Each year we sit down, stare at a blank piece of
paper and rate the past 364 days of our life.
The rating is based on what society deems ‘good’ and ‘bad’. The decision for change comes from the
opinions of others surrounding us daily.
Comparisons drive us to list how our lives should look in the next 364
Why do we do this to ourselves? Why do we set ourselves up for failure? Creating a list of things to change based on
society and comparisons of those around us leads to disappointment, depression
and defeat.
Disappointment stirs immediately upon creating a
resolution list. With focus on the past,
the words, “I should have. . .”, and, “I wish I could have. . .”, steal any
positive thoughts. Negative focus leads
to emotional damage, which leads to lack of motivation.
Leave the past right
where it lay and focus on success in the present moment.
Depression follows dwelling in the past. One moment after another digs a hole for us
to sit. Unable to see any light, the
spirit becomes weaker by the minute.
Darkness demolishes hope for the future.
Remain in the Light to keep darkness at bay and Hope to guide
each day.
Defeat comes after the moment we realize the resolution
list contains unrealistic tasks. The
list calls for perfection deemed by society.
Perfection cannot be reached in this world. Society consists of wavering expectations
that, if striving to reach such, will cause us to lose our true selves in a
Live as God intended. .
.perfect in our imperfections.
Take a good look in the mirror and smile at the
creation staring back at you. God
created YOU. God created ME. He created each us fully knowing that
mistakes will occur and sin remain.
Imperfect. . .He loves us.
Unworthy. . .He loves us. Lost in
darkness. . .He loves us.
Each day wake up, look to God and stand confidently
on His Truth. Take one step at a time in
full armor (Ephesians 6:10-18) and do the best you know how in the moment you
are handed. Yes, it is a new year; but,
we should be working to mature in Christ every day given to us. This should not be a yearly resolution
list. Throw away the blank paper before
you, open His Word and begin living each day in Christ. You will find life to be full of peace,
purpose and passion.
Peace stirs immediately upon reading His Truth and feeling
the presence of the Holy Spirit amongst the chaos in this world. With focus on the present, use words, such
as, “I can do all things with the strength of Christ.” Positive focus leads to emotional healing
which leads to full motivation to live as God intends.
Purpose reveals when dwelling on the ways to use all
of life’s experiences to build His Kingdom.
Life deals terrible hands to all.
We all struggle in various ways to process life. But, God promises to work all things out for
good. The Holy Spirit will intercede and
speak on our behalf when words cannot come due to unimaginable situations in
this world. Rely on Him and He will come
through for you. He will use every
moment and work mightily through you.
Passion comes as we realize this life is
temporary. God holds a place in His
Kingdom for each believer. He did not
forget us. He remains the same
yesterday, today and tomorrow; unwavering, He provides a solid ground to stand
on daily. The love for life can be found
when focusing on the Eternal life that waits for His believers. We want to take as many people with us to
Heaven; focus on reaching the lost, helping them see the love of Christ.
You are worth more than society’s expectations. You are loved more than you can imagine. You are not a mistake and the past 364 days
do not determine your ranking here in this world. You are cherished.
Live life. . .One Day at a
Sheree Craig