Monday, June 27, 2016

Moment of Weakness

“When life hits you out of nowhere, barely leaves you holding on. . .”  Due to excruciating pain in the lower portion of my mouth, all four wisdom teeth required extraction.  I decided to schedule such a procedure prior to vacation in order to prevent such pain to follow along a two-week adventure with the family.

Post procedure, I followed every instruction precisely in hopes to be back to normal and ready for vacation (3 days post-op).  I had a fantastic crew of nurses answering each request written on a communication notepad.  Swelling increased, ability to eat decreased, talking agitated the site, smiling was out of the question and pain killers depleted energy.  I can understand two days of this, but it did not end.

“When you’re tired of fighting. . .”  Tired may be minimizing such a time as this.  I was exhausted.  My body fought for physical healing; yet, another battle arose with greater power.  Emotionally, I broke down hour by hour.  I never would have imagined a minor procedure could be used to manipulate, trigger, destroy and defeat.  The enemy is conniving, stealer of joy, killer of progress and evil beyond description.  Amongst the storm, the enemy hit me out of nowhere. . .
Inability to smile brought sadness
Being stared at in public due to swelling/bruising brought insecurity
Eating patterns (or lack thereof) brought weakness
Pain brought frustration
Inability to continue normal activity brought anger

The enemy came in, grabbed opportunity and began destruction of spirit.  One thought at a time, the enemy used such a time to kill any progress.  My feet began to falter, veering toward an old beaten path of the past.  I never would have imagined a minor procedure could trigger old behaviors/thoughts to become louder than Truth.  My eating disorder wanted so badly to fight for me and numb all this physical imbalance and calm a temporary storm. 

“When you’re on your knees and answers seems so far away. . .just be held.”  Thankfully, the Holy Spirit spoke louder, clearer and bolder.  I prayed, prayed, prayed and prayed some more through ever searing pain, every moment of weakness and every tear that fell.  The emotions ran rampant as each day passed.  There were days I lost the battle completely; but, God never left my side.  God continued to fight, used each family member as a vessel to speak Truth into my fogged thoughts and offered patience throughout.  God never quit even when I did. 

With addictions, you never know what storm in life could trigger/entice thoughts to seek old patterns.  Recovery is a journey filled with ups and downs.  Each day presents differently, providing recognition of various triggers which to prepare and stand guard.  Placing the full armor of God protects from such triggers.  I failed throughout this time to put in place the pieces of armor and the enemy attacked hard. Thankfully, my prayer warriors fought for me and God moved in mighty ways to carry me through. 

A setback in recovery?  Nope, just a time of strengthening, growing and learning.  Thank you God for not giving up on me, shifting my feet back on the path leading to You and being louder than the enemy.  Thank you God for recovery, patience, love, peace and joy. 

I am better than blessed. . .

Live life. . .One Day at a Time

Sheree Craig   

Quotations taken from Casting Crowns song, "Just be Held."

Thursday, June 23, 2016


Vacation: a time used to forget about troubles, escape ‘real life’, spend hard earned money and bond with loved ones.  Everyone needs such a time described.  The mundane can weigh heavily one’s shoulder.  Stress: an unhealthy state of emotion that wreaks havoc in life.  Vacation works diligently to delete stress from the body, mind and soul. 

Nowadays, stress packs itself up and joins in on our vacation in the form of emails, texts, calls and FaceBook.  There is no escaping. . .or is there?

Unplugged: avoiding any device requiring a charge to function.  Ahhhh. . .did you feel that heavy burden lift off?  Or, did you totally just go into a panic attack?  Either way, unplugged is for you.  Now, I understand devices come in use for work, to assure safe arrival, keeping on track with schedules, bonding through electronic conversations, etc.; but, that does not mean you need to be available 24/7.  Why wait until vacation to escape and relax?  The world will not end if you put down the device for an hour a day. 

Look at your schedule and place a time away to become unplugged.  Even for thirty minutes.  What will you do?  Read (you know, a book with paper and ink), color (adult coloring is super relaxing), enjoy nature, breathe, walk, pray, rest, soak in some sun. . .the possibilities are endless.  Unplugged plays a vital role in our health.  Experiencing joy without society’s opinion/advice creates happiness inside and decreases the risk for depression or anxiety. 

Here are some pics of our latest moments unplugged (minus taking the picture with our phone): 

Watching America's favorite pastime @ Cooperstown Dreamspark and swimming @ the campground!

Brooklyn's favorite playground equipment (oh to be a kid again) - JumpARoo

No words needed!

Baseball Hall of Fame

Lunch by the lake - entertainment provided by watching the ducks fight over Bugles.  Funny moment - threw a Bugle in, as the ducks flocked to it a black bird swooped in and stole it from them all!

Cup stacking in the middle of Wal-Mart isle! - She is addicted!

Just us!  Hanging out with this crew takes all my cares away!  LOVE THEM

Live life. . .One Day at a Time
Sheree Craig    

Sunday, June 19, 2016

Life Interrupted

What a whirlwind kind of week.  The days did not go as originally planned.  The itinerary called for preparation to leave on vacation, finishing up needed paperwork, a trip to a local waterpark and my son participating in basketball camp.  Well, in came an emergency, wrecking all those plans. 

Come to find out, the pain taking over my mouth required a tooth extraction.  Being a wisdom tooth, the surgeon desired to take all four out at this time.  Totally fine with this idea, I moved quickly to get the appointment done prior to leaving for vacation at the end of the week.  Therefore, I had three days to get 6 days’ worth of work done.  The kids did wonderful in changing around the planned events and helping with packing.  The day of surgery I could not eat/drink 8 hours prior and it was not until the afternoon; therefore, that time was spent cleaning the house and distraction with chores.  All is good.

Following surgery, I was down for a while.  I literally was helpless.  I had to rely on my family to help with all sorts of minor tasks.  The first night I could not even walk down our steps alone due to anesthesia wearing off.  I learned quite a few lessons the three days following surgery. . .

Prayer is powerful – many prayed for me to ease anxiety, come out of anesthesia without complications and for smooth recovery.  I felt every one of those prayers.  God continued to place Scripture in front of me the day of surgery when anxiety flew through the roof.  No complications arose due to anesthesia and recovery is still going as expected.

My family is the best – my daughter has not left my side throughout recovery and expresses great amount of empathy toward the situation.  My son continues to help out whenever asked without grumbling or complaining.  My husband continues to help even though he has a hefty schedule of his own.  Extended family continued to call and check on me daily and help out in any way.

Being quiet can be a good thing – It hurt when making the motion to talk; therefore, I wrote down conversation on a notepad.  I realized some things need not be said and some battles need not fought.  My children survived their spats without referee mom intervening (due to the fact that I could not speak sternly or discipline with my swollen mouth).  It was eye opening.  Silence can be a very good thing (I am sure my husband will agree).  J

Many lessons come when emergencies occur, surgery takes place, illness strikes or itineraries change.  First and foremost – PRAY.  God will help you see through the fog of any situation.  He will hold your hand through it all.  Keeping emotions hidden or situations covered up only breeds ground for the enemy to strike.  Reach out to others for prayer through this life.  God created us to work together.  If not your family, close friends or neighbors.  Don’t do this alone. 

Sometimes in the still quiet moments God speaks loudly.  Sit at the Cross and listen.  He will speak and guide.  He will edit actions/words to lead down the path planned for you.

I am still not out of the clear; but, so thankful for all who came alongside and helped me through this situation.

We went to a local park for distraction the day before surgery. . .

They were worn out!

Yes, I did post such an awful picture.  Top one prior to surgery with my nurse!  Bottom left post surgery day 1, then bottom right post surgery day 2.  Day 3 looks much better and swelling is decreasing!  YAY!  Praise God.

Live life. . .One Day at a Time

Sheree Craig    

Wednesday, June 15, 2016

One Day Will Not Do

Father’s Day may be a day filled with love, memories, pictures viewed, gifts presented/made from the heart and a nice dinner together.  For others, the day may fill with tears, regrets, resentment, anger and mixed emotions leaving a person feeling empty.  Hallmark holidays go either way with most.  Think about it: Valentine’s Day, Mother’s Day, Sweetest Day, etc.  Emotions run rampant, all over the spectrum during these celebrations.  Does the card company, candy company and flower business really struggle that much to require creation of such days?

Should we only celebrate our Earthly father’s one day a year?  Should we only give mom a break and express appreciation one day a year?  Should our loved one receive showering of love only one day a year?  In case you were wondering the correct answer is NO!

Trust me, Mother’s Day is much appreciated and I love the extra attention from my family; but, they help with chores daily, hug constantly, love wholeheartedly (even when I am having a “moment”) and provide gifts here and there that warm the heart.  My husband receives the same treatment.  The family unit need be connected daily, building one another up and expressing the love shared.  If love does not exist or the only words shared tear down, then one day a year will not repair such damage. 

Just as our Heavenly Father cannot connect with us through only a visit on Christmas and Easter; relationships cannot reach full potential with only one celebration a year.  Every day His Word needs read and placed in the heart of believers in order to be carried out fully.  Every day He needs to hear your voice, embrace and walk alongside you.  Imagine avoiding any conversation with a spouse, child or loved one 6 days a week; but, giving them 1-2 hours of attention 1 day a week.  How would that relationship function?  I bet we all have that family member we only see on Christmas and possibly Easter. . .how close is that relationship? 

Let us take every day to celebrate our loved ones, go to our True Father for guidance and grow closer to our Creator.

The Craig kids and I have been nourishing our relationship tons lately:

Snow cones and wiffle ball at church:

Late night golf cart ride around the campground:

And some fun around town (A-Z selfie scavenger hunt):
Aurora for A!

We had to choose Ice Cream for the I for sure!

Going around town wore them out - Napping for N!

Quiet for Q - the way to be in a library!

Look here, we found a Wheel for W!

To end the hunt, a Zip-code will do quite nicely for Z!

Many other pictures exist obviously, but too many to post!  Have a blessed Wednesday.

Live life. . .One Day at a Time

Sheree Craig    

Sunday, June 12, 2016


Have you ever looked forward to a specific event?  Excitement builds as time comes closer to the event.  Whatever happens between the present and the scheduled event seems to be handled with ease.  Your mind is set on what is to come.

My husband and I placed an overnight date on the calendar.  My excitement built, knowing the getaway was soon.  I love my kids and all; but, this date was long overdue.  The day before, pain entered the scene in my gum area.  I don’t take medicine often; therefore, tried other measures to relieve the pain.  Date day arrived and the pain increased.  Tylenol would not even touch it.  I ranked it off the charts.  Really?!?  What perfect timing! 

I ignored, distracted, downed Tylenol (easing the pain down to about a 6) and moved on with the planned date.  I enjoyed time spent with my husband, but not to the fullest.  I worked diligently to ease the pain.  I was bound and determined not to allow some tooth pain to steal the joy of this moment. 

Alongside daily living, a joy stealer exists. . .the enemy prowls around waiting to devour.  Stand firm today and have no allowance for the enemy to enter the scene.  He works diligently to ruin the moment.  Thankfully, our God already defeated the enemy.  We have a specific Place to look forward to as we accept Jesus as Lord and Savior.  Excitement will build as we keep focus on the plans He holds for our future.  The momentary trials and troubles can easily be handled knowing full well this is temporary.  Once arrived, our Eternal Home offers joy, peace, love and is void of any pain and sorrow. 

Where are your eyes focused?  Though we do not know the day or time, we can be assured, as God’s children, that the day will come when we meet Him face to face.  This world can bring all kinds of chaos, sadness and difficulties; but, our God will bring us through and continually wait in excitement to hold us again.  He loves you!  He sent His only Son to die for you!  Don’t allow the enemy a foothold to steal the joy of this moment and the promise He offers.  Focus on Eternity NOT the enemy!

I stood firm, not allowing pain to steal such joy planned this past week (sending LOTS of prayers up along with a few tears):

Celebrated Best Friend’s Day – Baked cookies to make ice cream sandwiches and visited a local park!

Celebrated 1st place!

Celebrated Marriage Day – Date night at the Cincinnati Reds game, dinner and ice cream on Fountain Square!

Swimming at the campground!

Live life. . .One Day at a Time

Sheree Craig    

Wednesday, June 8, 2016

Our Sandlot

The entrance of our home appeared less than inviting.  Gaudy bushes filled with thorny little prickly portions made for a nasty cut if touched.  The bush became our Sandlot, consuming numerous baseballs, wiffleballs and random playground balls.  Little effort was taken to retrieve any that went inside.  

The time arrived to say goodbye to our Sandlot.  Believe me, no tears were shed by any family member.  A good friend runs a landscaping business and kindly removed the bushes plus another one blocking the view out our front window.  He did amazing and our hearts filled with thanks when arriving home to see the entrance transformed.  Goodbye Sandlot. . .Hello Beauty!

The bushes grew deep roots over the years, establishing a home while continuing to grow.  The roots required large, mighty machinery to remove completely so as to never return again.  We could not do this on our own.  The larger source must be sought out to rid of such roots forever!

Are you seeking root removal in your life?  Is the appearance of your heart less than inviting due to pain, sadness and suffering?  Do roots of harsh memories run deep into your heart and soul?  Has your heart and soul became a Sandlot stealing the joy that could be experienced each day?

Time to uproot!  The One True Source required for such removal is available to all!  Hey, the even better part. . .IT'S FREE!  Unfortunately, patience is required.  Those roots are stubborn due to the years allowed for growth.  God can and will be there with every yank and pull.  Once removed, clarity, freedom, joy, peace and purpose appear.  Goodbye bondage. . .Hello life!

Still in question about the timing to uproot?  Well, my dear friends, let me show you my biggest motivation to continue such process in my life. . .

The creativity my son displays!  A fort out of cardboard boxes.

The entertainment my daughter offers!  Her latest skill. . .cup sports stacking.

Your life is worth it!  It is not easy, but POSSIBLE with the strength God will offer each day. 

Live life. . .One Day at a Time.
Sheree Craig

Monday, June 6, 2016

School's Out

School's Out for the Summer!  

The good times began rolling in the moment the bell rang on May 26th at 2:45 PM.  The kids excelled this year in academics, faced hard life lessons and portrayed their faith in Jesus with every trial.  This momma is filled with mixed emotions due to the phases each child now sits.  I have a child entering middle school, beginning a Show Choir career, standing almost at eye level and showing signs of maturity which fill my heart up completely.  I have another child well beyond years in academics, straight 'beast' on the basketball court and creating about ten gray hairs a day in my 'youthful' color.

I absolutely love each of them and teeter from fear to joy as they grow each day.  I wish I could tell them all this world will throw at them and shelter from the storms.  The worst about being a momma; watching my children learn life lessons for themselves.  You can hurt me all day long; but, when you hurt my children, the angry momma bear comes out.  The children experienced hurt from close friends this year.  Long talks concerning Where to put trust in this life, Who to lean on for Truth and their Creator flowed through the Craig home many nights.  We made it through as a team.

Some highlights since school let out:
Project Challenge acceptance for both children. . .

My daughter transformed via brand new haircut:

We had a blast at a local beach with my sister and her family:

BTW: still applying aloe to the red skin!

AND last but not least . . . overdue DATE NIGHT:

My husband preached at church on Sunday (excellent message on words flowing off the tongue) - I believe he was speaking directly to me!  :-)
We finished up our 24 day challenge and will now continue on product from Advocare:
Results pleased me:  Lost 1 inch off stomach, maintained weight, returned to healthy digestive system, mental fog removed and gained strength.  
1 inch lost + maintained weight = muscle gained!

Have a blessed day.  Celebrate the life you are given today!  

Live life. . .One Day at a Time!
Sheree Craig


Saturday, June 4, 2016

Enjoy You

Summer Break is finally here. . .

In comes lots of cookouts, campfires and cold treats.  The temptations surround each event.  How can staying on track be incorporated into the summer months?  How can we continue to choose the best nutrients for our bodies when taste buds scream for sugar filled goodness on a cone?  How can we remain comfortable in the summer wardrobe while enjoying company around the campfires?

We could duct tape our mouths shut upon arrival at cookouts.  We could hide away in the camper during late night campfires.  We could avoid all situations revolving around ice cream.

OR we could enjoy the people involved in each activity mentioned above.
Stay on track with a few tips listed below:

- Eat a hearty, healthy snack prior to any cookout.
- Stick with fresh cooked/raw vegetables and fruits when filling your plate.
- Bring a dish made with whole foods, reduced sugar and hearty grains to assure healthy options.
- Have that ice cream or frozen yogurt - just don't have the largest size.
- Choose plain ice cream and top with fresh fruit, unsweetened coconut or >85% chocolate bar.
- Skip out on the S'Mores and engage in good conversation with the person next to you.

Okay, okay, I know none of this is easy.  I struggle in each area mentioned above.  But, I also know willpower lay in each of us.  Life is more than food.  Events hold greater purpose than to eat.  And relationships outweigh 30 seconds of pleasure.

Enjoy YOU this summer.  Rock out the swimwear and stay on track with your health.  You are given one body, care for it and enjoy the day set before you!

Looking to begin a better path when choosing foods?  Have a desire to feel better physically?
I just completed another 24 Day challenge with awesome Advocare products and feel phenomenal.  You can too.  It is a simple lifestyle change, laying a wonderful foundation for the body to begin utilizing every nutrient received.

Message me for more information!  I would love to come alongside and help you be the best you!

Live life. . .One Day at a Time
Sheree Craig