Wednesday, July 31, 2019

A New Name

Okay, so, I did this thing.  I have thought this out for a few years now.  I had a tattoo placed on my right forearm.  I know, I know. . .it is permanent. Am I going to regret this in five years?  That is ink going into my body.  I get it; but, this tattoo holds powerful meaning.  I am reminded whenever I glance down at my forearm of the journey I continue to travel. . .only in God’s strength mind you.

After having the tattoo placed, healing follows.  I had to wash it 3-4 times per day and apply Aquafor to the site.  I experienced swelling, pain, itching and it took work to continue the healing process.  I had to avoid swimming, water running over it in the shower (try doing everything with your non-dominant hand) and hot tubs.  While sleeping, caution was required to keep any pressure from the site.  Basically, treat it like an open wound.

I was impatient.  I wanted the end product; but, did not want to go through the healing process.  How ironic!

I chose this tattoo to represent the healing journey thus far in life; yet, I struggled to be patient for a week in the healing of the tattoo.  I have walked the path of healing for 11 years now.  Along the way, I experienced relapse, heartache, physical pain, frustration, depression, anxiety and it took work to continue daily.  My patience grew thin.  I desired the end product – a healed body, soul and mind – but, did not want to go through the healing process.

Have you ever felt the way I describe above?  We are impatient by nature.  It is that impatience that we need to lay at the Cross and trust in God’s timing.   Healing, maturity and growth in Christ cannot be rushed. 

If I fast forwarded my healing journey, I would have missed out on learning how to handle triggers.  I would lack the tools required to get up daily and choose recovery.  The friendships gained would be lost. 

The journey matters.  The process through struggle creates the beauty.

The stages of tattoo healing begin with redness, swelling and scabs forming over the tattoo.  The first reveal, four hours after receiving the tattoo, appeared vibrant in color and beautiful.  The scabbing deadens the beauty.  The redness catches the eye more than the message of the tattoo.  The ugly stages of healing must take place for the true beauty of the tattoo to reveal.

My healing journey has been ugly.  At first, the choice of recovery appeared wonderful and enticing.  Then the daily battle deadens the beauty of freedom.  The struggle overpowers the desire to keep taking a step forward.  Defeat dims the Light guiding my footsteps.  Looking back, I realize the ugly stages of this healing journey must take place to reveal the beauty of who God created me to become.  The ugly stages created strength.

Just as this tattoo heals and I choose to care for it each day; I need to choose to care for my healing journey daily.  Life, this side of Heaven, will continue to present trials.  I must choose to remain on the path of healing and remember how far I have come.  I am not backing down without a fight!

The tattoo reminds me that I am worth this journey.  God has mighty plans, even with the messy past I present to Him.  I am Enough!  The devil tries to label me unworthy.  The world continues to reject.  This life will always disappoint.  Looking at my new tattoo, I remember that I am enough.  God revealed this word to describe the me that wakes up everyday choosing to remain on the healing journey.

What word has God revealed to you?  What keeps you traveling the path created for you?  You are worthy my dear friend.  You are enough!  Work through the struggle, through the healing and continue to take one step at a time.
Live life. . .One Day at a time! 
Sheree Craig