Sunday, January 24, 2016

It’s all about that food, ‘bout that food. . .

BUT don’t worry.

You sang that, right?  Don’t lie.

When it comes to the foods chosen to provide required energy each day, two things matter: time and type.  For years, meal by meal, we chose amounts based on feeling.  We chose amounts based on what servings came from the restaurant kitchen.  For years, day by day, we listened to society cramming fad diet after fad diet in our face.  One says stay away from carbohydrates.  Another says fat increases fat cells in the body.  And yet, another says restriction is the route to take. 

Hold on to your seats, I am about to bring light to such a chaotic storm of information.  Our bodies require food.  Would you drive a car containing enough gasoline to travel 50 miles when your destination is 100 miles away without a gas station in site?  The plans in our day consist of numerous activities.  In order to make it through, we need energy.  And the right kind of energy. 

Each of our systems requires different nutrients to function and must receive it DAILY.  Also each system must experience rest.  Hindrances include stress, malnutrition, gluttony, purging, illness and overflowing itineraries leaving little room for restful sleep.  After experiencing these hindrances, environmental stress or time period of strain on our bodies; we lose the ability in our brains to recognize hunger cues.  Here is where timing plays a major role in reclaiming our health.  Clean the slate and beginning the re-feeding process.  Every 3-4 hours EAT.  This process allows for constant flow of energy supplying each system to function and work properly.

Serving sizes must be learned.  Our eyesight diminished over the years as feelings took over.  We lost the ability to judge a serving size with the eye.  Refeeding our bodies every 3-4 hours with proper serving sizes will keep the body in balance, fueled to conquer the day and metabolism working properly.  Metabolism will fizzle if left alone for too long; then, when fed, takes way too long to get going again.  Prevent the metabolism from sleeping by eating every 3-4 hours, keeping it awake and working diligently for you.

Okay, so now for type.  Take a moment and read the following sentence repeatedly until it sinks in and overpowers society’s lies.  “IT IS NOT ABOUT COUNTING CALORIES, IT IS ABOUT MAKING CALORIES COUNT!”

My dear friends, quit living by a number.  Eating whole foods with limited animal protein and increased vegetable protein releases the burden of numbers.  Your body knows exactly how to process whole foods.  You were beautifully and wonderfully made to survive on these foods, not some knock off created in a factory.  The added chemicals, processing and artificial substances confuse the body; therefore, slowing down all systems and revealing damage through multiple signs and symptoms. 

Take home for today:  Eat every 3-4 hours whole foods and proper servings.  You are not a number and you need not live up to a number.  You are You!  You were created for a plan and a purpose.  Fueling the body in proper timing, listening to what the body needs and responding accordingly will provide the requirements to serve such a purpose. 

Reaching optimal health. . .One Day at a Time!

Sheree Craig

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