Once removed, clarity, freedom, joy, peace and purpose appear.  Goodbye bondage. . .Hello life!

Still in question about the timing to uproot?  Well, my dear friends, let me show you my biggest motivation to continue such process in my life. . .

The creativity my son displays!  A fort out of cardboard boxes.

The entertainment my daughter offers!  Her latest skill. . .cup sports stacking.

Your life is worth it!  It is not easy, but POSSIBLE with the strength God will offer each day. 

Live life. . .One Day at a Time.
Sheree Craig

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