Monday, December 31, 2018

Join Now. . .a Judgement Free Life

Planet Fitness prides themselves on maintaining a “Judgement Free Zone”.  They plastered reminders on every wall.  PF = no critics on one wall; Judgement Free Zone on another; and, Reminders of clothing restrictions on another.  The company draws in large crowds of all people. 

The world could benefit by following in the footsteps of Planet Fitness.  Just think about going to a judgement free workplace, grocery store, shopping mall and church.  Judgement kills a spirit.  Judgement comes in many forms; be it body language, written or verbal.  All judgement scars the heart of the receiver. 

The scars of judgement alter the interactions in this world.  We shop online, order groceries and pick them up in the parking lot, work in a cubicle while staring at a computer all day and we avoid church.  We don’t feel ‘good enough’ to socialize, be seen in public or attend a church service.  The younger generation hide behind filtered images, Facebook posts and texting.  We are scared to reveal the real us due to judgement.

Judgement leads to rejection.  Rejection leads to seclusion.  Seclusion leads to darkness.  Darkness leads to the enemy taking over our thoughts/spirit. 

Judgement:  the process of forming an opinion or 
evaluation by discerning and comparing. 
Call me guilty.  I have formed opinions of others one too many times.  I possess an automatic response to compare my outward appearance to those I meet. 

My dear friends, we have zero knowledge of the struggles, pain or sufferings of those very individuals we judge.  The outside remains a facade.  The posting online filtered and edited prior to sending it.  We hide the struggle of life.  Why?  Fear of judgement.  Let’s stop the madness!

God created each of us in a unique, beautiful and wonderful way.  Our lives, the scars received in the past and every moment given to us holds meaning.  To be judged for completing God’s work is terrible.  We each hold a special place in our spirit that only God can fill.  We strive to be the best each day based on God’s guidance.  When sharing harsh opinions with one another, we shove that opinion into the space where God desires to live in the other person.  We deprive the other person that moment with God by drowning out His voice. 

God’s opinion is the only one that matters in this life.  As followers, we are to point others to His Word.  We are to allow the other person to feel loved as they work to mature in Christ.  Social media can be a great resource to reach thousands; yet, we post without taking that opinion to God first.  The corporate world can feel stale and cold at times as we continue the mundane.  The busy schedules may lead to a ‘what about me’ mentality when trying to survive. 

Let’s step away from the world and into His Truth.  Yes, we must live in this world; but, we don’t have to conform to it.  God can use each of us in mighty ways.  We are not alike – thank God for uniqueness.  I could not handle another me around here!  God placed qualities in each of us to fulfill our specific plan in this world.  Each hold a path filled with daily decisions that lead to Him.  Getting caught up in the opinions of this world will veer us from the path. 

Why does Planet Fitness draw such large crowds?  Judgement Free zone filled with others working toward the same goal – to become the best version of themselves. 

How can we as Christians draw large crowds?  Judgement Free words filled with Truth, love and comfort to others in this world.  We work together toward the same goal – leading others to Christ. 

A Living Sacrifice
12 Therefore, I urge you, brothers and sisters, in view of God’s mercy, to offer your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and pleasing to God—this is your true and proper worship. Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God’s will is—his good, pleasing and perfect will.  Romans 12:1-2

Live life. . .One Day at a time! 
Sheree Craig

Saturday, December 29, 2018

A Treacherous, Rewarding Journey

“Praise be to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of compassion and the God of all comfort, who comforts us in all our troubles, so that we can comfort those in any trouble with the comfort we ourselves receive from God.”  2 Corinthians 1:3-4

Among the challenges in life, do you ever sit back and wonder why:  Why me?  Why now?  Why this?  Often, we follow such questions with how:  How will I get through?

I am a strong believer that everything happens for a reason.  My life depicts hundreds of events that fell into place, though many difficult, for a reason.  The reason remains the same for each; to carry out the plan God prevails on my life. 

Countless times, free will took over and wrong turns taken; but, God gently redirected my feet.  He brought healing to the situation and then used that comfort to help another in life.  His Ways are amazing. 

Each situation of the past paved a way to build my faith.  As faith grew, God moved me to the next level of maturity. . .

December 18, 2003 began the journey toward healing.  With one sentence, the walls crashed, a stubborn heart softened, and surrender released.  The doctor presented an ultimatum:  Admit to the hospital for nutrition or turn around and go home to die from malnutrition.  My frail little body had enough.  I could not carry the weight of the world while running to my eating disorder for survival anymore.  The irony; the very thing used for survival was killing me. 

I chose to stay.  I chose life.  I chose God; though, I only knew Him from a distance, I did know how to pray, and I knew a few prayer warriors.  Their prayers helped open my eyes to life.  Free will guided me to the situation above; but, God remained waiting with an open hand.  He loved me.  He wanted to use this messy past for a ministry to bring others to know Him.

Years have passed since that day.  I won’t sugar coat the journey. . .it has been treacherous.  But, with God, the strength comes each day to choose Him, not the enemy’s plan.  Each layer of recovery presents its own struggle.  Some layers take years to remove.  Some layers have come with regression.  But, each layer provides strength for the next.

I don’t know when the layers will be finished peeling away; but, I am thankful for the person God is fighting for me to become. 

My dear friends, He wants to fight for you in this life.  He wants to carry the burdens, peel back the layers of pain and strengthen you for what’s to come.  God provided a Guide for each of us when He sent His Only Son to die for us.  He provided the Holy Spirit to live within all.  The Holy Spirit helps God be seen at even greater levels in life. 

God sends His mighty warriors to encourage and walk along side in life.  These warriors experienced battle just as you have/are and want to provide empathy.  They listen, comfort and pray continuously.  Keep your eyes and hearts open for His warriors.  He will never leave you alone in sorrow or struggle.

The amazing part about our God. . .He uses you and me as warriors.  He takes what the enemy meant for destruction in life and uses it to bring another out of the darkest pits.  Will you accept Him, believe in Him and follow Him today?  The journey may be treacherous; but, He promises the reward far outweighs it all.  He holds true to His promises. . .ALWAYS! 

16 For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life. 17 For God did not send his Son into the world to condemn the world, but to save the world through him.  John 3:16-17

Live life. . .One Day at a time! 
Sheree Craig

Saturday, December 22, 2018

Add Another Guest to the Invite

I have multiple occasions in the past that God moved mountains.  He carried me through traumatic events.  He provided tools of survival.  And, I did just that. . .survived.  I am in full support that everything happens for a reason.  Although we take advantage of free will; if we include God in decisions, He will work all for His good.

I believe in this Truth.  I have seen this Truth play out in my life continuously.  God saved me from a life of destruction.  God saved me from physical death on a couple occasions.  He is Who He says He is and carries out the promises revealed in the Bible. 

BUT, and there always seems to be a but. . .the scars remain, memories etched in my mind and a door available for the enemy to open.  When the enemy creeps into present situations, he throws out every reason why I won’t make it through this one.  The enemy deems me a failure, unworthy, undeserving and incapable. 

The enemy whispers constantly in the storms of this life.  He tells me: you have gone too far this time; God is tired of helping you; no strength is left; quit fighting, you will lose against me; you deserve this.  The whispers consume each moment and he provides reason backing each lie. 

As the holiday season comes, difficulties in this world arise and the enemy comes in with full force.  The enemy wants to win our hearts.  He wants to distract us from the true meaning of Christmas.  Family turmoil steals your thoughts.  Loss of loved ones destroys joy.  Regrets of the past year drown successes.  Shame blinds you from hope.

Can anyone relate? Each of us hold a story in our hearts.  We may hide the details, providing only a summary to those that listen.  To speak about some events is just too painful.  We are supposed to be all jolly and merry and bright this season, right?  The enemy whispers this lie.  Holidays are hard, no doubt about it.  Own your feelings, they are valid.

The reason for this season gets lost in the meal prep, baking, worldly carols, packing countless events into 31 days and running rampant trying to get the perfect gift.  My dear friends, we miss out on the true meaning.  Stand firm on Truth amongst all the busyness.  Allow God to speak louder than the enemy’s whisper.  Don’t miss this.

God loves you.  He adores you.  He wants you!  He sent His Only Son for ransom to our sins.  This time of year comes to reflect on Truth.  The past year in all its difficulty happened for a reason.  The strength gained from each moment (though you may not feel it right now) will be used to build His Kingdom and better prepare you for Eternal life with Him.  Bring the pain, sadness and struggle to the Cross.  This season reminds us that God cares.

Hold on to the Promise.  God comes in to rescue.  God saves every time.

11 For unto you is born this day in the city of David a Savior, who is Christ the Lord.  Luke 2:11

The enemy doesn’t stand a chance against God.  Refuse to let his whispers open the door of the past that floods you with emotion and blinds from the true meaning of this season.  Ask God into every event on the calendar.  Seek His Truth for words that will mend brokenness.  Enjoy this glorious time of year we reflect on the love of our Creator and the sacrifice made for us. 

Enjoy the memories created this season.  Enjoy the music that praises our Savior.  Enjoy the life given to you.

Live life. . .One Day at a time! 
Sheree Craig

Tuesday, December 18, 2018

Out of the Ordinary

Normal: conforming to a type, standard or regular pattern.  A form or standard.

Do not be conformed to this world,[a] but be transformed by the renewal of your mind, that by testing you may discern what is the will of God, what is good and acceptable and perfect.  Romans 12:2

Conform: to be similar or identical; to give the same shape, outline or contour.

13For you formed my inward parts;
    you knitted me together in my mother's womb.
14 I praise you, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made.[a]
Wonderful are your works;
    my soul knows it very well.  Psalm 139:13-14

The world defines normal a specific way, seeking for all to conform to a set standard or regular pattern.  What is that anyway?  The world rides a roller coaster of “normal’.  An instruction manual does not exist on how to be a normal human. 

Popularity rules in the world; therefore, anyone not conforming or agreeing with popularity is deemed abnormal.  The key areas of judgement for normalcy: fashion, body size, political stance, hairstyle, etc.  All these measures include outward appearance or actions. 

But the Lord said to Samuel, “Do not look on his appearance or on the height of his stature, because I have rejected him. For the Lord sees not as man sees: man looks on the outward appearance, but the Lord looks on the heart.”  1 Samuel 16:7

God sees potential.  The world sees unworthy.  Gods knows the outcome.  The world knows only the present.  God utilizes our past to complete His plan for us.  The world condemns our past and limits our future.

Popularity disappoints!  Conforming to the normal of this broken world stalls the plans of God.  I worked for years to be “normal” without any success.  I did not fit in or measure up to the popular standard of beauty or the busy social life.  I always said the wrong thing, dressed out of style or missed the mark to be ‘cool’.  Years of working to fit in the world’s mold damaged my spirit, sent me running down a path further away from my Savior and wasted a lot of my time. 

Thankfully, God provides instruction on how to follow Him, live as He intended and build His Kingdom.  Your normal is specific to your plan and purpose this side of Heaven.  My normal varies from yours.  Thankfully our Creator selected each of us individually, uniquely providing features and characteristics to fulfill His plan.  This broken world diligently works to steal your uniqueness.  Stand firm on God’s Truth. 

I am abnormal by the world’s standards.  I am working on acceptance of such truth.  By reading His Truth, I gain a glimpse of a bigger purpose than ‘fitting in’ this broken world.  I am here for God and I am noticing He thinks I am stronger than this world deems me.     

Working diligently to follow the normal of this world leads to misery.  Following Jesus leads to joy, purpose and love.  Let’s start a new day being abnormal, going the different path and living our unique purpose in life.  You were wonderfully made.  Nothing about you is a mistake.  Use the uniqueness knitted together by our Creator to build His Kingdom. 

Love to each of you. . .

Live life. . .One Day at a time! 
Sheree Craig

Saturday, December 15, 2018

My Christmas List

What do you want for Christmas? 

Really, what do you want for Christmas?  I was asked this question by the cashier at the grocery.  As a child, my list for Santa grew rather large.  It included clothes, sports equipment, Nintendo games, Gameboy, Computer games, etc.  I hopped up on Santa’s lap, spouted off the gifts, gave reason why I deserved such gifts and walked away in confidence that each gift would be under the tree Christmas morning. 

The morning came.  Santa traveled all night to spread cheer amongst every “good” kid around the world.  I opened each gift in joy and thanksgiving.  By the end of it all, I sat in a pile of wrapping paper, anticipating the day ahead of playing with all these toys.

As the years pass, Santa becomes a fictitious character, gifts come with less surprise and the enjoyment of Christmas morning fizzles a bit.  The gifts still received with joy and thanksgiving; but, now the giver revealed.  I now could hug and thank the giver in the flesh. 

So, coming back to the original question: What do you want for Christmas? 

Growing out of fiction and into reality of the true meaning of Christmas changes my requests.  The story revealed in God’s Word warms the hearts of thousands this season.  Our Creator loved us enough to send the greatest gift of all.  You cannot find this kind of gift in the stores, on Amazon or Craigslist.  You wouldn’t wait in anticipation for Black Friday sales to come, run out into the mob and find this gift.  The gift is beyond special.

God, our Creator, desired a relationship.  He desired to live amongst us.  He loved His Creation and wanted to walk alongside through this rough life.  One evening, many moons ago, Mary and Joseph traveled miles to provide His gift to the world.  A gift we do not earn.  We are offered the gift of salvation simply because He created us.  He wants us just as we are: broken, imperfect and lost.  He does not care of any accomplishments, trophies received, titles behind your name, etc.  He loves you!  He is your Father.

This Christmas, my list remains the same as years past.  I want relationship.  I want to make memories with loved ones and celebrate the blessings given by my Savior.  I want to appreciate the gift He provides. . .Himself. 

The past year has been difficult to say the least and it isn’t over yet; but, this season reminds me that I have Someone much bigger and stronger than any storm I face.  He will see me through.  Reflecting on the storms of the past that He carried me through, my faith grows and I am confident He will do what His promises state in the Bible. 

As the years pass, God reveals Himself to me at a greater level.  He never ceases to amaze me.  With each trial in life, I sit amongst the rubble of the path once traveled.  He begins to create a new path to travel with a stronger step, confident stride and greater faith.  Along this path, He asks one thing . . . to share the gift received to all I meet. 

Whatever your story, He desires you share it with others.  You will be a blessing.  You will spread the gift received and His Kingdom will grow.  As you sit and write out your list this year, remember that you already have all you need.  Go and spread the gift to others at each encounter this season.

Love to each of you this season!
10 And the angel said to them, “Fear not, for behold, I bring you good news of great joy that will be for all the people. 11 For unto you is born this day in the city of David a Savior, who is Christ the Lord. 12 And this will be a sign for you: you will find a baby wrapped in swaddling cloths and lying in a manger.” 13 And suddenly there was with the angel a multitude of the heavenly host praising God and saying,
14 “Glory to God in the highest,
    and on earth peace among those with whom he is pleased!”[a]  Luke 2:10-14

Live life. . .One Day at a time! 
Sheree Craig

Friday, December 14, 2018


I received a phone update.  Well beyond my technological needs, this phone offers convenience and security.  One feature requires the owner’s face to unlock and open full access to the phone.  Setup of such feature demanded a small session of me looking into the phone, turning my head in specific ways and allowing the phone to capture every detail of my face.  I did not see a need for such convenience. . .

. . .until, I started using it.  I love the feature.  Call it lazy or just advanced technology; but, all I must do is look at my phone and it unlocks.  This prevents any other to open and have access to my personal settings/apps/information.  Innovative, yes!  Brilliant, yes!  Flawless, maybe!

One day, my daughter picked up my phone to text her dad.  The phone being locked, she should not be able to enter due to the feature described above.  In comes the questionable perfection of the face recognition feature. 

She was able to unlock the phone with her face and proceed with desired task.  Crazy!  Does she really look that much like me?  If I had a dollar for every person that said, “There is your mini-me,” I would be rich.  Well, guess here is proof.  She continued to test this, and every time unlocked the phone with her face. 

27 So God created man in his own image,
    in the image of God he created him;
    male and female he created them.  Genesis 1:27

Hmmm. . .Do you bear His image?  Through the imperfections, does His character shine through you?  Would others recognize Him in you, deeming you a mini-me?

God, our Creator, touched every fiber of our being while in the womb.  He is in us.  We must choose to accept Him, learn about Him and follow His ways.  Doing this daily, we bear His image. 

My daughter looks like me; yes; but, after 10 years by my side, she also reflects a few of my characteristics.  Her dad would say she reflects too many of my characteristics :-) .  She looks like me, acts like me and even displays the same emotion in situations.  Not all these actions can be learned.  She is a part of me.

We are a part of God.  He dwells in us.  Allow Him to work through you and shine in this world.  The world needs more of His image spread around.  Reflecting His image allows full access to joy, peace, love and comfort.  To reflect His image requires small sessions of reading His Word, praying, listening and learning about Him.

Remember this season, God provided His Only Son to enter the world and offer a gift – Salvation.  Believe in Him.  Accept Him.  Reflect His image today and every day forward.  

Live life. . .One Day at a time! 
Sheree Craig

Wednesday, December 12, 2018

Take that Old Record off the Shelf

I possess expert skills in memorization.  I possess proficient skills in observing.  Both these can be positive attributes; but, with the power of the mind added with stubbornness, the enemy can use these to destroy. 

Rewind back to the dreaded years of middle school/high school.  I received excellent grades, worked hard in school and proved great work ethic; but, my brain used the ability to record information received to ultimately tear me down.  Any negative comment heard, recorded, placed neatly into my thoughts to remain.  Any rejection received, recorded, the image captured in my mind forever.  These accumulated over the years like algebraic formulas or the knowledge of riding a bike. 

Our brains hold onto important information, knowing we will need such in the future.  As the future became the present, I had a lengthy record that played continuously in my thoughts.  With every opportunity, the record played, “You are not good enough”; and, attached a vivid memory, “Remember failing to make the basketball team.”  With every relationship, “You are not worthy of love.”; and, proceeded to list those loved ones that walked out of my life or hurt me.

Reject.  Worthless.  Unattractive.  Overlooked. 

The record played over and over, creating a tainted lens which to view the world.  I wanted to hide, to avoid adding painful memories that fed those beliefs.  The mind overpowered and I followed the path defined by lies. 

There is One stronger than our minds.  There is Truth to create a new path.  There is Hope in life.

One day, the record stopped playing.  A hand reached out and began replacing each lie with Truth.  Again, the mind is powerful, and remember we are working with a stubborn woman here.  But, Truth overpowers stubbornness.  Truth overpowers trials in this world.  Truth overpowers tribulations.  In the end, Truth wins. 

I am approaching my 15th anniversary of that moment I surrendered.  My hands raised in defeat.  I was done living in lies, drowned by my own thoughts and physically dying as a result.  I wanted to live. . .

Little did I know the work required to change a stubborn woman’s 20 year record of thoughts.  One memory at a time, Truth changed the lens which I viewed life.  I began to forgive the little girl for making the decisions which led to nearly killing this grown woman.  I began to forgive those attributing to the record.  I began to live.

Are you stuck in a record of negative thoughts?  Do you view the world through a tainted lens?

My dear friends, I still struggle with lies creeping into my every day thinking.  The enemy works diligently to replay the record of the past, hoping to destroy my present and decide my future.  The record doesn’t totally dissolve away this side of Heaven.  It takes work to remain focused on the Truths God provides for us to live by here on Earth.  It takes an angel army to combat the negativity thrown at us by the enemy.  It takes work.  Work that is well worth it! 

You are worth the work!  When I was in a rehab facility for Anorexia Nervosa, we would say at the end of each session, “It works if you work it and you are worth it!”  God is always there, waiting for us to take hold and display His power in our lives.  We only must accept it and use the Truth provided.  He, then will work all things out for the good!  He never leaves our side. 

God understands imperfection.  He created us.  He knew what He was getting and still created you and me.  We have a purpose here dear friends.  And I can guarantee the purpose is not to sit and replay an old record the enemy produced.  Trust me, I have tried to go back and listen to the old record multiple times since that day I surrendered.  It just doesn’t sound the same.  My mind now holds a louder record filled with Truth!

31 To the Jews who had believed him, Jesus said, “If you hold to my teaching, you are really my disciples. 32 Then you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free.”  John 8:31-32   

Live life. . .One Day at a time! 
Sheree Craig