Thursday, June 13, 2019

Live on Purpose

Discontent:  restless aspiration for improvement

Are you where you want to be?  At this moment, in this chapter of your life, do you feel each day leads your purpose? 

With social media on the rise, removing the in-person conversations in life and consuming free time of most; discontent becomes life’s motto.  Pictures of “perfect families” cause us to seek improvement for our own family.  Filters cause us to tear ourselves down based on an image of another.  Career moves celebrated all over the internet leads us to question our own. 

We live in a time saturated with restless aspiration for improvement.  Waking up on the daily cramming our minds with comparison thoughts.  Spending hours nitpicking our flaws, sends us in a tailspin of displeasure.  We spend more time in attempt to bridge the gap of differences among each other than building on our unique skills, purpose and plan set before us by our Creator. 

Society places emphasis on titles, monetary intake and image to deem a person worthy or purposeful in life.  This is a lie!  We each hold a specific purpose in life setup before we even entered the world.  God began forming our purpose in the womb, touching every fiber of our bodies and placing every characteristic perfectly to fulfill your purpose.

13For you created my inmost being;
    you knit me together in my mother’s womb.
14 I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made;
    your works are wonderful,
    I know that full well.
  Psalm 139:13-14

This moment you live is full of purpose.  You are fearfully and wonderfully made!  Here in this era for a purpose.  God continually matures our character to progress through the journey planned for our lives.  We must look to Him, not the world, for purpose.  Looking to the world only sends us on a wayward path away from purpose. 

No matter your position, title, circumstance or age. . .you have a purpose today.  Seek His Truth.  Shine His light on others.  Love like today were your last opportunity to love someone.  Be you, progressing down the path of spiritual maturity with each passing moment. 

Avoid worldly discontent.  Embrace spiritual discontent in a sense that you continue to aspire for improvement in representing Jesus daily.  Aspire to live His Truth out on the daily.  He will come in and show His power in each hour lived as you make the efforts to remain on the path laid by your Creator. 

Not every chapter is easy in life.  God will use it to strengthen, provide peace in the struggle and shine His light in the darkness.  Trust me dear friends, He is always present .  I can make testament to such Truth.  I recently went very dark for quite some time.  I couldn’t see Him, hear Him or believe He would find purpose in the situation I faced.  I lost words to pray.  The only thing that could come out of my mouth was, “Help me Jesus.”  Tears shed daily, I was exhausted and ready to quit.  He showed up.  He placed loved ones in my pathway to listen, pull me from the pit and get some help.

I am still uncertain of the purpose in the cards dealt at this moment of life; but, I continue to cling to the One who will lead me there.  Take each day one hour at a time, taking one step at a time forward.  God will come in and strengthen your walk and use the situation for His good.  Believe that dear friends and you live out your purpose.

Live life. . .One Day at a time! 
Sheree Craig