I love the theme of this year’s NEDA Eating
Disorder awareness week. . .
The theme feels inviting. It is a theme I would love to present each
day to those I meet. I want invite
others into my life in a ‘come as you are’ manner. Zero judgement. Zero expectations. Zero negativity.
We all come with burdens, sadness, wounds from
the past and overwhelmed in life. Some
possess greater coping skills than others.
Some protect self from effects of the world. Some keep strong, steady movements down the
path laid for their lives.
BUT, some have no clue how to cope, manage
life, protect their thoughts or remain steady each day. It is a learning process in life. If no one exists to educate during the formidable
years, an individual goes at life on their own.
They may have friends and even have excellent parents; but, when life
hits them and they lack coping skills, a risk exists for destruction.
In comes depression, eating disorders,
addiction, anxiety, suicide, etc. The
struggle is real. People hurt every
day. Life only increases in
difficulty. Coping skills remain nonexistent.
Zero judgement
We can not judge another because we are one
decision away from entering the path they travel. Life could hit us in the same way. We have no clue the pain felt or the life the
other experiences. Stop the
judgements. Accept others, love them to
where they need to be for optimal health and simply give them a smile. Everyone needs to receive at least one smile
a day. 😊
Zero expectations
Failure is a given. No one is perfect. In recovery, failure appears often. Stop expecting the other person to be ‘fixed’
overnight. It took years, days, months
and hours of struggle for the other person to have reached a point of such
destruction and pain. Offer grace with
every encounter. Open your eyes to their
progress, desire and tiny glimmer of hope.
There is hope for everyone; love them so they can see that hope.
Zero negativity
Even when you want to pull your hair out as
you watch the other person take a step toward destruction AGAIN; stay positive
for them. The last thing the other needs
is ANOTHER negative thought or comment placed in their minds. Speak life into them. Speak joy into their situation. And when words just won’t come, embrace
them. Your loving touch will be exactly
what they needed.
Bruised. Battered. Depressed.
Destroyed. Discouraged.
You are NEVER too far or too much for
recovery. You deserve recovery. You deserve to live. There is a mighty purpose in life for
you. Remaining in silence prevents the beautiful
life planned for you to come to fruition.
Reach out. Speak out. Help is available and you are loved! You are worth it!
Live life. . .One Day at a
Sheree Craig