Bully: a blustering, browbeating person; one who is habitually
cruel, insulting, or threatening to others who are weaker, smaller, or in some
way vulnerable.
I recently sat next to about 300 children at a
convention. We danced, sang, played
countless games, laughed and learned about our God. The room was loud, chaotic, full of energy
and fun. The room provided safety, love
and peace amongst loud. Led by the
exhausted older generation, these children appeared to enjoy every minute of
the day (minus a few arguments and parent-sickness here and there).
One afternoon session centered around bully solutions. The video described a few scenarios
pertaining to bully behavior, then a solution.
Punch back with PRAYER. Pray for
your enemies. Ask God to bless them and
show them the light of Jesus.
I encountered lots of moments in life where my flaws
were used to create a joke for all to laugh.
Here and there little remarks built a definition in my mind of what I
ought NOT to be. These jokes revealed
the changes that must take place to survive this world. I never received a blow to the face,
tormenting that I see now amongst children or 24/7 berating over social media. Kids nowadays cannot leave the bully at
school anymore. The physical and
emotional abuse taking place every day breaks my heart.
The physical presents in outward injury. The emotional presents in inward torment and
pain. I experienced the latter. Years passed, the comments lessened as I hid
from socializing and people moved on with life.
I, on the other hand, built a mighty shell around my heart filled with
lies. The lies formed beliefs. The beliefs solidified.
There you have it, a thick protection around a heart
consumed with worldly view, opinions, insults and torment. Years, I worked diligently to ignore the
painful words that my heart continually messaged to my thoughts. Years, I hid behind a hard layer of fake
happiness. Years, I ran from the bullies
in this world; yet, constantly faced the same one every moment of every day!
The bully I faced could not be defeated. The bully held too much power, too many
deceiving words and too many years of evidence to back up the lies. The bully stared me right in the face and
explained my lack of value in this world.
The bully was/is me!
Blustering – speaking lies including lack of skill, assurance of
failure, unworthy presence in the world.
Browbeating – constant negative words flooding my thoughts, shouting
lines heard growing up. Habitual cruelty
– every time I walk into a room, my bully ranks my worth compared to others
present; my bully takes disappointment from loved ones and uses that against
me. Insulting – yes, daily. A threat – yes, stealing the joy meant for that
Overtime, the lies have diminished, the battle
lessened and joy filters into the day.
Overtime, I found Someone amongst the thicket of life Whose words sounded
sweeter than any ever heard. He extended
a hand, broke the thick shell and began reconstruction of a shredded
heart. He spoke Truth explaining the
skills instilled in the womb, assurance of peace among the failures and the
beauty in worth consuming His Child. He
constantly spoke positive, encouraging words for every situation. He explained ranking does not exist amongst
His Children – He loves them all the same and finds beauty in all creation,
ranking it VERY GOOD! He provides only
joy, peace, love and comfort along the treacherous path of life.
He defeats my bully every day (more than once a
day)! He was/is/and is to come! He is our Savior. He looked at me before deciding to send me
here and said, “That one: she’s perfect
for the job.” He saved me (physically,
emotionally and spiritually) for some reason.
As I dwell on the why. . .He keeps working it all out!
The same is for you my dear friend. Squash the bullies in life with Truth. Overflow your thoughts with His Word so
nothing heard this side of Heaven can override.
Punch your bully back with PRAYER!
It is in prayer, you will find God waits to speak over the lies, heal
the injuries and walk alongside protecting you.
Live life. . .One Day at a
Sheree Craig